Free (Rage on Mabushii Hikari~)
I sat and studied at the library a few hours before the exam which made me feel a tad bit more confident in myself (about 5% more) and then at 13:00 the exam started. And I kinda understood the questions *gasp*! I don't know how it all went but....I think I passed, which was my ultimate goal! Yay!
I sat and studied at the library a few hours before the exam which made me feel a tad bit more confident in myself (about 5% more) and then at 13:00 the exam started. And I kinda understood the questions *gasp*! I don't know how it all went but....I think I passed, which was my ultimate goal! Yay!
So after getting home I fried up some delicious soy vegan nuggets and ate them together with some salsa. Yum! Then I relaxed a bit before playing some FFX-2! How I have missed that game <3
Now I think I'm gonna take a reading break and make some tea and much on a piece of key lime pie that I bought with me from the store! MMMmmm! Love this feeling you get after an OK exam! I feel like I can see colours again!

Goodbye Comparative Politics~
May I never have to study you again...(at least for a while).
May I never have to study you again...(at least for a while).
Today me, Sofia and Yuuki had a cozy fika together at Sofia's place to celebrate the first of Advent. Sofia had made a yummy soft gingerbread cake, I had brought some "juleskum" and with that we sipped on some saffron tea while listening to christmas music. Super cozy and it all felt oh so "christmas-y". Can't believe it's the first of December on Tuesday!

Aaaand tomorrow is my exam. Heh....heh. It's gonna be awful.
It doesn't start until 13:00 so I do have a few hours I can study before the test but...I don't know it it'll even matter. I'll still do it but...yeah.
It doesn't start until 13:00 so I do have a few hours I can study before the test but...I don't know it it'll even matter. I'll still do it but...yeah.
Rain Dodgers
After a long day at Uni yesterday, I met up with my dearest friend Maja (aka my Player 1) who was in town. We had a great dinner at Beijing 8 together and catched up a bit. Then we bought some snacks and went back to my apartment. We relaxed a bit, showed each other some vids, I showed her my progress in FFX-2 and then we watched Avengers: Age of Ultron while eating our signature snack: Chocolate pudding with whipped cream and raspberries. YUM YUM!

Maja :D

This morning we took it kinda easy and chilled, before Maja had to leave. I'm so glad we'll meet soon again next month! Just hanging out for one evening until the morning was definitely not enough.
After Maja had left, I packed my bag and went to Uni to do some studying. Felt kinda crappy being there on a Saturday, but it wouln't be a first.
Tonight I'm gonna take it easy and just read my amazing book <3
The week before the exam...
On Tuesday evening I met up with Dad, who was in town, and together we went to a neaby Thai restaurant. I got some delicious entrecôte and Dad got their fried Tilapia. Both tasted amazing.

A happy Dad :D
Yesterday was quite slow. I had a class during the morning and then I stayed a few hours to do some studying. But it felt like it didn't go all too well, so I kinda gave up. Instead I went home, bought a pastry from a bakery close to the subway, got home and curled up in bed with a big cup of tea and my book. I started re-reading the second book from my series by Patrick Rothfuss after I came back from London. Prepping for the 3rd one which I'm gonna get later in December perhaps hehe.
Today...I don't really know what to do. Well, I need to study, that's for sure. But I am not going to Uni since I don't have any classes so...yeah. We'll see.
Short going shorter
Today has been quite random but I did managed to get one productive thing out of the way; I got a haircut! :D My old hairdresser, Sarah, has unfortunately left Stockholm but instead I got another one, Therese, who did just as an amazing job! We cut my hair a little bit shorter and kept the little "messy" look. I am in love with it! And my old ombré still holds up! Incredible.

Before...Quite weird lightning but ah well xD Dry and nasty hair...

"New hair selfies" at home!

