Ugh. One word has never said so much.....
No but honestly, that's exactly how I feel right now. Like a big UGH.
God damn it....I'm gonna try to cure this ugh-feeling with some dark chocolate, tea and Supenatural.
The kingdom key
So yeah. It's happening. I'm moving in to my own apartment next week. Two weeks back I got the news from my parents that MAYBE we had gotten our hands on an apartment for me. But, we didn't dare to hope too much so we kept it secret....But last week we got the message that we actually got it. It's crazy. Just crazy. Today I got the keys and signed the contract. Everything feels amazing.

Another quiet Sunday
This morning after waking up I had a quick breakfast, got ready and then headed in to the City. Found an emtpy Espresso House where I sat down with my book, a piece of cheesecake and a latte, and read for over an hour. Very nice way to start off the day.

Then I walked around the city a little bit. Looked in a few stores etc. Then I went back home and just took it easy. Played some video games, cleaning, and now I just started watching "American Horror Story" Season 3! YAY!

Rocked my new "Zinfandel" lipstick. LOVE IT!
In love with life
Today was one of those perfect days =) Right now, I'm so happy I think I'm gonna explode...but I'll try not to.
So, first off, work.Flew by quick. Had a few annoying customers but I managed to solve the problems and in the end sold quite alot of products. And I talked more Japanese than I ever had at work!!! Yay for me!
Then, after work, my Dad was waiting for me outside Japanska Torget. I ran across the street and gave him a biiiiig hug. Then we took the subway to Östermalmstorg to go to Ladurée, a place that sells "macarons". How long I've been wanting to go there and spend money....haha! Dad bought me 4 pieces!!! They had so many flavours but in the end I chosed: Salted Caramel, Licorice, Strawberry marshmallow and Cambodian Chocolate. AH-MAZIN'. I'm definitely gonna go back and buy more in the future! Just a luxury treat for those special occations.
Then we walked around some more, did some small shopping and then ended up at Taco Bar. Very, very good.

Then we walked to the Central Station and sat down at Starbucks for coffee. We sat there talking, joking and just having a great time. Then at around 19:45 we walked to the busstop for the airport bus and I gave Dad a big big hug and then we said, not goodbye but: See you soon! Because we will =)

World's best Dad =)

I had already eaten the Licorice macaron when I took this picture xD haha! But still, AREN'T THEY PRECIOUS!? Macarons are the best thing ever.
AAAAAH God life is amazing. Waiting for the subway tonight I thought "Wow...this is EXACTLY where I want to be right now." Not in Umeå, not in Kyoto nor anywhere else. Right here, right now, Stockholm is everything I want. It feels like I'm in love. I have butterflies in my belly just thinking about how amazing things have turned out. I'm so happy =)
Hanamizu no Karasu
Today after work I met up with my dear Anton!
We went bowling, took a stroll to Globen from Gullmarsplan and looked around there a little bit. Then we took the subway back to Söder and ended up at Vapiano at Skanstull. Love that place. That's probably my favorite Vapiano restaurant of all in Stockholm. Today I chosed a pizza I never eaten before. It was artichokes, olives and ham on it...YUM!!
We went bowling, took a stroll to Globen from Gullmarsplan and looked around there a little bit. Then we took the subway back to Söder and ended up at Vapiano at Skanstull. Love that place. That's probably my favorite Vapiano restaurant of all in Stockholm. Today I chosed a pizza I never eaten before. It was artichokes, olives and ham on it...YUM!!

Globen :D

Tele2 arena!

My baby.
And tomorrow after work I'm meeting up with....DAD :D Yaaay my daddy is in town! He's taking the plane back north later tomorrow night but before that we'll try to sqeeze in a nice dinner somewhere. It's gonna be great!
Mid-week update
Today my boss made a comment about me not speaking Japanese at work.....saying since I have a great opportunity to practice it at work everyday now, I should speak more Japanese. BUT I CAN'T OK?!?! My confidence in speaking Japanese is gone and all I can handle is basic everyday kind of talk...there's no way I could talk formally with a customer at this moment. Just no way. I want to. But I can't.............but I will try.
Today my boss made a comment about me not speaking Japanese at work.....saying since I have a great opportunity to practice it at work everyday now, I should speak more Japanese. BUT I CAN'T OK?!?! My confidence in speaking Japanese is gone and all I can handle is basic everyday kind of talk...there's no way I could talk formally with a customer at this moment. Just no way. I want to. But I can't.............but I will try.
Yesterday I attended a Bodycombat class at the gym and today after work I went to a Power Yoga class. The Bodycombat was great and I really feel sore in my arms, shoulders and back today. The Power Yoga class on the other hand....just felt like a looong stretching class xD hahah but it was relaxing.
Now I'm gonna watch S09E11 of Supernatural! So angst, such Winchester.

