Right now.....

Had a very "interesting" evening
N3 exam tomorrow....Great.
Now my hesitation has completely dissipated
So, yesterday after school we went to the Ward office to fix some papers. I didn't look forward to this trip at all since I don't have ANY nice memories of that place (always have to stand in a long ass line and there's no air con) but....It went surprisingly smooth! We spent maybe...30 min there at the most and got to fill in our new papers and stuff and yeah...everything that I was nervous about with all of the papers and shit is now *poof* GONE.

We rode the tiniest bus ever yesterday. From where I sat there was only like..2 rows of seats behind me. Hahah Chibi Bus!


Not so happy ladies...
After arriving back home we derped around a little bit and then me and Sofia went to the place in the mall next to us. I'd never been there before but Sofia had and boy...talk about good sushi. The quality of the fish was just amazing and to finish it of, I took a sashimi plate (raw fish) Sooooo good~

Tuna sushi! My favorite~

When the evening arrived me and Dena went out for a walk together. Very nice, as always. Talked about the future and stuff. Can't wait!! When we got back home we sat down in the sofa and watched The Walking Dead (Season 1 Ep 2) She's watching the series now and I wanted to watch one episode with her...just for the nostalgic feeling.
Not much has been going on these past two days.
I've been sleepin' like a boss and played Dissidia. Yeah. And studied a little bit...
And the rain season is acting weird. It's not raining. I'm not complaining but...yeah..
Aaaand....what else....In one month I'll be in Sweden. Yeho. I'll celebrate it by posting a "Swedish Problem"

Yup. I'm admitting it. I'm a Lushaholic.
Today after my date with Cath I went to Lush and bought 3 new things:
* Hair treatment
* Hand cream
* Face soap

Hair treatment to the left with the face soap under it...the one to the right is my cuticle lotion from before...dunno where the hand cream ran off to when this pic was taken -___-''
I'm very pleased. But I think I'm gonna have to lay low with my Lushiousness now....my Lush collection has grown a little too fast maybe ^^

All of my Lushiousness!!!
Friends in my heart
Today was a very special day. Why? Because today I got to meet a family member. And I'm not talking about my Swedish family. I'm talking about my crazy family, the one I made in Japan 2 years ago. Today I met Catherine.
Cath is here in Japan on vacation and I got the chance to meet her at Kyoto station. It was unreal. It's been about exactly 2 years since we met each other for the first time. When I met her I just hugged her so hard and almost started crying. I was so happy to see her again. After a few more hugs vi found our way to a cozy café and then we sat down and talked about....everything. It was amazing and such a memorable day. The people I met 2 years ago in Japan really feels like a second family and I love them all so much. It really doesn't matter if we're scattered all over the globe, our friendship is just as strong as it were two years ago.

Catherine <3
Sunday chill~
Today has been a very calm and nice day. Though I feel like I've actually done a few productive stuff today... I'm probably greatly mistaken...
But, I've played alot of Dissidia. It's amazing that game. Could sit for hours and play!
I reviewed next week's grammar. Hell yeah.
I watched some Blue Exorcist and one episode of One Piece.
And..... I read the latest chapters of Naruto. And it made me cry. For real. Sofia had to hug me in order for me to stop. I hate Naruto....no, I love it so much and that's why it makes me cry. Damn it all.
Anyhow, during our "Midsommar" shopping spree i bought a new pair of sandals. Because I need it. Yes. And I actually saw these beauties when I was with Dena in Namba a few weeks back, but I didn't buy them then...and now I found then in Kyoto...on sale!!! So of course I HAD to buy them.

Let me upload the latest of my deliciousness aswell. Cherries and Uji Macha sticks (though I must admit that the stick did taste a bit funky....but oh well)

Field trip - Uji
So today's adventure was going to a place called Uji a little bit outside of Kyoto together with my Kyoto Culture class. We left from Demachiyanagi station around 10:00 and then after one train change we were in Uji!! This place is appearently most famous for it's delicious Macha. And we all know by know how much I looooove macha so I was a happy cat. Now, I'll give you today's adventure...in pictures =)

Tsai and Dena (and Bau to the right ^^)

Walking around in beautiful Uji~

Bau and Anton~

Found some fortunes at a temple~

This one makes no sense....

