I'm back!
Soo... about 5 weeks ago my laptop broke. And today I finally got it back. Hence my absence here...
Imma try to step it up!
So what's new? I've completed my internship at the Asia and Pacific department and I am currently working in the archive at the MFA. I really like it so far and my new collegues are super sweet.
After work today, I went to a park to play some soccer with some other collegues. It was really fun! I'm gonna try to make this a thing and meet up and play with them every Monday!
Ok that'll be it for now, I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do since I've been away from my computer for over a month! See ya!
A week
(DAMN IT I forgot to post this last weekend. Ugh... Ok whatever, while reading this, just pretend that is is Saturday 5/5, ok?)
This week has had everything, kinda. So I was off work mon, tues and wednesday which was awesome. I've already written about monday in my earlier post, and tuesday was super chill and I didn't even leave the apartment and skyped with Dena. On Wednesday I went back to Mr. Cake (because I am obsessed) and had their white chocolate raspberry cheesecake (one of the best cheesecakes I've ever had) and sat there writing on my intership report. Good times.
This week has had everything, kinda. So I was off work mon, tues and wednesday which was awesome. I've already written about monday in my earlier post, and tuesday was super chill and I didn't even leave the apartment and skyped with Dena. On Wednesday I went back to Mr. Cake (because I am obsessed) and had their white chocolate raspberry cheesecake (one of the best cheesecakes I've ever had) and sat there writing on my intership report. Good times.

Thursday was a looong day (had like... 55 emails that waited on me when I got back) and I stayed late at work and then went to the gym together with Tove to attend a Bodycombat class. It was awesome!
Yesterday we had a big meeting during the morning and then our group had lunch together since one of my collegues is moving and it was his last day. My group (the East Asian group) is so amazing and sweet and I just...don't wanna leave them. I only have a month left! And then after lunch... I got some really good news :))) which was awesome! More about that later...
After work I stopped by and home and changed my clothes and then went to Sthlm Södra to meet up with Jonathan and together we took the train to Anton's. We had planned an evening of even more boardgames, and Jonathan had brough a fresh new one for us to try out! It was called Azul and was a strategic type of game. I won the first round and Anton won the second round (but only because I failed to stop him even though it was obvious...Jonathan thought me and Anton was teaming against him hahah). We also made delicious pasta and just had a really chill evening.
After work I stopped by and home and changed my clothes and then went to Sthlm Södra to meet up with Jonathan and together we took the train to Anton's. We had planned an evening of even more boardgames, and Jonathan had brough a fresh new one for us to try out! It was called Azul and was a strategic type of game. I won the first round and Anton won the second round (but only because I failed to stop him even though it was obvious...Jonathan thought me and Anton was teaming against him hahah). We also made delicious pasta and just had a really chill evening.

Mr Cake and Infinity War
Today I did two things that I have been looking forward to for MONTHS. Here we go! (Oh btw maybe I should point out that I've taken today and Wednesday off from my internship due to all the overtime I did earlier this month)
First thing: Mr. Cake. Yup. Today I finally managed to go there and try their delicious stuff. Me and Sofia went there for breakfast and I got their breakfast package consisting of a sandwhich (suuuper good), juice and tea. I also got their famous red velvet croissant. It was so good I almost wanted to scream. I'm actually considering going back there on Wednesday alone just to taste their cakes. Cause the thing is, at around 10:30 ish it got super crowded and me and Sofia, who was planning on going for a round two getting some cake, decided to give up and leave and save the cake for another time. And that time might just be on Wednesday...
First thing: Mr. Cake. Yup. Today I finally managed to go there and try their delicious stuff. Me and Sofia went there for breakfast and I got their breakfast package consisting of a sandwhich (suuuper good), juice and tea. I also got their famous red velvet croissant. It was so good I almost wanted to scream. I'm actually considering going back there on Wednesday alone just to taste their cakes. Cause the thing is, at around 10:30 ish it got super crowded and me and Sofia, who was planning on going for a round two getting some cake, decided to give up and leave and save the cake for another time. And that time might just be on Wednesday...

