Sunny times
Today me and Sofia walked around Djurgården in the early summer heat. Today was even warmer than yesterday, with up to 28°C and blue skies. It was fantastic. The last time I walked around Djurgården was last August, together with Sofia and Lawler. Time flies. We need to do this more often.


We had a ice cream break just before we got the embassies (we had ice cream there last summer too when we were walking around Gärdet!) and their pecan ice cream was just as good as last time. Then we continued walking and then turned up to Karlaplan and took the subway to Gamla Stan to go for some gelato at Stikki Nikki. Hehe. Such an amazing day!
One week left of Uni
The fact that I am graduating in exactly one week is mind blowing. It doesn't feel like it, at all. And since I've been hanging out with Dena (totally randomly) these past two days hasn't helped my keeping any form of schedule or structure in my head. But it's totally ok <3
I've been working a little bit each day on improving my BA thesis since the seminar we had on Tuesday, and today I sent it in to my supervisor for the last time. And we'll meet and discuss it one last time on Monday next week. But I think I'll work on it a bit this weekend still.... probs.
But anyways, these past two-three days with Dena has been super nice. On Wednesday we met up at Odenplan and had an early dinner at BK and then took the subway to Mariatorget and bought some gelato at Stikki Nikki. Always a good idea, if you ask me. Then we walked back home and chilled at my place for the rest of the evening, until Dena left.

Cookies and Cream (sweeter than sweet~)
Then we met up again on Thursday at around 14:00 at Akademiebokhandeln at Mäster Samuelsgatan and Dena went nuts and bought some books lol. We wandered around city a bit, did some shopping and then went to the Espresso House Sofia works at and bought some fika. We sat outside and talked about anime and manga and was awesome! Then we went back to my place and bought dinner and just chilled. Then she left this morning again for Umeå. But she'll be back next week again! Ain't I lucky?

Neww cool street art in Hornstull!
The weather is supposed to be awesome this weekend...I don't wanna sit inside and write on my BA thesis at all. Ugh. I'll probably take a lot of ice cream breaks. A LOT.
Post-opposition seminar
Today, from 9:00, we had our opposition seminar for our BA thesis. We were divided into our host institutions where we've been writing our thesis (mine is Human Geography) so we were a small group of seven. So we followed our schedule and opposed (?) each other's thesis in pairs, while the rest of the group listened. It was really cool hearing what the others had been writing!
Iris opposed my thesis, and it went much better than I thought it would! I don't feel confident about it AT ALL so I was ready for a complete blood bath....but no. So all that remains is to fix some minor issues, some structural issues etc....and then I am done. Insane. I am actually graduating next week.

A weekend of recharging
I got an OK from my supervisor on Friday morning that my BA thesis was approved for next weeks seminar, so I handed it in immediately after waking up. I've been so nervous about it not being good enough for the seminar so it felt amazing to get that green light to hand it in. Now all I have to do it prepare for the seminar on Tuesday.
So needless to say, I decided to take Friday and most of Saturday off. On Friday I went to Slussen for some window shopping (feels like ages ago), and then I walked to 18 Smaker for some ice cream. I got two small scoops of grilled pineapple w/ vanilla and one with saffron flavour. It was delicious. So I munched on that and then walked back home, on a side street of Hornsgatan, behind Münchenbryggeriet and then Högalidskyrkan. I've never been there before but it was a really nice walk, but super hot. So when I got back I bought some gelato haha! This one was Nutella flavoured. Sooo good.

At first I thought that the lady was crazy giving me my gelato looking like it was about to fall off the cone right then and there but no, it was so thick it didn't even dripp.
When I wasn't outside trying to absorb some sunlight I've been curled up in my arm chair watching K-dramas all weekend. I started watching "Goblin" the other day and MY GOD it's so good! I fell for the Grim Reaper immediately (the moment after I had finished laughing at his outfit). Lee Dongwook is a masterpiece of a man. But あの超イケメン aside, the story is very....captivating? I dunno how to describe it but I really like the plot. I'm already 9 episodes in (I have no life) and I just...I feel like the ending is gonna fuck me up. 楽しみに。
BESIDES that. Tonight is the BBMAs and my BABIES BTS are gonna be there and I wanna stream it and watch it live but I am already so tried I feel like Imma fall asleep any second now. Ughhh if I fall asleep before the streaming starts...정국아,화이팅!!
Breakfast @ Sophies Canelé
I met up with Sofia and the Japanese girls today at St. Eriksplan for a nice breakfast at Sophies Canelé. This is also a place that I've been wanting to go to for super long but never actually made it there...until today!
The café was SUUUPER pretty with marbe tables with flowers on them and the whole place just gave off a very...instagram worthy/classy vibe, you know? I loved it. We all ordered their big breakfast package that came with pastery-of-your-choice, coffee/tea, orange juice, yoghurt w/ müsli and jam and a sandwhich of-your-choice. It was so worth the money.

