Well....what can I say.
It feels so amazing to be back in Sweden.
I might be bad at updating while being here understand, right.
It's not that I don't have anything to write about, because I certainly do, but...I don't feel like doing it.
It's Saturday today and Ina just left.
This past weeks has been amazing and I'm sooo happy.
Met up with both Ina and Maja (ofc) and met my cousin, uncle etc.
Tonight I'm gonna meet up with Otto! YAY.
My first day in Sweden
So, the first day in Sweden, I woke up at around 9:00 in the morning. The feeling of being able to sleep in one's own bed after 10 months was just...amazing.
My dad was home (since appearently he can work very flexible hours now) and after I got dressed and stuff we took the car in to town. And I drived. And it feel gooood. Then we met up with mom and went for lunch together at Rost. Delicous.

Dear Dad and Mom =)

Then me and Dad ran some errands and I ended up having to change my cellphone number =( Damn it. But my new one is very easy to remeber so that's nice...and all of my contacs and pics etc were saved on my cellphone's ok.
THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN....we went and saw Avengers. How I have waited. And OMG how amazing it was. Loki...was so hot.... I almost died. Seriously. There was soo many Thorki moments and Steve x Tony moments etc....everything just started making sense. Or even more sense. I loved it.

After the movie, we went and picked up mom and when grocery shopping together. While at Coop, I felt I just had to take a peek in to Expert to see if Maja was there. And yes, she was. So I walked in there to surprise her. Hahaha aaaaah it felt so good to see her again!!!! We decided to make epic plans for later this week...can't wait!!
Then we went home and had dinner. And after that, I got tired as hell and went to bed. My first day in Sweden was perfect =)
The warpath home
First off, I'm home. The trip home was insane but...I made it. None of my planes were on time and I had to change flight etc...need I say more?

The journey started...

The epic bridge to the airport

one of my planes!! A PANDA

TV-screen!! Yeeees~

On my way...

one of my planes!! A PANDA

TV-screen!! Yeeees~

On my way...

At the Air China plane they even had TOP GEAR!!

Beautiful Sweden

And finally, my first meal in Sweden. As it should be.
The road home
Kl är nu snart 19:30 och jag ska börja ta mig till sängs snart. Kl kommer ringa 4:00 imorrn. Sen ska jag släpa mina väskor till stationen ca 15 min bort, ta taxi därifrån till busstationen och åka buss i nästan 2 timmar till flygplatsen. Kl 9:30 går flyget från Osaka till Beijing och sen runt 14:00 tiden tror jag går planet till Stockholm. Sedan hoppar jag på ett plan kl 20:05 (typ) som tar mig hem till go Ume.
Kommer bli en förjävla intressant resa känner jag. Hoppas bara att inget strular och att kineserna är snälla med mig. Hah. Hur som helst......I guess I'll see you in Sweden then =)

So yeah today I took the bus in to the city to buy some necessary stuff. And when I got home I started packing. I feel like I'm almost done actually, just some toiletries that I'm gonna pack down later and then I'm done.

Just awesome clean and fresh toilets at Yodobashi


Aaaalmost done...
I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow. It's gonna feel so slow. I'm gonna set my alarm at 5:30 and then take a walk I think....later I'm gonna do some final shopping and maybe I'll sit down at Starbucks a little while....and then I'm gonna got to bed early, like around 19:00. Because I'm gonna wake up at around 4:00 Sunday morning...yehey.
Vacation: Start!
Wednesday was the last day of school before the summer vacation. After school, me, Sofia and Lawler went to McDonald's and had a crazy big lunch. Awesome. Then in the evening, Dena's family arrived in Japan. YAY!
Wednesday was the last day of school before the summer vacation. After school, me, Sofia and Lawler went to McDonald's and had a crazy big lunch. Awesome. Then in the evening, Dena's family arrived in Japan. YAY!
So yesterday (Thursday) was the first day of summer vacation. And I spent most of it inside a lovely cafe together with Albert. Since we wont be able so see each other for exactly 5 weeks .....soo, yeah.
AND TODAAAY it's Friday. And the plans for today are taking the bus to the city and buy stuff that I wanna take home. Like souvernirs and stuff...and I wanna get a curling iron but...we'll see. And when I get home I gotta start packing.
That's about it.
AND TODAAAY it's Friday. And the plans for today are taking the bus to the city and buy stuff that I wanna take home. Like souvernirs and stuff...and I wanna get a curling iron but...we'll see. And when I get home I gotta start packing.
That's about it.
A true gamer
This week I've bough 3 new video games for 3 different platforms. One for my PSP, one for my NDS and one for my lovely PS3. I felt like I really needed the first two for the long flight on Sunday to pass my time. And the PS3 one is a game that I've wanted since March. And now I finally got it :D I'm so excited!!!!