Look at this beauty.
Second thing: Avengers: Infinity War. Yeeeeeeeeeeees!!! I am not gonna spoil the movie but damn.... it was insane. I really really liked it. Much better than Age of Ultron I think. It was so dope seeing the whole gang together (with some new characters that wasn't in the earlier Avengers movies) and just... kick ass!

Sofia's cup vs My cup (which is such a perfect size!)
Tonight I was gonna go to the gym but I was so tired so I just gave up. I am still like... 4 h behind on sleep since the weekend so gotta try and sleep early tonight.
Cherry blossom day and gaming night
Yesterday I met up with Anton in Kungsan to check the Cherry Blossom Day celebrations. The sakura hadn't started blossoming yet but still, there were soooo many people there, it was insane. We walked around a bit, tried to find our friend's stall but couldn't find it, and check out all the different stalls. Not too interesting to be honest. Waaay too many people.

So we decided to walk through Gamla Stan (stopping by Stikki Nikki for some gelato ofc) and then walked over to Slussen to catch a buss to Jonathan's place. I haven't seen him in a few months (it's been way too long) and the three of us spent the evening playing board games, cooking and eating dinner and just having a great time. The first game we played was called Century Golem Edition and the second one was called Ghost Stories. I won the first one and the second one we played co-op against the game. And we died...pretty badly. Anyways, I had a great time and we need to meet up the three of us much more often!

Chinese and noodles
Hanna came to Stockholm late on Saturday evening and spent the night at my place! It was super nice having her here. We talked about languages, China, work etc. Then on Sunday I followed her to a...Chinese speking competition that she had entered. Sofia also came there and we sat there rooting for Hanna! She was SO FREAKING GOOD!! Her Chinese is goals. We also went and had a fika break at Espresso House and just chilled a bit. The whole competition thingy was pretty awesome and really made me wanna start studying Chinese....some time..... probs.... in a few years.... or so.

At around 15:00 ish I had to leave and then later met up with Maja! She was here in Sthlm for business and wanted a place to crash and hey, my place is always open! We met in Slussen and walked to Ai Ramen. I have never been there before but always wanted to try it out! Maja got the Sthlm Shoyu and I got the Red Hot with Gochujang. Mine was... really good. REALLY spicy! But the noodles were pretty sad. Maja's was kinda the same. The broth wasn't that good and the noodles weren't that good either. And those two are the MOST IMPORTANT in a ramen! Nah, the gochujang saved mine but Blue Light Yokohama remains the best Ramen place in Sthlm.

Another intense week at UD is upon us but on Satuday I CAN FINALLY BREATH AGAIN I can't wait!
This week has been kinda insane at work. Working overtime almost every day, being super tired when I finally got home... gotta rest and recharge this weekend.
But on Monday I finished playing Horizon Zero Dawn. Such an amazing game. Really loved it and Aloy is so badass.
Then on Wednesday I met up with Sofia and our newfound friend Shiori for dinner. Shiori is studying here in Stockholm for one year and we decided to meet up and get to know each other better. We had dinner at Sophie's Canelé which was super good. I didn't even know they had dinner there! All three of us got galettes and then we shared some desserts which were insaaane. Such a nice evening!

Tomorrow I am just gonna focus on reading and studying and then Hanna will come and stay here until Sunday. On Sunday she is entering a Chinese language competition. HOW COOL?! Me and Sofia are gonna go there for moral support....even though we won't understand a word of it all hahah. Then Maja will come later on Sunday and sleep over until Monday~
As you would say in Swedish: FULL RULLE!
Easter etc
Soo ehh... 'sup?
I've been having too much fun to sit down and blog. Ok that's not entirely true. After I got back from Copenhagen I got sick and had to stay at home for a few days... but it was alright, I played ALOT of Horizon Zero Down (nope still not done, got like 1 mission left). Me and Sofia met up after I started feeling better and made some Hoddeok and watched "The Disaster Artist" which was FREAKING AMAZING.
Then last week.... was Easter. I met up with Iris for dinner earlier last week which was as awesome as always.