Traditional Shinto Gate...and a Hyundai. Perfect.

Hydrangea (Sv- Hortensia)!! Almost my new favorite flower (thanks to Dena)

Pretty temple surrounded by bamboo forest

Epic statue

Due to the recent heavy rain the river was very flooded and angry.

Of course I had to buy a macha ice cream!!

Here you can sort of see how much water there is in the river....

Then we went to a site which had a huge temple and a kick ass museum and other cool stuff...

Here's the badass temple. Biyodouin.



Lotus flowers!!


At the last temple we found a dog just chillin'

Found a lantern which said "JR Uji Sation"

Another one that said" Okumura" which is the last name of the main characters of the manga I'm totally in to right now sooo....IT'S AWESOME!!!

Sofia and Lawler!


Lunch!! As you can see, the noodles are green. That's because it's tea flavoured. Sooo good~

And then I bought this. Tea containers. Incredibly beautiful. When I go back to Uji I'm gonna buy more!!!
To sum it up, I had a great day =)
Igår var det midsommar :D YAY!
Vi firade denna högtid med fina kläder i skolan (alla tyckte vi var gorgeous), sen tog vi bussn ner till stan och åt en mumsig lunch och sedan tog vi en liten shoppingtur =)
Sen på kvällen såg vi film, "The Mummy". Mumier och Midsommar går ju som hand i hand =)
Nu slänger jag upp lite bilder från gårdagen så får ni se hur vi firade här i Japan ^^

Vi hade tur med vädret oxå =)

Fina Dena =)

Min midsommar klänning!



Mitt älskade Kyoto.
Separate paths
Saturday morning, and I'm soon to be off to new adventures BUT I figured I need to recap what's happened the past days. Let's take it from Thursday.
So, what happened on Thursday was.....I got to meet Vilhelm again. Yup, he's back from Korea for 2 weeks. He's leaving tomorrow so I'm go happy that I got to see him
We had dinner together. Me, Lawler, Albert, Vincent, Toshiko, Eeku, Yoku, Kaku, Fujimura-Sensei and ofc Ville.
We went to the amazing place where they had this gigantic buffé. They even had a chocolate fountain!! But, sadly, I didn't take any pics of the buffé....

Toshiko and Vincent
Fujimura-Sensei and Eeku


Fujimura-Sensei and Eeku


Then we went to a bar. Yes, a bar. But it was very classy and only us there so it felt ok. But, the calpis soda I chosed was incredibly expensive. Ah well. We sat there, just chatting and laughed for a few hours. Then people left one by one and in the end it was just me, Lawler, Albert and Ville left. Around 1:00 we cought a taxi and went home to my place together (since it's in the middle of where all live) And then I had to say goodbye to Ville again =( But, we had a great evening together and it gives me the feeling to believe that even though we all seperate in the future, we can still see each other =)

A cultural and awesome day
So today was freakin' awesome!
First, we and Sofia got up and walked to Ginkakuji temple where we we're supposed to meet with our dance group at 9:40. Then we walked all together to the house where we we're gonna dance traditional japanese dance.

Our group ~

Sweaty and not so happy girls~
We arrived at a badass house with several cute old ladies running around saying "Goodmorning" smiling happily towards us. These ladies were masters in putting on kimonos and were gonna dress all of us in these traditional garments and then teach us the dance.
I got to pick my own kimono and then she dressed me. She pulled the "Obi" (the band around the stomach) crazy tight but it was ok, she said stuff like" OMG slim" and "Wonderful!! Very good!!" when I was done xD Haha so cute. So yeah, here's me and Sofia wearing the kimono ^^


Then we got to try out the dance. Which was quite difficult to be honest. It's not easy to move around in those kimonos. Afterwards, the dance teacher showed us how real japanese dance looks like and we all sat back and watched.

