I’ll dance with you inside the layered light

Paperthin Hymn

Who's gonna call on sunday morning? Who's gonna drive you home? I just want one more chance To put my arms in fragile hands
=BORGA -08!!!
Can you wait for me a little, a little longer?

So laugh, love, live free and sing.
I've missed being with her more than I thought.
Maja came over one evening also. That girl truly is amazing =) All 3 of us took MANY silly pics but they're too ugly to post here so... I wont.
It's really been a while since the 3 of us did something together...
We've got to get together soon again!!
Now I'm try to work on my project a little bit, and later play some PS3...
(And oh yeah, I'm babysitting Ina's cat Luna again. I think I like her to much to give her back this time....)

Do you remember this, my dear? I bet you do.
Ingen säger sluta, ingen säger gör så, ingen säger gå dit, ingen säger hör på.


Feel so jaded, contemplating, waiting for you
This everlasting game is driving me insane

Forever's gonna start tonight
Art is a blast

We arrived on the same road, we’re just the same.

Ingen annan.
For sen hem...plugga teori....
Sen kom FIFA-gänget.Så sjukt kul det var ikv, även fast jag åkte ut innan semin. Bara för att Kajsa avrättade Anders med en 7-1 match. Dock var ett av målen väääääldigt slirig eftersom Kajsa kom åt PS knappen och släckte skärmen...när vi hade fått tillbaka normal bild igen gjorde Ronaldinho segergester -_- stackars Anders...
Men asså jävla Real... kändes inte bra ens i början.... brukar ju köra med Roma men tänkte testa ngt nytt idag. Aven fast Raùl var en riktig hjälte räckte det inte hela vägen...dåligt.
Anders: Jag fick nyss gult kort för att jag pratade med domaren..vilken knapp kom jag åt?!
Erik: Knapp - Formulera mening. Modell - Aggresiv.
(And oh Deanna!! Here's the Nao-pic I gave Sofia!! Cute huh? :] )

But seriously. GAAAAAH! I love hearing it, even it the words come from my own mouth XD desperaaaaate???
Ah well. I do have a silly dream of becoming a voice actor in Japan later... to do voice-overs in maybe animes or videogames. As a guy ^^ that would be amazing. じゃあ、勉強をければいけませんね!
My fave sentence...right now:
おいあんた、俺を見ることができるのかい?= Oi you, can you see me? (it sounds so lame in English but...not in Japanese :3)
I tried a new type of way of applying my liquid eyeliner, maybe I'll do it like that on New Year's Eve!!

I love you, I love you, I love you and I hate you.
Drygt att jag inte har den minsta känslan av att lovet snart är här.
Drygt att jag e trött. (varför var jag uppe till 2 inatt?!)
Drygt att.... aaa.
Men jag känner mig helt nyär i Miyavi. Älskar verkligen hans nya album. Han är helt fantastisk. Känns tokmys att sitta här med min(a) dator(er) och lyssna på hans musik på min kära ps3. Kanske inte har så mkt att klaga över? Men det är ngt som saknas... ngt viktigt. Te. Japp. Te med mycket socker. Eller... mycket socker med lite te. Japp. Måste hämta det snarast.

Mitt JÄTTEFINA set koppar och kanna som jag fick på min födelsedag. Den ska med till Japan!!!

Såhär sitter jag just nu. Känns sådär lagomt nördigt.
Why can't I sleep? I was fascinated by the silence.


Hi there, Mr Alexandersson
The reason why that dude is in the game in the first place is totally beyond me....

How did he go from this....
To this!!

(direct translation) " LICK DUST!!!"
Right. Today I presented my Jibun Kakumei choreography. I guess it went ok. Now I just wanna forget and move on.
When I got home I (finally) managed to beat Pain in Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2. I've seriously been stuck at that last battle with that over-pierced orangehaired son of a bitch for weeks. But no more. YEES!
Now I only have to finish all of the other missions...like collecting 999,999 Ryo -_- please kill me...
Sofia is coming here tomorrow! YAY! We're gonna do what we always do, tard around and about.