I was in Umeå from Thursday to Monday. During that time I relaxed at home with my parent, met up with Ina, hanged out with Dena, had amazing fika at Hanna's, celebrated Otto's birthday with his family, met my cousin and their new daughter... did I forget anything? Hope not. I had such a great time.

Sasha <3

Ina. Snö.

Hannas cake skills are insane. Matcha prinsesstårta!!!

Pink skies~
This week has been fine but I now that next week is gonna be INSANE. Because of work that is. I am a little bit excited, kinda stressed but still... happy?
Copenhagen with Catherine
So last Friday I took a flight to Copenhagen to hang out with my old friend Catherine. She's doing her internship there this semester and we figured that this opportunity was too good to pass!
The trip there went smoothly and at Kastrup I bought a 72h pass for the metro and busses etc. Very convenient. So I went in to central Copenhagen and waited an hour or so until Catherine got off work. After a short stop at Nyhavn for some photos we went to a Japanese/Korean restaurant and had an epic dinner. It was so good!! We also sat there chatting and catching up. I mean, we haven't actually seen each other in 2 ½ years!! After dinner we went to her apartment. It was super big and really nice! Such a good first day.

On the second day we went for brunch at a place called Yolk. It was very good and the interior was super pretty. Then we walked around and saw the parliament, walked down Strøget etc. We bought some pasteries from Lagkagehuset which is like...my favourite place from now on. A MUST IN COPENHAGEN!! We spent the evening inside and made home made gyoza and jabje and talked for hours about everything.

On the last day we went to another brunch place called Mad & Kaffe which was INSANE. One of the best brunches I've ever had I think. They served small dishes and you ordered either 3, 5 or 7. I got 7....plus vanilla chai latte. I was so full after that...Then we went to a biiiig mall...Fisketorvet I think it's called. Very nice and clean. Didn't buy anything since the Danish krona is ridiculously expensive. Then we went to the palace and then the "Lille havfrue". She was very pretty, esp with the water from the waves turning to ice around her. Then we bought some more pasteries from Lagkagehuset and went back home for tea. We sat there once again talking about EVERYTHING and I am just so happy to have met someone like Catherine...she is so unique and I just aaaah <3.

Then at around 17 ish she followed me to the station and to say goodbye...or not goodbye, just "see you soon". That feels much better. But yeah we had such a great weekend together with lots of food, talking, relaxing and just having great fun. I can't wait to see her again!!
I was gonna write yesterday....but I got sidetracked playing with my new blonde wig and make up. Oops.
Anyway. Some pics from when I hanged out with my GU gurls LAST Sunday (not yesterday). I always feel so good after having hanging with them...they are so amazing and inspiring and just uuugh <3

Taco pie <3

A classic <3
The past weekend was pretty awesome though. Ate alot. Played alot of games. A well earned re-run of Overcooked. Bless that game.
This and Last week
It has been sportlov this week here in Sthlm and not much happening at all, at work or outside. Half of my group at UD has been away and I was there like....happ? Hahah naah but it was fine. I got some stuff done.
BUT the week before that, me and Sofia met up with Satsuki who was in town! Our dear Satsuki <3 We had dinner at Därmedpasta together, then we went to my place for desserts and tea. We always have such a good time together. Talking both about random silly stuff but also more serious topics. I miss having her here in Sthlm so much....

The best picture I got of the three of us xD

Then, last Saturday I hanged with Anton and watched him play some KH1. For me, watching someone play video games is aaaalmost just as fun as playing myself. I love it. And before that we went and shared a HUGE kebab plate. It was insane. And so good.

It's difficult to see exactly how huge the plate is but trust me...it's BIG.
Also, last Sunday me and Sofia chilled hardcore and made Korean deep fried chicken and watched Disney movies. It was lit.
Also, last Sunday me and Sofia chilled hardcore and made Korean deep fried chicken and watched Disney movies. It was lit.
BUT YES no particular news from this week though...
This week's moments
Aaand yet another week has passed! Didn't happen that much this week...I was working on a "project" thingy this week at work which took up most of my time. Although, here's a few things I did this past week:
On Valentine's Day (eww), I went and saw Black Panther with Sofia!! We met up for dinner first (Bibimbap!!) and then we went to the cinema after that. And omg...there were so many people there. And seriously, like 75% of the audience were black. I felt blessed. And the movie was absolutely amazing. AMAZING I TELL YOU!

