A cultural and awesome day
So today was freakin' awesome!
First, we and Sofia got up and walked to Ginkakuji temple where we we're supposed to meet with our dance group at 9:40. Then we walked all together to the house where we we're gonna dance traditional japanese dance.

Our group ~

Sweaty and not so happy girls~
We arrived at a badass house with several cute old ladies running around saying "Goodmorning" smiling happily towards us. These ladies were masters in putting on kimonos and were gonna dress all of us in these traditional garments and then teach us the dance.
I got to pick my own kimono and then she dressed me. She pulled the "Obi" (the band around the stomach) crazy tight but it was ok, she said stuff like" OMG slim" and "Wonderful!! Very good!!" when I was done xD Haha so cute. So yeah, here's me and Sofia wearing the kimono ^^


Then we got to try out the dance. Which was quite difficult to be honest. It's not easy to move around in those kimonos. Afterwards, the dance teacher showed us how real japanese dance looks like and we all sat back and watched.

Then the guy's group came and we took some pictures together.

Then we got to go home after that. Me and Sofia had lunch at Mos Burger, Japan's own hamburger chain. Very interesting to say the least...

After coming home I didn't do much... I took a nap and then after I woke up, all three of us walked to Saizeriya to have dinner. Delicious as always.

First sallad and then tomato spaghetti

Then, after a brief stop at the supermarket to buy snacks we went home and watched Ice Age 2. Awesome day? Oh yeah.

Today's movie snack: Pineapple!!