It's sooo short in the neck! Love it!
No but really, I'm feeling quite slow these days. I just wanna stay in bed all day and read my book or play FFX-2. Can't focus on anything else, don't want to focus on anything else. Is this the typical November-depression they talk about? Meeeh...
In my present state, you can understand how much I DON'T WANT TO STUDY. And on top of that, my current course is awful. I don't understand anything and I feel so extremely discouraged after every class it's just ridiculous. If I pass this on my first try it's a miracle...I just want to be done with this course.
I've decided that I'm gonna take a week break from FF-2, until I've had my exam. But next week will not just be me trying to study for the exam, no. My Dad will probs me in town for an evening, I'm gonna skype with Dena, Maja will be visiting later on Friday and I'm gonna cut my hair! It's been 6 months now since last time and my hair has gotten quite long...something needs to be done about that!!

Old pic from when I had just cut my hair~
Epic long weekend in London, pt. 3
On Sunday we did not have anything special planned but only to walk around and visit some tourists sites and museums and to do some shopping. First we went to a famous bakery called Hummingbird Bakery to eat some delicious cupcakes! Then we went to British Museum which was really cool. Later we walked along the river Thames and saw the London Eye and Big Ben. In the evening we met up with Mia and Stuart and went out for dinner together. Me and Sofia had fish&chips which was super good!

So many cupcakes~

We got a nutella cupcake and a red velvet cupcake!

Inside the British Museum

The Rosetta Stone!

Kisse :D


London Eye again...

And Big Ben!

So good~
On our last day we had breakfast at a nearby restaurant at Westfield. We had a kind of typical English breakfast which kept us full for many hours! We walked around at the Westfield mall for a few hours before we picked up our bags and left for Heathrow. There we had dinner at a cool Japanese restaurant that had "kaiten sushi"!

I want this every morning!

Having dinner at the airport~

So yeah, our trip to London was a huge success!! There's no way you can do and see everything in London in just a few days but I think we did pretty well...It was so much fun! Looking forward to going back there soon!
Epic long weekend in London, pt. 2
On Saturday we woke up early and went to Warner Bros Studios to go on the Harry Potter Tour! I can't even begin to describe how amazing it was....I literally can't. Just look at all the pictures. Just look.

At the entrance...

Harry's old "room".

The entrance to the Great Hall.

They had just decorated the Great Hall with all of the Christmas ornaments and stuff. So beautiful.

The teacher's table.

Set from the Yule Ball.


The gates!

The boy's dormitory.

The Gryffindor common room. It looks so cozy and warm <3

Dumbledore's office.

Potions classroom.

The door to the Chamber of Secrets.

Hagrid's cottage :D

Terrifying set from the movie...

Set from Dolores Umbridge's office.

The Hogwarts Express!!!!!!!!

Most omnious pic ever. Set from the third movie.

It was so cool to be able to enter the train!!!

Halfway through we bought some Butterbeer!!! To be did taste kind of weird.
But I'm glad I tried it! Can check that from my Bucketlist haha!

Sofia being upset that the Dursleys didn't open...

Me about to force my way in....


Inside the Knight Bus.

Sofia looking very mischievous in the Ford Anglia.

Fawkes! :D

Almost screamed when I saw this beast....


Diagon Alley!!

Home <3

And finally, the shop!

Outside near the River Thames.... so beautiful but so sad.


Harry's old "room".

The entrance to the Great Hall.

They had just decorated the Great Hall with all of the Christmas ornaments and stuff. So beautiful.

The teacher's table.

Set from the Yule Ball.


The gates!

The boy's dormitory.

The Gryffindor common room. It looks so cozy and warm <3

Dumbledore's office.

Potions classroom.

The door to the Chamber of Secrets.

Hagrid's cottage :D

Terrifying set from the movie...

Set from Dolores Umbridge's office.

The Hogwarts Express!!!!!!!!

Most omnious pic ever. Set from the third movie.

It was so cool to be able to enter the train!!!

Halfway through we bought some Butterbeer!!! To be did taste kind of weird.
But I'm glad I tried it! Can check that from my Bucketlist haha!

Sofia being upset that the Dursleys didn't open...