Then yesterday, I went on a house warming party at my friend Emy's place. She had made food from all the different countries where she has lived (Thailand, Scotland and Morocco). It was super nice meeting her friends and eating tons of food and just hang out!

Today I went with Pegah from work and her friend to the East Asian Museum. An acquaintance of mine was having a Pop-Up café there and we were really excited to eat some Japanese cakes! The line was...intense. We were there 20 min before they opened and we still had to wait more than 2 hours to make our order. There were tons of people there and the girls working there did such a great job! I got a matcha roll cake and cheese soufflé (for take away) and Pegah got their Yuzu rare cheesecake and Cornelia had their kabocha tarte (and shortcake for take away). I don't regret going there for one second and the whole waiting process wasn't that bad when you are in a good company!

A week of sweets etc
I feel like I ate a lot of delicious things last week...
On Tuesday, I met up with Sofia and we went to a new churros place at Rådmansgatan. We shared some churritos and took some Nutella dip and Arequipe dip. It was insanely good.

Then on Thursday me and my two intern collegues/friends had an AW at Shanti Gossip. It's my second time being there and my god....the food is so GOOD!!

On Friday we enjoyed a super pretty Olympic Games cake at work! People even dressed up for the occasion with funny, old sports gear etc. It was awesome.

On Saturday I met up with Clara (who was in Sthlm over the weekend), Alona and Vicky (and Bailys <3) and together we went to Taxinge Castle for epic fika. And omg...it was epic. They had several cakes and cookies and it wasn't even expensive. I was in cake heaven.


Nougat cake, jitterbug cookie and salted caramel tartelette (which contained licorice -_- )


In the evening I met up with only Clara and went for sushi at Esa Sushi in St. Eriksplan. We ordered TONS of sushi and I almost ate until I felt sick hahah. It was so good!

30 pieces of sushi...amazin.
Yesterday I met up with Clara and Alona at Älskade Traditioner and tried their Semla Waffle. It was actually really good! They just combined two awesome things.

It was so much fun seeing Clara again. We have so much fun together and I truly miss our time in London together...I hope I can go and visit her soon.
A few days with mom & semlaaa
Aaaand it's Sunday again. This week really went by super fast. My mom came to visit last Sunday and stayed until Tuesday evening, and during that time we managed to eat tons of good food, do some shopping and also relax and watch movies. It was super!

Fika at Starbucks~

The BEST ramen in Stockholm at Blue Light Yokohama!

Dim sum at Waipo~

A quick, easy dinner at Joe & the Juice~
On Thursday we had an introduction day at UD with all the new interns and it was really great and informative! I still kinda can't....believe I am an intern at UD yet. Strange.
Yesterday I met up with Anton in Hagsätra to eat a semla...yes, I went all the way to Hagsätra just for a Semla. (Which reminds me of when me and Maja went to Ö-vik just to eat at Burger King, but I digress). I had read that they would have the legendary Prinsess semla (at least they had it last year) but alas, they did not have it. Although, they did have a Nutella Semla which I tried and it was really good! The bread was almost crispy and not soft like a usual semla and it fitted really well with the smooth nutella...it was awesome. Then we went back to my place and played some video games and later went for chinese food. It was a classic, epic Saturday night.
Yesterday I met up with Anton in Hagsätra to eat a semla...yes, I went all the way to Hagsätra just for a Semla. (Which reminds me of when me and Maja went to Ö-vik just to eat at Burger King, but I digress). I had read that they would have the legendary Prinsess semla (at least they had it last year) but alas, they did not have it. Although, they did have a Nutella Semla which I tried and it was really good! The bread was almost crispy and not soft like a usual semla and it fitted really well with the smooth nutella...it was awesome. Then we went back to my place and played some video games and later went for chinese food. It was a classic, epic Saturday night.