Normally I do like Pain (cool lip piercings, unexplainable awesomeness and voice that's like candy to my ears...) but after loosing against him too much I'm fed up with him. I'll probably get over it soon though...like say...tomorrow?
How can I spell Filth in the beauty wrong 2 times?!?!?
I clearly don't deserve to have a Sony Vaio.
Today has been slow. And fast.
Me and Sofia spent alot of time in the basement of the school dancing to bollywood music. It was hilarious.
(and omigash furattoassu! FIRST! fufufu)
Anyway, I found this cute pic of Viola from Eternal Sonata today:

I really miss playing Eternal Sonata. It was such a great game <3
3 words. What a day.
Today I woke up early, I had to be at my driving school at 8.15 because today we were going to the skidpan. YAY. Maja had told me that it the jolliest thing she had ever done and oh how right she was. Seriously I screamed like a little girl and it was such a thrill. I loved it.
Then I got back around 14.15 to school and waited for my friends, we had planned to go for ”fika”. We went to Schmäck. I really like that café. It was me, Sofia, Dena, Anna, Ida and Funny. It was great and we talked about a lot of different topics.
Ida and Anna =)
Fanny and Sofia =)
Dena slumbering =)
Later, when Fanny and Dena had left, we decided to go for dinner. Chinese food!! YAY! This day, that I thought would be not that great turned out to be a awesome day. I'm so happy!!
I have the best friends in the whole world =)
Happy Birthday in arrears!
With my own money. Not sponsored by my parents or anything. I have never paid this much by myself.
And I feel awesome about it :D
It's not a Mac, even though I know ppl strongly recomend it (Maja....)
It's a Sony Vaio. I'm a little bit (maybe alot...) poorer, but I love it. Totalt worth it!!
I haven't even unpacked it yet but I'll throw in a pic on it from google:

Come on this is screaming "Photo op."
Now Super Junior is my one and only... well maybe not only but... yeah...
Anyway. Today's Lucia. I'm not even gonna begin to describe what it is but, my friends "lussade" very nice this morning. Great singing and a Lucia with the best stoneface ever (Dena).
Well, when I got home today I started to rock my "at-home" hairdo. Which is that you tie all your hair up on the top of your head and... look "fierce". Ah yesh. I felt some pics were in order....

It feels like I have a mop on my head....


And then I sorta went crazy...
what else to look for?
Anyway. I tried to work on my House choreography later... and I decided to look at Super Junior's PVs for inspiration...which worked well. But it came with a prize......
Now I have this OMG SUPER JUNIOR KYAAAH -phase going on. I flail and squeel LOUD whenever I listen to them...and try to kiss the screen everytime I see Donghae (*w*) I wish I could wake up tomorrow and speak korean fluently.....dammit.

Donghae >w<
Patience is key
Seriously, we started off by thinking that... well maybe that we were being far too overambitious.
Our goal was to get A-rank on The Mercenaries, which means scoring 80,000. Our highscore before was B-rank at 52,000. We thought it was impossible.
But no. There's 8 different courses and by 12:00 this morning we've gotten A-rank on 7 of them. HOW AWESOME ARE WE?!?!?! That means we've locked up several new characters to play... some of them just being hilarious....

Chris is the cause of many laughs for my part. I think this guy is frickin' ridiculous, mostly because of his crazy ass muscles. Here you see him in his "Safari" and "S.T.A.R.S"-outfits....The "Safari" one is almost the most laughter-provoking thing in the whole game....

And comes Sheva comes along...with the "Tribal" outfit to the left and "Clubbin'" outfit to the right...even though she's pretty much naked in the "Tribal" one I like it more...naked is better than clothes that looks like it's been stolen from H&M's whore department -_- BUT! Even though that's the case I still prefer to play with her in the "Clubbin'" outfit. Why? Well if you play in Story Mode it doesn't really matter but in The Mercenaries different costumes means different weapons. And in the "Tribal" outfit Sheva rocks a longbow, which is awesome but it has no aim. At all. And with my aim being as off as it is WITH AN AIM I prefer the "Clubbin'" Sheva more with her AK-74, Jail Breaker and Rifle...Hells yeah.
Man-love rules ok
Those guys are just... nah I can't find word to describe them.