Me about to force my way in....


Inside the Knight Bus.

Sofia looking very mischievous in the Ford Anglia.

Fawkes! :D

Almost screamed when I saw this beast....


Diagon Alley!!

Home <3

And finally, the shop!
Later on Saturday we went to watch the Lion King Musical. It was like nothing I've ever seen before and sooo good! I was so close to tears several times during the show haha!

Outside near the River Thames.... so beautiful but so sad.


Epic long weekend in London, pt. 1
After a few amazing days in London me and Sofia came back to Stockholm late last night. We've been having such an amazing time together with tons of great food and stuff. It was so nice of my cousin to let us stay at her place and also showing us around in the neighborhood and all. So thankful!
Anyways, it's easier to let the pictures speak than writing about everything here so, here we go! I'll split it up in to three seperate posts I think...I took over 200 pics during this trip xD
On Thursday me and Sofia got on a flight to London and arrived to the capital at around 18:00. My cousin met up with us at Heathrow and together the three of us went in to central London and to their appartment. There we met up with her sambo and then the four of us went out for dinner together. We went to a nearby Syrian restaurant and the food was amazing! Loved it!

Making ugly faces at Arlanda.


Stuart and my cousin Mia :D

So delish~
The next day me and Sofia had booked us a table at the Ritz for Afternoon Tea. Yup, that's right! We've been talking about going there for years and now when we finally went to London, we just had to go! We got all dolled up and headed out around noon-ish. The Ritz was so beautiful and the interior was stunning. We were both a bit nervous and I kinda felt like I didn't belong there but we tried to at least act the part haha! We got sandwhiches, scones, pastries and tea. Everthing tasted divine. And we got so full! They kept asking if we wanted anything more (the service was outstanding ofc) but we just couldn't eat anymore! Then we went back to the apartment and changed in to something more comfortable and then went out to do some shopping at Oxford Street! In the evening we went to a Thai restaurant and had great dinner just the two of us.

About to head out!

Gorgeous Sofia!

Look at thiiiis


Judging someone... xD

Soulmates :D

The lobby~

Out and about on Oxford Street!

Having dinner at a hip restaurant close to Westfield.

Spicy Thai food!

The day has finally come! For YEARS me and Sofia have been talking about going to London for a weekend trip and now we're actually going! We have so much fun planned and I'm so exciteeeed! We'll me back in Stockholm on Monday.

London, we're coming for ya!!
I've really gotten back into FFX-2. "Perfect" timing, considering we'll be leaving on Thursday... but it's ok. I finished playing Chapter 2 just the other day and I just wanna sit all day and level up but no, I have responsibilities as a student and as an adult. Ugh.
On a more serious note, I don't really know what to do with my current course. Like, I've worked through 5 chapters of 25. And we're supposed to have read them all + a handful of articles for tomorrow. That's not gonna happen. Political Science may be interesting and very generally educative and all but...MY GOD it's so dull sometimes. Like an old piece of bread. All stale and dry and all. Political Science in a nutshell.
In other news, I've been starstruck yet again by another VK band called DIV. The vocalist is absolutely goooorgeous and the bassist reminds me so much of Aki and...someone else but I can't figure out who xD Anyways, their music is meeeh kinda nice but their faces are yaaaaaaaaaaaaass. Listening to new Japanese music feels so 2010 haha! I love it! Ah bless J-rock and VK <3

DIV, Vocal: Chisa
Även fast jag älskar mitt liv i Stockholm så är det såklart tråkigt att vara borta från sin familj. Att inte till exempel kunna krama om min kära far såhär på Fars dag. Ringde dock han imorrse och "grattade" honom iaf. Jag må ibland fortf bete mig som en dryg tonåring och och gnälla på honom, men han ändå världens snällaste och bästa pappa!