Then the guy's group came and we took some pictures together.

Then we got to go home after that. Me and Sofia had lunch at Mos Burger, Japan's own hamburger chain. Very interesting to say the least...

After coming home I didn't do much... I took a nap and then after I woke up, all three of us walked to Saizeriya to have dinner. Delicious as always.

First sallad and then tomato spaghetti

Then, after a brief stop at the supermarket to buy snacks we went home and watched Ice Age 2. Awesome day? Oh yeah.

Today's movie snack: Pineapple!!
Typhoon trouble?? Nope.
So yup, the typhoon hit Kyoto today.
The school day started off as usual. Had grammar class together with Lawler which was awesome, and then before lunch we had information about the Culture Day tomorrow. Gonna be aaaawesome~
Then after lunch...we'd just started our afternoon classes and then the principal runs in to our classroom and told us that we had to leave and go home, the typhoon was gonna hit much earlier than expected. We got very disappointed *cough*. "Strong wind" warning had been issued over Kyoto soo.... we all went home.
When we got home, the wind did get stronger. The rain was heavy but not crazy.
Then we decided to have a little party and danced to some old school songs and just had a blast.
After dinner we decided to watch Ice Age. It's seriously been ages since I watched that movie!!! But, we needed snacks. So, we grabbed our umbrellas and defied the typhoon. Hell yeah. Barely got wet. Oh yeah.
The school day started off as usual. Had grammar class together with Lawler which was awesome, and then before lunch we had information about the Culture Day tomorrow. Gonna be aaaawesome~
Then after lunch...we'd just started our afternoon classes and then the principal runs in to our classroom and told us that we had to leave and go home, the typhoon was gonna hit much earlier than expected. We got very disappointed *cough*. "Strong wind" warning had been issued over Kyoto soo.... we all went home.
When we got home, the wind did get stronger. The rain was heavy but not crazy.
Then we decided to have a little party and danced to some old school songs and just had a blast.
After dinner we decided to watch Ice Age. It's seriously been ages since I watched that movie!!! But, we needed snacks. So, we grabbed our umbrellas and defied the typhoon. Hell yeah. Barely got wet. Oh yeah.
Now it's around 21:30 and the wind is not so strong anymore. We we're told it was gonna rage through out the night but....come on, is this all you got?? Not impressed.

"This is your home"
Monday. No Italians at school. Feels empty.
Ah well. After school I went home and had lunch and then I went grocery shopping. I bought some stuff to snack on during studying to make it less boring.

Well I did manage to study a little bit... and we got divided in our new grammar, hearing and reading classes today. I have both grammar and hearing together with Lawler :D YAY!
AND OH! I finished reading the latest arc of the Blue Exorcist manga and that arc is played out in Kyoto :D It felt so weird recognize the places and temples in the manga. I guess I still can't really belive I live in Kyoto...

You can see places like Kinkakuji, Kyomizudera, Fushimi inari, Kamogawa river and the buss station :D HAHA
We've heard reports that a typhoon is closing in on Japan. Appearently it's supposed to hit Kyoto later this week (it's in Okinawa now) ....we'll see what happens...
Sunday shopping~
Today me and Sofia took the bus in to town because....we wanted to :D
First we went to Starbucks and bought something to drink.
Then we went to Avanti and had a blast! That mall is seriously underestimated!! They've gotten in all the pretty summer dresses now and we both went a little crazy. Found two nice dresses but only ended up buying a skirt.
Then we went and had dinner at our favourite Korean restaurant. And boy did we eat. Korean food is fucking spicy but oh so delicious.

We had a very nice Sunday =)
First we went to Starbucks and bought something to drink.

Then we went to Avanti and had a blast! That mall is seriously underestimated!! They've gotten in all the pretty summer dresses now and we both went a little crazy. Found two nice dresses but only ended up buying a skirt.
Then we went and had dinner at our favourite Korean restaurant. And boy did we eat. Korean food is fucking spicy but oh so delicious.