Gion Festival pt 2
So, yesterday morning we went to the festival again to look at the parade. It was crazy hot and alooooot of people. It was cool to see the parade when I've seen it, I feel like I don't need to do it again. Once is enough ^^ Anyways, here some pics from yesterday!!

Today we went to Gion festival again. In the scorching heat. Yup. I'll show som pic later but....first of all. I gotta complain about the weather here. Again. It's......hell. Yesterday me and Sofia took a bath in cold water to cool ourselves down....and then after the festival, we definitely had to shower after sweating like pigs. This weather makes me feel so nasty. I don't want anyone to me close to me, which definitely outrules touching me me. Just..stay away. I wanna take a shower every 20 min on order to feel ok. The sweat is consantly there and I'm fed up. And, this is how the weather forecast looks for the upcoming days...

Even though you might not be able to read Japanese, I think you get the gist of, plus 30 C and crazy humidity on top of that...switch with me, anyone?
Gion Festival
Tonight me and Sofia got dressed in our yukatas and went to the festival in town. I'll let the pics speak for themselves:

China in Japan
I forgot to mention that we also went to China Town in Kobe yesterday. We ate cheap and tasty Chinese food for lunch and then walked through the streets of China town. I just wish I was more hungry so that I could've eaten more!! I just managed to eat two sesame balls and drink some milk tea with tapioka (small jellyballs that taste...nothing)

Dena at the restaurant


China Town!

Today we went to the Oji Zoo in Kobe. And it was so much fun! Going to zoo is something I really love doing. I didn't really go to many zoos in Sweden when I was younger so I get as excited as a kid when I'm going to one now xD Haha!
The entrence fee to Oji Zoo was only 600 yen (like 55kr) and the place was huge!! And they had so many exotic animals! Half of them I'd never seen in real life before. It was amazing! I'm defintely going back there in the future. And now...photobomb!!


Peacocks!! The white one was so gorgeous~

Just a PANDA chillin' with some bamboo

KISSE sleeping in the heat

Despite the tiger attack that happened in Copenhagen the other day I still wanna cuddle with this kitty....

Nala and Simba



We stood laughing at these owls for I don't know how long but..their facial expressions were priceless...

If anyone wonders, that's a koala in the of the tree....

A red panda!! SO.FREAKING.CUTE


Mini crocs!!

Exhausted bear...



Dena was expecting to find hedgehogs but we found two porcupines instead...

Tired kangaroos

Wooow this became a long post. Anyways, I had a kick ass day today!!! I'm so happy right now =) I love this life!
Dai Happyou Kai
Sorry for a bad update these past days....but I've been busy cursing the weather which is making me feel sick. Thursday was baaaaad~ Couldn't eat any breakfast and fel sick the whole day..managed to eat lunch though...and dinner...but still had that nasty feeling of...nausea.
Anyhow, yesterday was the big research presentation day (you know, ppl had made groups and then you chosed something to research about and then the group that got the best feedback got to present it again)
I thought I was gonna fall asleep but managed to stay awake the whole time. A few of them were actually interesting but some of them...not so much.

Dena got to go on stage and present her class presentation

This guy...was the best. He had about international love xD

So that's pretty much it. Now it's Saturday morning and soon we're heading for....KOBE!!!
Celebrating birth
Yesterday was my lovely Sofia's birthday =) The presents that she recieved from me and Dena were nothing but beauty products of some sort and a photobook of one of her favorite korean celebrity. She appreciated it alot ^^
Then after school we and Lawler went to the World buffé place (the same restaurant we went with Ville a few weeks back) and stuffed ourselves and just had an amazing time together =)

The epic chocolate fountain


Fried stuff <3


Dena (with Sofia in the background xD)

Me and Dena ^^

Delicious tuna carpaccio <3

It was VERY hot outside today. I know I keep mentioning that in every post but...I can't stress it enough. It's hell. BUT!! The thought that I'll be going home next week keeps me strong.
Anyways, here's a random pic of my new nails. Went for a..let's call it a beach look...

