We arrived on the same road, we’re just the same.
I always write stuff like "OMG today was the best day EVER"...but... seriously, yesterday WAS one of the best days ever. A very memorable day.
It was like this.
I woke up around 7:15 and got ready for a driving lesson. I took the bus down and went to the driving school. There I sat and chatted with Kattis, a girl who used to live next to us 15 years ago or something... she's also from Sri Lanka so we look like sisters XD Then me and my teacher drove off to Holmsund. It was so beautiful. With a red sun rising and the snow glittering it all looked like a painting.
When I got back I went and had lunch together with my mother. It was very nice.
Then I started walking to where I was going to do the theory test for my driving licence. As I was walking I started getting a bit nervous again... When I arrived I took my picture (fail) and did my signature (dubble fail) and then the test started. Gosh... it was hard but many questions were just plain stupid. And then when I was done I clicked "finish test" and then I saw the most beautiful word appear on the screen: GODKÄND (PASSED). YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!
After the test I walked back to the city to meet up with Maja and Eric. We walked around and it was nice. Later Eric gave us a ride home to Maja and then we saw the crazy orange moon. It'd been a moon eclipse the day before so maybe that's why it looked so spooky... Anyway we went for a little bit of "Moon Hunting" and drove around Mariehem to get a good look at the moon. It was crazy beautiful.

Then when we got home to Maja's and had said goodbye to Eric Maja gave me a late bithday present. An envelope with tickets to Tron: Legacy! When I started screaming she said "We're gonna see it tonight" and then I screamed a little bit more. So we made up a plan for RE5, went and bought goodies for later on, ate a delicious dinner and started playing a bit. The we went for the cinema.

I really don't care what people says about Tron: Legacy, I thought it was great. The soundtrack was amazing and the special effects just as sharp. Amazing. I want this bike below <3 Or I want Maja to have it and then I can ride behind her :3

When we got home we started playing RE5. On Veteran Mode. We finished the first chapter part without having to heal even once. We rocked. Infinite ammo FTW! Around 2:00 I got so tired I seriously I couldn't see straight so we turned off the PS3 and went to bed. (this fucker down here sat stop for us...but we killed him later when we woke
up today. Owned)

How's that for a kick ass day?
Postat av: majsis
Bästa dagen på väldigt längre, i agree!!! Hela vägen till Pite satt jag och förklarade för mami och papi hur mycket jag vill ha en MC. It's got to happen!