Why can't I sleep? I was fascinated by the silence.
I don't wanna sleep. I don't feel like it. And I like my Vaoi too much to keep my hands off of it *groping*
But I'm tired. Very tired.
I really don't feel ready for the theory test on Wednesday. Gosh I'm gonna be so nervous. What if I don't make it? Then I'll be devastated and inconsolable. Shit....
I wonder if it's still snowing...? (probably)
I feel like going on a trip. To like...Seoul!! Or....Africa!! Or....Alaska!!! Or....AUSTRALIA!!!! That'd be awesome.
It's amazing how dark my room gets when I turn off all of the lights. The only light is from all of my electronics being on stand-by. Aaaah that's not good!! I'll have to turn them off...later.
I feel like giving someone a huuuuge hug tomorrow. It'll most likely be Sofia.
Maybe it's time to sleep now. I wish I'll have nice dreams.... about Hammond....or Ruki......or....FUFUFU.

A chocobo <3 I want one soooo bad!!!