Free (Rage on Mabushii Hikari~)
I sat and studied at the library a few hours before the exam which made me feel a tad bit more confident in myself (about 5% more) and then at 13:00 the exam started. And I kinda understood the questions *gasp*! I don't know how it all went but....I think I passed, which was my ultimate goal! Yay!
I sat and studied at the library a few hours before the exam which made me feel a tad bit more confident in myself (about 5% more) and then at 13:00 the exam started. And I kinda understood the questions *gasp*! I don't know how it all went but....I think I passed, which was my ultimate goal! Yay!
So after getting home I fried up some delicious soy vegan nuggets and ate them together with some salsa. Yum! Then I relaxed a bit before playing some FFX-2! How I have missed that game <3
Now I think I'm gonna take a reading break and make some tea and much on a piece of key lime pie that I bought with me from the store! MMMmmm! Love this feeling you get after an OK exam! I feel like I can see colours again!

Goodbye Comparative Politics~
May I never have to study you again...(at least for a while).
May I never have to study you again...(at least for a while).