The Empty Hearse
(How I got to and from work today: Walking, casual running, running like a maniac, flying down stairs, bus x 2, subway, commuter train and finally some general rushing. It's been an interesting day)
- was the day. The day for Season 3 of Sherlock. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH jsbclkdjbsvlkdjbaskj. That's my feelings atm after just watching the first episode. Honestly I think I screamed internally during the whole episode. I REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKED IT! And Benedict Cumberbatch is just superb as Sherlock. Everything he does is perfect...he is perfect *romantic sigh*. Although, a bit of a douche. Or...more like a huge asshole. But besides that, perfect. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT EPISODE!!!