We had a very nice Sunday =)
Defiers of Fate
I can't believe it's been one years since we graduated. One whole year. It seriously feels like yesterday. But oh, how much that has happened this past year. But I miss my epic friend so much. They inspired me so much and still does. It really feels like we can do whatever we want in life. Nothing is impossible! We're all so amazing that if you give us another year, who knows, we might have taken over this world ;D


Those for the purge
So today we had to go to school to take the "fake"- N3 test. This was just so that we could see what lvl we're at and how good our chances to pass the test are.
So the test started at 9:30 and lasted until around 12:10. It felt okay but I need to study more Kanji and practice my reading!!
So after the test me and Sofia went Donq to have lunch. Delicious bread of different sorts and an amazing lasagna got to be my lunch today!



Sofia's amazing mozzarella pizza

After the lunch, me and Sofia walked home and got comfortable in the couch and started watching Pirates of the Carribean 4. I've only seen it once and that was at the cinema. Thing is....I sorta have a hard time counting this as a true Pirates movie....it's good but not great. Ah well, Johnny Depp is in it so at least it's not a waste of time....
Then I got stuck on Tumblr. Damn you Tom Hiddleston.

And then I played some Dissidia and after that I took a nap....when I woke up it was already 19:20 so it was too late to make dinner so I had to go and buy some. Poor me =) Anyway, I ended up with a sallad with some fried shrimps in it and......maguro sashimi!!!! Maguro means tuna in Japanese and it's the most delicious thing you'll ever eat at a sashimi table. Sashimi is, for those who don't know it, raw fish. That's it. So in other words, I bought raw tuna for dinner :D Soooooooo delicious <3
So the test started at 9:30 and lasted until around 12:10. It felt okay but I need to study more Kanji and practice my reading!!
So after the test me and Sofia went Donq to have lunch. Delicious bread of different sorts and an amazing lasagna got to be my lunch today!



Sofia's amazing mozzarella pizza

After the lunch, me and Sofia walked home and got comfortable in the couch and started watching Pirates of the Carribean 4. I've only seen it once and that was at the cinema. Thing is....I sorta have a hard time counting this as a true Pirates movie....it's good but not great. Ah well, Johnny Depp is in it so at least it's not a waste of time....
Then I got stuck on Tumblr. Damn you Tom Hiddleston.

And then I played some Dissidia and after that I took a nap....when I woke up it was already 19:20 so it was too late to make dinner so I had to go and buy some. Poor me =) Anyway, I ended up with a sallad with some fried shrimps in it and......maguro sashimi!!!! Maguro means tuna in Japanese and it's the most delicious thing you'll ever eat at a sashimi table. Sashimi is, for those who don't know it, raw fish. That's it. So in other words, I bought raw tuna for dinner :D Soooooooo delicious <3

Goodbye, Cats and Sushi
3 words to sum up the day.
Today was the last day with the Italians. I haven't really had much time to bond with them as much as I wanted to, but it's always sad to have to say goodbye to nice people. I'm gonna miss 2 of them a little extra, Alessandra and Francesca. Ale is coming back this semester (I think) in August but Francesca and the rest are leaving for real. People cried at the last class today and I totally feel what they were going through. Having to leave a place when all you really wanna do is stay. It sucks. But on the bright side, now I have even more reasons to go to Italy =)
So after school me, Sofia and Lawler took the bus in to the city and went and had some sushi. As always, it was delicious. I loooooove sushi.

And then, my dear friends, we did something that you can only find in a crazy country like Japan. We wen to a cat café. Yes, you read it correctly, a cat café. What it basically is, is a café with cats that you can pet, cuddle and play with. GENIOUS!! I've been missing my cat Sasha so bad lately so this was very much needed!! 1200 yen for 1 hour + drink. Not too bad. And I had a great time! Will definitely go back!

The café

Cutest sleeping cat ever

I loved this cat. His facial expression is priceless

This beauty was acting like such a diva but with those eyes...you forgave her.

Chillin' next to our drinks~

So many cats!! My paradise!