I've had a wonderful Sunday!
After waking up I played some FFXII and then had breakfast and got ready to go out. I rocked my new jeans from Zara and my amazing gel eyeliner from Bobbi Brown. Love iiiiit.
After waking up I played some FFXII and then had breakfast and got ready to go out. I rocked my new jeans from Zara and my amazing gel eyeliner from Bobbi Brown. Love iiiiit.

So first I went to Södermalm and waked around a little bit, looking in a few stores etc. The atmosphere there is just great. I did buy some stuff from Life, a calender and some stuff from Lush.

And since my body still hurts like hell from the Bodypump class yesterday I'm gonna take it easy tomorrow aswell and hopefully I can work out on Tuesday again. YAY!
Tonight I had a little spa-night with a face mask, hot bath with Lush products (ofc) and just taking it slow. Soon I'm gonna wrap this up and cuddle down in my bed and read. Evenings like this are the best.
Tonight I had a little spa-night with a face mask, hot bath with Lush products (ofc) and just taking it slow. Soon I'm gonna wrap this up and cuddle down in my bed and read. Evenings like this are the best.
Do you feel the power now?
Ooooh this morning I went to my first Bodypump class. OH MY GOD it was intense. You could really feel your body wanting to give up several times....but I didn't!!! I'm so proud of myself that I got through that class....and I can't wait for next one! I think this is gonna be a favorite....
And after coming back home and all I talked to Ina on Skype, played some FFXII and then I decided to watch movie. And I picked one of my favorite childhood movies, "Cat's Don't Dance". I LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT MOVIE!! I know every line and every song hahah xD So nostalgic...

Tonight I finally took the time to watch "Raanjhanaa", a Bollywood movie I've been wanting to watch since a while back. Aaaand now I kinda wish I hadn't watch it....
First off, I started crying withing 5 minutes of the movie. Only because one of my most favorite song in the entire world started playing. So yeah, I cried a bit.
And then the whole plot was really good, although a little bit complicated at times (but that's usually Bollywood-style so...). But is was very visually appealing and all. It was just beautiful.
AND THEN THE ENDING. THE FUCKING ENDING. I sat there, huddled in my bed and as I realized that the credits started rolling, telling me the movie's over, all I could manage to say was a faint "Noo...." and then I started crying. And this time I couldn't stop...Honestly, I don't even wanna remember when I cried so much the last time. Although I think it was after a Doctor Who episode last year (GOD THAT WAS SO SAD) but yeah......And that they started re-playing my favorite song again during the credits really didn't help much!!
AAAAAAAH I don't wanna think about the ending but I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!!
Stupid movie, making me cry like this...
Stupid movie, making me cry like this...

Today I beat a personal record.
I OVERSLEP THIS MORNING!!! 1 ½ HOURS!!!! That's a personal record.
I slept with earplugs and I think I accidently turned off my alarm last night....So yeah, I slept like a baby. Although I did have a few VERY DISTURBING dreams that I'm much thankful for not having to see the end of.....let's just leave it at that.
I slept with earplugs and I think I accidently turned off my alarm last night....So yeah, I slept like a baby. Although I did have a few VERY DISTURBING dreams that I'm much thankful for not having to see the end of.....let's just leave it at that.
So did I arrive late at work you may wonder? The answer is yes, naturally. I was late. 5 minutes late. I'm ashamed.
And you might think I was a zombie the whole day at work. But I can tell you, I wasn't. I was on top. Ye.
And you might think I was a zombie the whole day at work. But I can tell you, I wasn't. I was on top. Ye.
But due to me oversleeping this morning I didn't have time to pack my gym bag so no gym today....instead I'll do the laundry, play some FFXII and watch the latest episode of Supernatural. I'm not complaining the slightest.
Today I've been processing 2 wholesale dealer's orders. That's it. It took me 8 hours. Ok not really, but almost. God.
And then after doing some grocery shopping went home and made meat patties. Alot of meat patties. I can feed a small army right now. Excellent.