Det här är seriöst en av de roligaste bilder jag någonsin tagit. Höll på att skratta ihjäl mig just efter att jag tog den. Skulle ta en fin bild på plommonblommen och så dyker en suddig Pappis upp i bakgrunden. Gjorde bilden snäppet bättre <3
Today has been quite random with some FFX-2, some light studying and a trip around town. The reason I went in to town in the first place was to see Felix Kjellberg (aka Pewdiepie) have his book signing at Åhléns City. Now for those of you who didn't know, I've been a "bro" of Pewds since the autumn of 2011. That's four straight years. So I kinda had to go and see if I could even catch a glimpse of him at the book signing. AND I DID! I saw him! Aaaah it felt kinda surreal...seeing him right in front of me after all this time. I stayed and snapped some pics and watched him greet and take pics with his fans. I'm so happy I went there!


Now I'm getting ready for a chill Saturday evening with some more FFX-2, writing down some notes for class and just taking it easy. Evenings like this are my fave.
Writing assignments and slaying Coeurls
Been having classes everyday this whole week and today (Thursday) was my first day off! But not entirely off...because I needed to meet up with my friends to work on a group assignment. But that wasn't bad at all, in fact, it was quite fun. Well, meeting my friends is always fun.
Earlier this morning I treated myself to some FFX-2 gaming but almost immidiately got stuck at the old Monster Arena in the Calm Lands trying to clear out some fiends for Clasko. What stopped my progress was an Oversoul Queen Coeurl. Yup. I texted my Player 1 (aka Maja) about it and appearently she had the same problem when she was playing, but she didn't remember how she beat it. Darn it. So I made it my mission to slay that stupid fiend tonight after I got back home and guess what...I DID IT! Yaaay! All thanks to some Death proof accessories and a Silence spell. Woop!!
Btw I just need to mention the epic evening me and Sofia had yesterday. She came over after Uni and together we made dinner and then went and bought some chocolate and later watched the movie "Spy". It was a hilarious movie and such a well-needed midweek chill out evening. Loved it.
A Sagittarius and Aries type of weekend.
I've been having a ridiculously great time with Dena these past few days. She came here early on Thursday morning just before I left for Uni to write my exam. The exam went.....uuugh. It was very difficult. No questions about the EU nor nuclear power, as I had hoped, so
After the exam I decided to not think about it and just went home to meet up with Dena. Together we went to have lunch at Tehran Grill. It was soooo good and it was so much fun to eat together with someone who actually understood Persian cooking xD Then we walked around town and then went home to my apartment and made some hot chocolate and watched some anime!

Persian foooood <3

Denaaaa <3

Some Nutella hot chocolate with whipped cream and mini marsmallows ;D

Some Nutella hot chocolate with whipped cream and mini marsmallows ;D

On Friday we went to Täby C for some shopping! Haha my go to mall for shopping these days...I really like that place. After we came back home we made some mocktails to enjoy while watching more anime and Shah's of Sunset. This mocktail was called "Polyjuice potion" so I mean...come on we had to make it! And it tasted delish.

LOOK AT THESE!! :D How epic?!

LOOK AT THESE!! :D How epic?!

They look so poisonous... so perfect!
On Saturday we stayed inside and just chilled during the day and then got ready to head to Sofia for a Halloween dinner/party. I wore my Gakuran and dressed up as a annoying school brat xD Dena was just fab. At Sofia's we met up with Anton, Yuuki and her friend. Together we had tacos for dinner and then "marängsviss" for dessert. Then we watched two Supernatural episodes haha! At around 22:00 we left and me and Dena headed to Hötorget to catch a late movie, "Crimson Peak". It was really good! And dear Tom Hiddleston was perfect.

The derpy gang!

On Sunday we slept in quite late and then went in to town to do some last shopping and such. I also randomly met my cousin from Skellefteå at SF in Gamla Stan!! What are the odds?! Haha! Then we went back home and made another mocktail that we've been eager to try. This one was called "Persian Pomegranate" and while sipping on that we watched some more anime and some more Shah's.

So pretty and so good!
Early this morning Dena left and I already miss her!! Luckily we meet again next month again! Yay!