Look at this little baby!

Anton! :D
Another week
First off, shout out to Sunday last week together with Sofia. We went to MOS and just walked around looking through shops, eating goof food, fika and just having fun. It was really nice. And I actually wore 男装(dansou = boy's style) and even though I felt a bit nervous it was hella fun!

Oh hi there.

So another week has passed of my internship. I have moved office (due to...stuff) so now I sit with the other interns at ASO. To be honest, I am kinda living for it. Hahah they're both awesome and we chat inbetween our tasks etc and I really enjoy it. But I think I'll move back to my old office in another week or so...We also had lunch at Rosenbad on Thursday and it was pretty incredible. I was so nervous walking in there but it was soooo pretty and bright and the food was really good! Definitely going back there!

Peasoup and pancakes!

Tonight I'm gonna meet up with Anton and cook (TACOS) and then plaaaaay! "Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime" is not only charming af but super fun! And tomorrow....my mom comes here <3 She's actually already here with work but we'll meet up tomorrow and she'll stay until Tuesday. It's gonna be lovely!
First week at UD
My first full week as an intern at UD is over! I had my "actual" first day on Friday last week but...yeah. This week has gone by both quickly and slowly at times. There's a lot of stuff to learn here in the beginning and new words etc. But everyone at my department are super nice and patient with me! And the other interns are awesome as well! I think this will be a VERY interesting semester and that I'll learn tons of things.

But, I didn't just work at UD this week. No, on Wednesday after work I went and met up with my girls and made dinner and chilled. We also wished Emma good luck who's doing her internship in Kenya (she left yesterday!). How cool?! I'm so proud of ALL of my GU girls. They are all so inspiring and strong and I just... <3.

Then on Thursday I met up with Dad who was in town for dinner. We went to Tiflisi (that Georgian place I went to with Anton on my birthday) because I knew Dad would love it. And he did! Then we went to Pizza Hut for dessert lol. Their cookie dough dessert ain't playing.

Cheese filled kebab!!



Blurry picture of my sceptical face, taken by Dad... ^^'

2018 & Umeå
So after a nice New Year's eve together with Sofia in Stockholm, where we ate SO MUCH GOOD FOOD and watched 君の名は (finally), the next day I grabbed a flight back to Umeå. I spent 10 days there hanging out with friends, spending time with my family, relaxing and eating sooo much. I am not joking when I am saying that I have never been this heavy in my entire life. I even passed last years post-christmas weight. Not feeling too stressed about it though. But anyways, I didn't take many photos during my days in Umeå, but here are some at least:

Immediately after dropping of my bags at home I took the car to Dena's to sit down and write our New Year's resolutions. This is our thing, and I love it <3

Went out two times during last week together with Dena to teach her snowboarding. She did an amazing job and I also got the chance to ride a bit. I've missed my board so much.


Knäckepizza 2.0!

Fika with the relatives~

Some poop shaped snacks me and Maja made. We had such a nice and chill evening <3 I've missed her so much...

Having lunch with Mom at Rex.

Went out two times during last week together with Dena to teach her snowboarding. She did an amazing job and I also got the chance to ride a bit. I've missed my board so much.


Knäckepizza 2.0!

Fika with the relatives~

Some poop shaped snacks me and Maja made. We had such a nice and chill evening <3 I've missed her so much...

Tarot reading for 2018!!!
I also met with Ina two times too but I don't seem to have any pics of it... ah well, it was awesome like always! Today I've been cleaning up, doing some grocery shopping, played some Horizon (damn I've missed Aloy) and mentally prepping for tomorrow...holy shit.
Christmas and back and forth
So last Thursday evening, exactly one week ago on the 21st, I went up to Umeå to celebrate Christmas with my family. It was super chill, just the four of us plus Snax. We ate tons of food, played alot boardgames and video games and just had a great time together. I barely left the couch for 3 days lol. Me and mom watched some movies, some youtube vids like we always do together.


Half of Snax looks so much like Sasha...but she's 100x crazier.