These babies had both carrots and cottage cheese in them! Yum!

There we have them. There's 4 meat patties in each bag there...hehee..
His Last Vow
ncknd.ka<bkdsjnckdjv whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the
Okay so tonight I watched the last episode of Sherlock Season 3.
Aaaaaand's feels weird. My feels are weird. Huh....
Okay so tonight I watched the last episode of Sherlock Season 3.
Aaaaaand's feels weird. My feels are weird. Huh....
Did just have a long talk with Dena on Skype though and that made everything better.

So now there won't be anymore Sherlock for a while *sobs*
Although, tomorrow Supernatural starts again!! WEEHOO!!
Although, tomorrow Supernatural starts again!! WEEHOO!!
Last day with my parents in Stockholm
So today my parents went back home to Umeå. But before that we managed a little shopping and a really great lunch at Jensen's Boefhouse (FINALLY. Been wanting to try out the food there for a long time!).
We've really had a nice time together here in Stockholm. It was such a spontaneous trip from my parents side ("Hey, let's to to Stockholm for the weekend") and I really liked having some company over the weekend. Hopefully they too can move down here soon....hopefully =) Until then, I'll just do my own race!

AH-mazin' cheesecake!

And last a poison-free Irish Coffee. Oh ye.
Day two with my parents in town
So this morning I woke up quite early, at around 7:00. Although, I didn't start up my PS2 until 7:45 and played for a few hours. I've said it before, I LOVE playing video games early in the morning!
Then after a (way too) big breakfast I got dressed and ready and then took the Subway to Slussen to meet up with my parents. There we changed to the red line...and yeah, we had a very nice time on Södermalm, walking around enjoying that side of the city.
Then we went to Gamla Stan and walked all the way up to Kungsgatan and then walked down to Klarabergsviadukten to have lunch at Vapiano. God they have great food there. Just love it. I took my favorite pasta. Lots of garlic and chili. So good.

Then we walked around some more, did some simple shopping (I FOUND THE SHIRT I'VE WANTED AT ZARA IN MY SIZE AND AT AN EVEN LOWER PRICE!! HELL YE) and then ended up at Espresso House in NK, where we sat chillin, talking, enjoying.
Then we split ways and now I've just painted my nails and I am soon gonna watch the last two episodes of The Legend of Korra Season 2. GAAH!
And like I mentioned yesterday, my parents are in town! WEHO!
And like I mentioned yesterday, my parents are in town! WEHO!
So today after work they stood outside my office waiting for me. After some hugging and all we went to Fridhemsplan because I just HAD to show them my favorite store every (Inn&Finn). And ofc, both Mom and Dad found several things they wanted to buy. I knew it! Everyone can find something in there!!
Then we went back to the central station and walked the way up to NK, then through Biblioteksgatan and out on Birger Jarlsgatan, heading towards Nam Kang where we would eat dinner. Of course I had to pick my no.1 dish, Bibimbap. Haha I've always chosen that one, every time I've been there xD BUT IT'S JUST SO GOOD!!

My lovely Bibimbap.

Cute dad!

Mom's dish. I might actually take this next time....
Tomorrow we're gonna spend the whole day in the city!! But first we're meeting up at Slussen and theeeeen....we're gonna do some recon. About what? Well, I'll tell you later. Maybe =)
Training To Become An Earthbender
I finally started watching The Legend of Korra Season 2 the other day!! YAAAY! I love that series,'s just so good! And watching it inspires me so much. I just love it! I only have 5 episodes left though...gaaah!