My fave cat finally woke up...just to go and fall asleep on the floor....

This huge cat's name was Kai <3
Then we went to Baskin' Robbins and had ice cream!!
Such an awesome friday. Tomorrow is the "fake"-test for the N3 so that sucks... gotta be at school on a saturday. Oh well, I'm just gonna go and buy some dinner now and then stay inside the whole evening together with my dear friends called Anime and Manga <3
Today was the last day with the Italians. I haven't really had much time to bond with them as much as I wanted to, but it's always sad to have to say goodbye to nice people. I'm gonna miss 2 of them a little extra, Alessandra and Francesca. Ale is coming back this semester (I think) in August but Francesca and the rest are leaving for real. People cried at the last class today and I totally feel what they were going through. Having to leave a place when all you really wanna do is stay. It sucks. But on the bright side, now I have even more reasons to go to Italy =)
So after school me, Sofia and Lawler took the bus in to the city and went and had some sushi. As always, it was delicious. I loooooove sushi.

And then, my dear friends, we did something that you can only find in a crazy country like Japan. We wen to a cat café. Yes, you read it correctly, a cat café. What it basically is, is a café with cats that you can pet, cuddle and play with. GENIOUS!! I've been missing my cat Sasha so bad lately so this was very much needed!! 1200 yen for 1 hour + drink. Not too bad. And I had a great time! Will definitely go back!

The café

Cutest sleeping cat ever

I loved this cat. His facial expression is priceless

This beauty was acting like such a diva but with those eyes...you forgave her.

Chillin' next to our drinks~

So many cats!! My paradise!

My fave cat finally woke up...just to go and fall asleep on the floor....

This huge cat's name was Kai <3
Then we went to Baskin' Robbins and had ice cream!!

Such an awesome friday. Tomorrow is the "fake"-test for the N3 so that sucks... gotta be at school on a saturday. Oh well, I'm just gonna go and buy some dinner now and then stay inside the whole evening together with my dear friends called Anime and Manga <3
Glory's Fanfare
Okey. The test results. Here's my scores:
Hearing: 70 %
Grammar: 67/100 p
Reading: 53 %
Kanji/Vocabulary: 75/100 p
Essay: 70 %
Which means...I passed all but the reading part xD Hahaha!! But aaaaalot of people failed grammar so I'm happy I managed to pass that part (somehow). Now I know that I have to study harder if I wanna jump up to upper level next semester!!!
After school I stayed a little bit together with Albert and we toasted the victory over the middle-terms with some Calpis Soda =) Even though my results could've been much better, I'm still happy I passed.
When I got home I watched more Blue Exorcist and squeeled a little bit. Then I had a dinner....salmon, asparagus, soba-noodles and iced tea! Perfect for hot days!!

Dinner!! The sauce in the pink cup is a kind of sauce that you dip the noodles in..delicious!!
Well my friends, we got our test results back today...BUT before I write anything about that, I need to make a post about yesterdays party.

So, at around 18:45 we all gathered outside of Loft and the only ones that couldn't make it was the other Swedish in my class, Anton and DenDen and one of our 3 teachers. Then we walked to this Izakaya which was underground and is was very clean and nice. And then the party just begun. PHOTOBOMB!

Posing with a fake smile ^^

Raku-San and I-San :D


Edamame!! Delicious beans..

Calpis! All I need~

Then the food started rolling in~

Not everything was delicious though...this is fish eggs with seaweed...nasty as hell.