Sofia and Mayu :D

Erina, Tomone and me :D

The whole gang <3
Everything was so delicious. The orange juice was so fresh, the yoghurt with müsli and jam was so creamy and the sandwhich (I took one with salami and small pickles) was really good too. But the star of the show was the almost croissant. Probs best croissant I've ever had. And the black tea I had was really rich and delicious too. Such a success!
So we sat the chatting, looking at old pictures and laughing like usual. Then when we left we realized that this would be our last time seeing each other for a while, since the girls are leaving next week. We've all been quite busy this semester but every time we have had time to see each other all 5 of us, we've had a blast! They're all such wonderful and smart girls, and we've made some really nice memories together. Like always, when parting with friends like this, we only say "see you later" and not "good bye". Because we'll meet again, for sure.
A weekend off
I submitted my BA thesis for the first deadline at around noon on Friday last week, and since then, I've been relaxing from the studies. On Saturday we had an amazing Eurovision night at my place with the whole gang. We started with dinner at a Chinese place here in Hornstull and then bought some snacks for the evening at Hemköp. It was such a great evening!

The only picture I took on Eurovision, hahah!
Then yesterday, Sunday, me and Sofia went and watched the new Guardians of the Galaxy 2. It was SO GOOD!! I would actually say it's just a great as the first one...which is rare!!

Buying some candy before the movie~

In the evening me and Sofia went to Lappis to hang out and have dinner with the Japanese girls. The food was really good and we laughed so much talking about random stuff, like always. So sad they'll be leaving soon...

Mid-week fun times
I've two awesome days with my classmates this week....and it's only Wednesday!
Yesterday, after some hours of writing at Uni with Rebecca, we met up with Emy at Lappis. We did some grocery shopping and then went back to Emy's place where Tove and her and Emy's friend Travis (who they met while studying abroad in Bangkok last year) later showed up. Originally we'd planned for a BBQ night outside but since the weather couldn't make up it's mind we had an indoor "BBQ" instead. Which was just a good!

One of all the 54 different weathers we experienced yesterday....

After dinner we played a board game (Betrayal at house on the hill yet again hehe) and I actually won! WOOP! Just before 22:00, we melted some chocolate and cut up some bananas and went outside to hear the legendary "Lappis scream". Appearently it's a tradition that students scream at 22:00 every tuesday night. We didn't tell Travis about it and his face when everybody started screaming randomly was hilarious. We sat outside in the cold, munching on chocolate dipped bananas and chatted about random stuff before our blankets couldn't keep us warm enough and we went back indoors again. Such an epic night.

Boardgames on the floor <3

A bit cold but happy :D
This morning I met up with the same gang + Emma for brunch at Sthlm Brunch Club! Yaaaay!! I went all in and ordered pancakes, avo sandwhich and a freakshake. No regrets at all. And everything was so goood. God delicious food makes me so happy.

Rebecca, me and Emma :D

These freakshakes thooo

My must-have American pancakes!

I ate all of this. And I'd do it again tomorrow.

I ate all of this. And I'd do it again tomorrow.

After the brunch we split with Travis and he headed out to explore the city while we went back to Uni to continue writing on our thesis. With all that good brunch food in my belly I managed to tick off some things in my thesis that I've been postponing went alright! Gonna go back to Uni tomorrow and on Friday and then hand it in later on Friday evening when my first deadline is. Gaaah!!
A week of writing
Is it Sunday today? I think it's Sunday....although it doesn't feel like it since I spend the day at Uni writing on my BA thesis. I've been there almost every day this week...and I think I've made quite a progress. But...I am still not done.
Despite the looming dark cloud of stress which is the thesis, I've been also having a great time with my classmates. Sitting together at Uni, having lunch together, screaming in frustration, procrastinate etc. All of that while being surrounded by cherry blossom and sunshine. Not half bad at all.

The ground slowling being covered by the wilting cherry blossom~
Yesterday I took the day off and chilled with Sofia the whole day. We had turkish food and made mocktails, watched Guardians of the Galaxy, the new episode of SKAM and planned for our trip next month! Less than a month left now GAH!

I could eat this every day. Maybe. At least 3 times a week. Easy.

I have my first deadline on Friday next week so I'll spend alot of time at Uni during the week. Then I can breathe out on Saturday a bit. Can't wait.
A cherry day
Today was a good day.
I woke up at 6:00 and then headed to the gym to run on the treadmill a bit. Getting closer and closer to my goal of 5K in 30 min! Then after showering and eating breakfast I headed to Uni. I sat in the Geo building and was soon joined by Rebecca. Then a bit later Tove joined us as well. And believe it or not, I actually got A LITTLE BIT done. And actually important stuff (I think lol). I only wrote like...350 words but those were pretty good ones I must say haha. We we had decided that we were not gonna get anything more done we went outside and took some pics of the cherry blossom trees outside of the Geo buildings. They are so pretty...and they make me miss Japan even more </3.

Such a beautiful day at campus~

Sunny times~