And today I went to the gym for the first time in ages!! Still feel a little insecure about being in a totally different environment compared to the gym in Umeå but I'll get used to it. Since it's the capital, there's several different locations of my gym and today I went to the one at Hötorget. Appearently they have to "Girl's gym" section like most others but they do have "Plus-training" which means they have different work out classes like Zumba, Yoga, Bodypump and several other group classes which is awesome.
But yeah I think I'm gonna go to several different gyms and see which one I like the best...on Sunday, I'll try the one in Högdalen!
But yeah I think I'm gonna go to several different gyms and see which one I like the best...on Sunday, I'll try the one in Högdalen!
Why wait until Sunday you may think? I'll tell you why. Because tomorrow my parents are coming!! :D YAY! We're gonna go shopping, eats lots of great food and just enjoy Stockholm. It's gonna be great!
Fangirling and no sleeping
Yesterday I watched the second episode of Sherlock S3. Hahah oooooh my god....just wow. And then I skyped with Dena and we totally fangirled about it! Haha!
Other than that didn't much happen...well, I had my final talk on the phone with Maja before her major Asia-trip. My player one is gonna be away for like 4 months!! IT'S CRAZY!! Which means that I too have to take a break soon from FFXII....I can't just go ahead and play hours and hours ahead of her now can I?
Aaaaand last night I slept 2 hours. Yup. Not kidding. I don't know why, sleep just totally dissed me. Such a bitch. So tonight I'm getting to bed early. At least that's my plan....
Night out with Cindy!!
YAY I had such a great evening with Cindy yesterday. We met up in Gamla Stan and went to Shogun for Dim Sum (just like several small dishes of with different food). Omg it was so delicious. And hear this, we even ordered chicken feet!! AND I WAS BRAVE ENOUGH TO TASTE!! I didn't like it at all though....I just wanted to gag xD Honestly, just thinking about it makes me wanna vomit! Hahah but now I've tasted it! YAY!

Rice soup! Looks really bad, I know, but it had tons of flavour and really warmed you up!

And here they are....the famous chicken feet....

Then we took the subway to Hötorget and went to this amaaaaazin' café called Café 60 (I think). They're open like 24/7 and have tons and tons of different tea to try out and lots and lots of cake! PARADISE! And the atmosphere was really great and cozy and we just sat there chatting for like 3 hours straight xD hahah! Loved it!



I chosed a caramel chocolate cheesecake. So gooooood.

Really happy after such a great evening!
The Empty Hearse
(How I got to and from work today: Walking, casual running, running like a maniac, flying down stairs, bus x 2, subway, commuter train and finally some general rushing. It's been an interesting day)
- was the day. The day for Season 3 of Sherlock. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH jsbclkdjbsvlkdjbaskj. That's my feelings atm after just watching the first episode. Honestly I think I screamed internally during the whole episode. I REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKED IT! And Benedict Cumberbatch is just superb as Sherlock. Everything he does is perfect...he is perfect *romantic sigh*. Although, a bit of a douche. Or...more like a huge asshole. But besides that, perfect. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT EPISODE!!!

The Time of the Doctor
So I had a little Doctor Who night after work today. Finally decided to watch the latest Doctor Who episodes, both "The Day of the Doctor" and "The Time of the Doctor". The first was was epic. Seeing Ten again just made my heart melt a little bit (I still have a major crush on him) and watching Ten and Eleven interact with each other was just golden. Amazin'.

And then we have "The Time of the Doctor".....*sob*
I admit it, I shed a few tears. It's gonna feel weird leaving Matt Smith behind but hopefully Peter Capaldi will make an excellent Doctor =)

New Year's Eve
I really had a great last day of 2013.
First I met up with Dena in the city. We walked around and did some shopping (got new shoes for the gym YEHOO) and then had lunch together. It was so nice. How I've missed my friend...and how I'm gonna miss her until we see each other again. It felt great though that after hugging and saying goodbye we said: "See you in Ireland next time". I'm so excited! This has to happen!!!
Then I went home and got ready for the evening. Talked to my lovely Sofia on the phone for a couple of minutes aswell. Very nice. Then I took the train to Farsta where Anton picked me up. We were gonna have a nice, relaxed evening together with a few of his friends. Eating, playing games and just having a nice time. Then at midnight we climed a small mountan behind his house where we had an AMAZING view over the whole of Stockholm. It was amazing. Celebrating the New Year in a big city is way different. Sure I celebrated in Kyoto 2 years ago but they don't celebrate the way we do with fireworks and all you know, so this was very different. I loved it. It was so beautiful.

We had brought two lanterns! Lighting them up was a pain but we managed to get both of them up in the sky! YAY!
Then we went back to Anton's for a while and played some more games and at around 3:30 he drove me back home (so sweet of him) and then I passed out hahaha I was so tired after the long day. But it was a great one.

Playing some serious stuff.

Trivial Pursuit Globe Trotter. BEST GAME EVER
So now it's 2014....huh...feels strange. I have a few reslutions for this year that I hope I'll manage not to brake (too early haha) but's gonna be an interesting year. 2013 was quite random and a bit blurry sometimes but ALOT actually did happen between all of the blur haha.
Anyhow, I had a blast last year and hope this year will be just as great =)