You-San, Te-San och Raku-San =D


I-San, Kaji-Sensei (my favorite teacher!!) Rin-San and Me :D

Alessandra and Booru-San (notice how red he is xD)

And finally, the guys together with the teachers =)
So yeah, I had fun.
Face it Later
It went muuuuch better today than it did yesterday. The word/Kanji part was not that difficult but definitely not easy either, and the hearing part was ok. I just hope that yesterday's immense failure wont bring me down too much....We'll get back the results tomorrow soo....we'll see how this ends....
Tonight it's classparty. The Italians are leaving this weekend so....yeah. I'm a little nervous since we're going to a Izakaya with "drink and eat all you want" and...well we know what I think about being around drunk people by now. I think I'm gonna sit next to Te-San and You-San, two sweet Taiwanese girls that I feel quite safe with and keep a little bit of a distance to the Italians who'll propably go all in. Anyway, I think it might be fun. Goind out in the middle of the week is gonna fuck up my brain but....who cares =)

I started watching the Blue Exorcist anime today when I got home and omg.....it gave my newest fandom a crazy lvl up. I'm so happy <3
Failure and then a brief respite
Today did not go well.

The grammar part was sooo difficult and the reading part just ridiculous.
An utter failure is what it was...
Ah well, after the tests, my and my roomates went to have lunch together. We laughed alot and I totally forgot about the morning's fiasco.

We also practiced our "pretty" faces....


Huge omelette with rice inside, topped with spicy tomato sauce with bacon <3
Then we went and did a little grocery shopping and then when I got home I started studying....but I felt like a zombie so I took a nap. When I woke up, I played a little Dissidia and now I'm sitting here on the floor, writing this. I know I should study, but I feel so tired (did not sleep well last night) and... yeah... we'll see what happens.
Btw, my mom wanted to see a pic of my new bag. Here you go mom:

I really, really like it :D
No more
Today's studying has been intense. I've crammed in I don't know how many Kanji but the grammar (from the more difficut book)....it just wont stick in my brain. I read it. Sorta get it. Then it's gone. Then I re-read it. Kinda get's it. Then it's gone again. Repeat.

Ah well...we'll see what happens tomorrow. I'm gonna try to get a good night sleep now.


Day off in Osaka~
Yesterday me and Dena went to Osaka. There's no words in any language that can describe how much I love that city. I thought I needed one day off the studying and just have fun and do a little shopping.

So yeah, me and Dena left the apartment around 10:30 and walked down to the city and then took the Hankyuu train to Umeda station. After that, we took the subway to Namba. That's where they have H&M, Bershka and much much more <3

Me and Dena on the train~

Busy streets of Namba

The H&M building~
And then the shopping started. Sadly enough, I didn't find anything at Bershka. Sure I found a few things but...they were not worth the money and I felt like I really didn't....need them at all. Then I went to Lush and I bought the biggest chunk of the "Rockstar" soap they had xD Hahah but I really looove the scent and it feels so nostalgic so I don't really care ^^ Then we went to H&M and I bought 2 basic tank tops and a dress. I really liked it and summer in Japan demands dresses!!!
Then we went to McDonald's for lunch!! I really like McDonald's more in Japan than in Sweden. Their menu is much better and the fries more delicious!!


After lunch, we went and had some frozen yoghurt! It was sooo good~ First you took a cup and then you could take any flavor you liked (and they had alot of delicious ones!!) and then you chosed your topping (and they had everything from chocolate sause to fruit to nuts) and then they weighed it all and then you payed. So clever!!

Choose your flavors~

Then you take your topping~

My masterpiece! Chocolate, cheesecake and vanilla flavored frozen yoghurt with strawberries, walnuts, chocolate sauce and a cookie =)
After eating our frozen yoghurt, we went back to Umeda. Then we walked to our favorite "bookstore" and bought "books". Then we walked around a little more and just looked into random stores and stuff. Then we took the Hankyuu back home to Kyoto. Once at home, we stopped by at Loft and Dena bought a notebook and and took a quick trip to Sanjo Cupola where I bought a new bag. Carrying my old one on my back is not nice now then the crazy heat has arrives ( it gets very hot as you may understand) so I bought a shoulder bag that I've been looking at since a few weeks back...
So yeah, yesterday was AMAZING!!! Today I'm just gonna stay inside and study for the tests in Monday and Tuesday. Yehoo....
Fridaaaay~ Weho!