And I must say that I'm in looooove with my new Lush product, the foot cream I bought last Friday. It's amazing and perfect for my nasty, dry feet. And it has a fresh minty smell to it aswell! YAY!

God bless~
Today after school we had a little meeting about document we need to return home or travel outside of Japan and other papers we had to fill in. Boring but very important stuff. Aaaand...oh yeah I just have to say that I had the weirdest dream in a while last night. The apocalypse was on our doorstep (I blame Supernatural for that) and there were monsters everywhere and shit....then everything shiftet and I almost ended up killing Sofia and Dena in an elevator (don't ask...) and then...I was making out with Tom Hiddleston. Interesting night indeed.

So yeah yesterday was pretty chill. Basically sat indoors watching Supernatural the whole day and then when the night fell, me and Dena cuddled up in the couch and watched a Bollywood movie. I'm not that familiar with Bollywood (except for the random dance acts and color color color) but that movie was surprisingly awesome! The story was wellwritten and just....epic.
Sooo. Today it's monday again. After school today me, Dena and Sofia took the bus in to the city and went for lunch. Then me and Dena started looking for Yukata stuff. Dena wanted to buy a new one but I just looked for strings, geta shoes and....let's call it a belly-pad. Hahaha. Anyway, we both found what we looked for and then we went home.

My new shoes for my yukata :D
Now I'm gonna read some fanfics and then watch the season finale of Supernatural S6!! OOOOMG!!
Osaka fun~
Osaka was amazing today =)
Me and Dena went first to my old school just to check out a yukata place next to it. It was so nostalic to be there again 2 years later...but yeah, the yukata place, looked the same as before. Didn't buy anything though...
Me and Dena went first to my old school just to check out a yukata place next to it. It was so nostalic to be there again 2 years later...but yeah, the yukata place, looked the same as before. Didn't buy anything though...

Me outside my old school ^^

The yukata and kimono place!
Then we went to Namba again. Aaaaaawesome!! I bought a pair of shorts and a printed T-shirt at Bershka's and jewelry at Claire's....then we went and had lunch at Lotteria

Then we walked arounda bit more. We found a (probably second-hand) lolita clothing shop with crazy cheap prices!!! Almost wanted to buy something just because but...I didn't. But they were sooooo pretty~ Then we went back to the frozen yoghurt place. This time, I took fruity flavors with...fruit :D

Then we took the subway back to Umeda and looked around there a little more and then we took the train back home to Kyoto =) Like always, after leaving Osaka I get a little....I don't know, sad... I think. I just wanna stay there!!!
"Up" was amazing!!!
There was craaazy thunder rolling last night when we were walking to Anton's. But it was very funny =) Neither Bau, Anton nor Tsai had un umbrella so..they got soaked XD

Blurry walking in the rain picture

Happy drenched people :D
But yeah the movie was amazing! I love animated movies!! And I remember when I was in France the last time (in 2009) and saw commercial posters for "Là-Haut", as it's called in French, everywhere and I really wanted to watch it...and now I finally got to do it. 3 years later and half a globe away =)

Dena and Anton!

On the way home we found this beautiful....Ajisai bush (can't spell the English word for it right now...but you know what it is xD)
Now, it's Saturday morning. In 10 min me and Dena will leave the apartment to go to Osaka!!!
After school today, me, Lawler and Sofia took the bus in to town and went and had lunch together. We went to a new place that we've been wanting to go to for a while but never actually done it for some unknown reason....but today we went there. And OMG was is guuuud~

The BIG dessert menu (one of the pages)

Trying to decide~

In the end, I decided for a Club House Sandwhich and for dessert a delicious caramel & Cream cheese crunch parfait!!