On Tuesday evening I met up with Dena and we just catched up and re-watched Descendants 2 again (it's so awesome omg). Then yesterday, on Wednesday, I had lunch with my cousins together with my family. It was nice that I had some time over so I could see them too.
I came back to Stockholm super early this morning, so I went straight to bed and slept for like 4 hours until I decided it was time to go up...I am spending the rest of the week here in Stockholm (as well as New Year's Eve) and then I'll go back up to Umeå on Monday for 10 days. This going back and forth is a bit annoying only because it's time consuming, otherwise it's alright...getting a little bit of both is great!
Episode Ignis (aka episode return of ANGST)
Okay so this is purely a post about me ranting about the new FFXV dlc so, if you don't care just skip. Spoilers ahead (kinda, a bit at least).
SOooooooooooo....Square Enix....I am upset. Not because Episode Ignis wasn't good (it was amazing) but because last night was like a rewind to when I finished the game back in whatever (earlier this year). Like.... ofc it wasn't AS BAD as then (oh god never again plz) but still.... it cleared up so many things and but also made me feel... I don't know, sad af? The alternate ending.... I can't believe I am saying this, but I prefer the OG ending. Along with the angst and tears. Like, I will 認め the alternate ending as just that, an alternate ending. What COULD'VE happened. But... due to made choices, it didn't. People can choose whatever they want but for me, it's only the OG ending that I will...認める。I do feel like it was a biiiiiit shitty of SE to wait an entire year to release this. Like, this episode was MAJOR and filled in so many holes in the og storyline. Not saying that episode Gladio and episode Promto were unimportant but like...this episode was just on a different scale, you know.
and Ignis..... with his hair down....boiii. Not cool. His and Nocts relationship just got so much deeper in the episode and truly showed their special bond AND I'M JUST
But yeah whatever, I am a mess. I honestly couldn't sleep last night because of this dlc and when I actually fell asleep I just dreamt about the chocobros....uuuuugh.
There we go, rant over.
Catching up~
Yesterday I actually went outside 3 times! Crazy, right? First, I went grocery shopping in the morning. Then, around noon I went for a consultation about a tattoo I wanna get next year. Theeeen in the evening I FINALLY met up with my dear Alona again. We've been trying to meet up for like...3 months. It's just ridiculous but that's the adult life I guess. But yes, we met up after she got off work and went to Mariatorget to get some food at Barobao. I haven't been there in like... 1 ½ year haha. Like, it's good....like REALLY good....but not actually worth the money in my opinion. But since neither of us were starving, it was a pretty good choice I think. So we sat there a while, catching up and talking about EVERYTHING.

Then we went to Blå Fotöljen for dessert. Also a place I haven't been to in like forever...

It was such a great night. I've been missing her so much...I hate not being able to see my friends as often as I like. But these kinds of catch-up nights are awesome <3
Soo....I keep getting older lol.
Yesterday morning, I slept in and when I woke up I talked to Mom on the phone and then I chilled in bed a bit before I got up to make some tea. I am currently dricking a strong Assam tea every morning, which is just lovely. While drinking that, I watched some Dan & Phil vids (bless gamingmas) and then I made some sandwhiches and then american pancakes with maple suryp and bacon. It was lit.
Then I played some Horizon Zero Dawn until I met up with Anton at around 14:30 in Hornstull. We bought some snacks then went back to my place to play some RE6. We were at the final chapter with Chris and Piers but...we got stuck at the boss. So we had to stop at around 16:30 to go and catch the bus to Fridhemsplan. There, we had booked a table at Tiflisi, a Georgian restaurant where I've been wanting to go for ages. We ordered a dish each and then their cheese bread to share. Everything was DELICIOUS. I need to go back there.

Anton bending down to be as short as me amused me...

After dinner we went back to my place and continued playing RE6 (we finally got passed the boss and continued with Jake and Sherry's campaign) while snacking on ALL THE SNACKS. We played until like 23:00 and then we turned the PS4 off and just sat on the floor chatting until after midnight when Anton took the train back home.
It was such a nice birthday. And thanks again for all the birthday wishes etc. I am so lucky to have so many sweet people around me, both far away and close. Thanks you all <3