Poor Richard had to drive through Alabama like this and avoid getting shot by rednecks(I couldn't find decent pics of James's of Jeremy's cars but James had "Hilary for president" written on his and Jeremy had"Country and Western are Rubbish" written on his..
Okey now. It's about time I do something productive....
I'm thinking about taking a shower and then read through the book I got on my birthday: A Dictionary Of Basic Japanese Grammar. I love dictionaries, that's my favourite type of book. And I love grammar. So this is perfect.
Then later on I'm gaming RE5 with Maja. Hells yeah.
Slowpoke (INA<3)
Maaaaah... I feel so slow. But I like it ^^
Woke up at Ina's this morning. Ate breakfast, poked the cat and then took the bus to school.
Didn't do anything productive there though...but me Sofia and Dena layed all three on the small sofa in the hallway... at the same time. It was cozy. Then I nicked some orange peel from Elsa and tried to shove it up Sofia's nose... then Dena took it and put it down my panties. We're so mature sometimes.
When I got home the carpenters was still working so I fled to my room... and watched 4 episodes of Supernatural ^^
This evening, I just wanna lay low, chill and study at my own pace.
And then I'm gonna watch TOP GEAR!!! <3<3<3
Screencap from Top Gear Polar Special. (That penguin looks very lost, which it probably is since penguins live in Antarctica, not the in North Pole....fail)
Spicy Holic
Since we're reconstructing our kitchen our wireless Internet thingy died with it... no harm done. I'm used to the Internet failing on me.
Anyways. What's happened these past days? Well. Yesterday was awesome! We had a theme day at school about human rights. Very nice. And the day ended with the whole school gathered in the examination room, dancing to the beet of the drums played by two amazing guys from... was is the West Indies? I dunno. But it was great.
And the day before that I got some bad news. I wont be able to take my driving licence before next year. That really sucks.
And today...it went by fast. And I've finally gotten my clothes from Yesstyle! WEHOO!!
So... now it's only a few hours before I turn 19.... gosh I'm not ready yet!!! Or... maybe =)

Last year, I spend my birthday at home (sick -_-) and my only company was my fat cat, my PS3 and this picture of Satoshi from Girugamesh. I was lying on the couch, gazing upon this picture on the TV with Owari to Mirai playing in the background (the wonders of a PS3<3) I remember it as it was yesterday...
Korean, Crocodiles, "Fika" and Supernatural.
Yesterday me, Anna and Sofia watched 5 more episodes of "You're Beautiful". It was such a great time with alot of laughing, sqeeling and flailing.

Cute Shin Whoo! I really love this outfit! He always wear nice clothes <3
Then Today the three of us went to the indoor swimming pool. So much fun! You felt like a kid again trying to dive to the deep part of the pool and stuff. We always rode a crocodile (you know those floating toy-thingys they usually have... for the kids...) from one side of the pool to the other. It took alot of effort but we made it! I'm really proud of us, the life guard even gave us thumbs up!! ^^

The croc we rode was MUCH more..eh... dangerous. Good thing we came out of there alive....
Then we went home to Sofia again and had lunch and then Dena and Emma came. We had "fika" and it was really good. Afterwards we watched "Sunes Jul" and I almost fell asleep. But Dena kept on bitting me so that made the whole thing alot more difficult....
Then Emma gave us all a ride home and now I'm sitting and watching "Supernatural", I got to borrow the first season from Anna so... yeah that's what I'm gonna do for the rest of this Saturday evening!

Dean Winchester *blush*
So I'm gonna leave my laptop at home and.... yeah...
My fave character in "You're Beautiful" is...:

Today me and Sofia went to H&M after lunch. And I ALMOST shopped a shirt/dress/whatever... But I didn't. Because I heard a voice in my head (probably my mom's...) that said:
"Johanna you have too many clothes. Get a grip".
So I didn't buy it. But then I got sorta pissed so me and Sofia went and bought some cake <3 haha the solution to everything!!
But yeah, today has been a looong day... I was at school 07:45-16.10 -_-
And I just realized that it's NOT Top Gear tonight! What the hell?!
Oh yeah! I got an invitation to The Studio by Maja (gummsi<3) to have a photoshoot where they style you and stuff...like "a model for a day" kind of thing. And I'm bringing my dear friends to it so I'm very excited!!
SOO... the only thing that remains tonight is... studying, I suppose.. *sigh*
Right now I'm listening to SuG so I think I'll throw in a pic of them just for the sake of it:

My favourite SuG-style!! I love Takeru's clothes!
Gosh, if I could actually say that and MEAN it -_-
I'm done with one of my homeworks (and that's good since it was due today...)
Whatelse have I done?
* Watched Top Gear <3
* Read
* Watched some Petrilude vids
* Vacuum-cleaned the whole house + my room
.... yeah all that......
I have a Alice Nine phase going on right now *w* I wanna hug them all!!!

I love this picture of A9. I wish I could be there in the water with them.. (and pull off Tora's trunks *evil smile*)
BYOOOOOU *throws fists in the air*

Byou looks ridiculous... like: "Ah yeah I'm tryng to be cool but fails at it oh so miserably". And his hair!! WFT?! But Kazuki looks cute! I wanna give him a hug....