As you may imagine, I got so full I almost though I was gonna puke...but it was sooo good. Afterwards, we split up and I walked for myself a while buying a few presents for the upcoming birthday child and luckily I managed to time a bus together with Sofia back home. Awesome.
Now I'm just gonna take it a little bit easy and later tonight I'm gonna go to Anton's together with a few ppl to watch "Up"! I haven't seen that movie yet soo...I'm excited :D And tomorrow....guess where I'm going??? I'm going to by favorite city in the whole world. That's right, Osaka.
Today I only went to the two first classes. Right after the begining of the first class I got a splitting headache and during the break I went and got pills from Dena (I left my own at home) but they didn't work soo...I went home.
I bought lunch on the way home from Sukiya and sat in front of my laptop watching Supernatural. Made me feel a little bit better.

Then I went to bed and slept.
I feel better now but a little bit drowsy. I've eating dinner now and later I'm gonna study a little bit. Feels soo good that it's Friday tomorrow. I don't really know what plans we have for the weekend. We have a few ideas soo..we'll see what happens =)
Back together
So yeah, I ended up watching Supernatural last night. I managed to watch 4 episodes (Season 6) before I went to bed. The reason that I haven't watched Season 6 earlier is mainly because of Dena. She REALLY doesn't like S6 and told me if I ever watch it...I'm gonna regret it.
So, after listening to my dear friend for I don't know how many months, I couln't take it anymore. I needed more Winchester. Sooo....I dived in into the mess that is supposed to be Season 6 of Supernatural. And so far, I feel quite ok. Not really blown away but I still laugh at the brothers....and Castiel of course. How I missed my favourite angel. I wonder if I can finish watching S6 by this week.....we'll see.

Sam, Dean, Castiel.....*dies*
You shook me all night long
Today was a very nice day. Even though it rained like crazy. The rain season has indeed started. (I just looked at the weather forecast for tomorrow and saw it's gonna be sunny and 32 C hot.....damn this weather)
During the last class today we talked about politics and law. It's was so much fun and interesting. Such a great class. Kaji-Sensei asked if anyone of us consider working in politics and only me and another guy said yes. I explained to her that I'd like to work in the political field of international reletionships and even out the equality between men and women in Asia. I can't believe that I can express my thoughts and opinions about these subjects in Japanese...but appearently I can (not perfectly ofc) I'm a little surprisd by myself.
Now it's Tuesday evening. I've written down the new words and a few of the new Kanji....and now I'm thinking about diving into something completely else. Doctor Who. Or, Supernatural. I can't decide. Right now it's leaning towards Supernatural....Anyways, I'm gonna take my laptop, grab my candy and sit down in the guestroom and watch how many episodes I want. Until I can't keep my eyes open anymore. This is gonna be interesting.
Ridiculously photogenic Winchester brothers

Procrastinating Like a BOSS
Tuesday morning. And the rain is pouring down. Lovely.
At school yesterday was rather.....awesome. Kaji-Sensei said to us during the morning classes: "Well....since it's monday, you are all very slow in the head soo...let's just chat" And that we did. I love that teacher.
Then when I got home I procrastinated like a boss and just ended up playing Dissidia for a few hours. And I finished the "final" chapter!! Yay!! But, I still got tons of stuff to do in that game's not over just yet.
I did manage to review some grammar, install Microsoft Office, start with my Matcha assignment, gather my pension papers aaaand.....I think that's it.
Then I got eaten by tumblr. Really. Ah well.....

Jag bju
Bjuder dagen till ära på en svettig video blogg. Ser ut som en flottig kanel munk i denna men...äre asiatisk sommar så äre. Just ja, Grattis på födelsedagen igen mamma <3
Vi äro musikanter
Jeheeeeeep. Derp.
Nämen skämt åsido, idag vare ju prov. Fett jävla prov. Vi var på Uni från ca 11:30 - 16:45. Kul kul. Men det gick ganska bra. Klarade det nog.

Vi hittade denna stiliga och välstavade lapp i korridoren...

Såhär nervösa var vi innan provet...
Sen när vi kom hem blev det städa! Vädret har pms nu och ena stunden spö regnar det, andra äre sol och fåglar som kvittrar. Japan.....

Muntra moln...