After school me, Dena, Sofia and Lawler went to Saizeriya to have lunch together.
As always, I had a great time.
Afterwards we went to Mister Donut and then we bought some Ramune. Tonight is movie night, so you need some snacks. Before that, I'm gonna study some Kanji and vocabulary.

A slow Thursday~
I had a dream about japanese grammar last night.....
Anyway, today was a very slow day.
It was around 30 C outside today.
The air conditioners were running on full power in almost every classroom which gave me a terrible headache. My whole body felt heavy and during the last class, I could barely lift my arm. Nice summertime in Japan.....
During class today, we decided to have a class party next Tuesday (after the tests) since the Italians are leaving next Sunday. It's gonna be weird when they're gone...and a lot more quieter.
During "reading" class we read each others fortune and love in our palms. You know, palm reading. And we read horoscopes. Appearently, my upcoming "unlucky-day" is the 11 of June....that's one of the middle term test days. Feels good......but another guy in my class (who we call "the crazy Chinese guy" because he looks....evil) also has the same misfortune as I do soo....we can fail together.
After school me and Sofia went grocery shopping. I bought some dinner because I felt too hot to stand in the kitchen making food.

My dinner~
I also bought some study-snacks. One of them being something that I used to eat together with my old host family back in 2010. Felt very nostalgic to eat them again almost 2 years later...
And after that, I started studying. I finished reviewing the difficult grammar book and now I "only" have the usual grammar, Kanji and vocabulary left.....yay.
Black Butler and Very Berry
Today I had my presentation about Kuroshitsuji. It went well and later me and Dena just sat and talked about how hot and awesome the characters in the manga are. Aaaah~

4 of the 5 Kuroshitsuji manga I bought here in Japan~
After school, me and Albert went to a cafe called Very Berry Café to study. I'd never been there before but I really really like it. Cafés here in Japan are always so cozy and nice. Anyway, we sat there a few hours...and I opened my grammar book...and that's about as much studying we did. Yup......

Delish smoothie I had~

So now I'm gonna try and make up for it. Then treat myself to some Dissidia!
I'm so tired.
Still trying my best to study.
Gonna stay after school and study grammar tomorrow....
I just want it to be Saturday....
The rainy season is about to begin soon...yay.
Ah well. I'm in Japan. I'm happy =)
Now I'm gonna play some Dissidia.

Soooooo awesome~
Skype date & Spacing-out date
well well. One week to middle-term tests. Yay....
Today me and Sofia had a lovely lunch together after school and then we went home and started studying. It went pretty well. I think listening to the Gazette helped alot.
Theeeen I was late for my skype date with Maja (again) but we managed to catch up alot. Talked about FF XIII-2, plans for the summer and Avengers. Gooood how I need to watch that movie. I've started to space out more during class....I call it my Loki-Time <3

Indeed you are <3
bajs + najs
Sorry att jag bloggat så dåligt senaste tiden men som sagt, i fredags så var jag tvungen att dra en total systemrensning av min dator och återställa den till hur den var när jag köpte den. ALLA program försvann ju så jag har suttit i 2 dar och försökt fixa med den så att den kan användas som förut. Går sådär...Facebook funkar bara på firefox nu, lyckas inte fixa E-leg saken som behövs för CSN, kan inte skriva dokument som förut för Microsoft Office är borta, kan inte lägga in bilder från kameran för insallations CDn är hemma i Sverige och allt är bara en enda röra.

MEN, nog om det. Hade det jättemysigt i fredags. Stack på cafe tsm med Albert igen efter skolan och sen på kvällen drog jag, Dena, Sofia, Tsai, Bau, Anton och Lawler ut och åt Yakiniku. Alltid lika gott och trevligt.


Sen tog vi lite Purikura
Had to remove everything and start over from the beginning with my computer.
I have nothing left on it. All programs are gone. Have to reinstall everything.
Facebook wont work. Having trouble downloading firefox (I need that to enter CSN's website and they sent me a message that I have to check)
But....other than that, I think it's working.
I have reinstalled Norton now soo...yeah.
it's gonna be a fun day..............Lucky that yesterday was amazing.