Dai Happyou Kai
Sorry for a bad update these past days....but I've been busy cursing the weather which is making me feel sick. Thursday was baaaaad~ Couldn't eat any breakfast and fel sick the whole day..managed to eat lunch though...and dinner...but still had that nasty feeling of...nausea.
Anyhow, yesterday was the big research presentation day (you know, ppl had made groups and then you chosed something to research about and then the group that got the best feedback got to present it again)
I thought I was gonna fall asleep but managed to stay awake the whole time. A few of them were actually interesting but some of them...not so much.

Dena got to go on stage and present her class presentation

This guy...was the best. He had about international love xD

So that's pretty much it. Now it's Saturday morning and soon we're heading for....KOBE!!!