Weekend life
On Friday me and Alona went on a "treasure hunt" at Uni to find our classrooms for next week. At least, it felt like a treasure hunt. The Uni is waaay bigger than I thought and the location of the classrooms and all makes no sense. But in the end we found them all! We also went to the library to check up on a few things. Later than evening, us and a few new friends from Uni went to a "Welcome and Welcome Back" party at the University's own club (I guess you can call it a club...). It was pretty (read: very) lame but we did manage to talk to some new people and make a few new contacts.
Then on Saturday, we went to go shopping! Or well, I tagged along when the other wanted to go shopping haha! We started off with a fika at Café Nero near Tottenham Court Road and then worked our way up Oxford Street. Later that evening I went to Kings Cross for the first time! IT IS MASSIVE!!! I also had a great dinner with great company.

Isn't this the best fika picture ever?!? My Red Velvet cake in the middle was aaamazing <3
Today has been a day of the slower kind. The only time I went outside was to go grocery shopping. Then I talked to Sofia, Talked to Mom and then Skyped with Dena. Oh and I also made onigiri. Alot of onigiri. Yum.

Look at these babies!!
Tomorrow is my first class! NERVOUS!!!! I hope I remember the way to my classroom....
Tour of London
Today after a quick information meeting at Uni we all went to a Tour of London! They had hired coaches and we drove around the city and looked at a few typical London spots and attractions. Then we went all the way out to Greenwich and then jumped on a boat ride back up River Thames. After the tour was over, the group split up and we headed back to China Town for dinner with some newfound friends from Uni! It was a really great and exciting day!

Driving through Camden Town...

Albert Memorial in Kensington Gardens.

Flowers are already blooming here and there!!

A zoomed in Buckingham Palace.

Pelicans :D

Back at Westminister Abbey.

Driving by Big Ben...

On the boat cruise on River Thames.

Epic Tower Bridge!

The Shard!

London Millennium Bridge!

London Eye.

And then back to Westminister Abbey and Big Ben :D
Day off
Today we decided to go and visit the British Museum and explore a bit more! Me and Sofia went to the British Museum back in November, but since it's huuuuuge we didn't see all the exhibitions and all so I was totally excited to go back! I really like the atmosphere in museums...and there's so many Asians there haha!

These made me so happy! HOW COOL?!
Afterwards we had lunch at a korean restaurant and I got my "bibimbap-fix". I need bibimbap in my life. It's the best <3 Then we walked around town for a few hours and checked in a few stores. We made our way back to China Town and ooooh my god there's so many restaurants I want to visit there!! I want to eat all the food.

Bibimbap <3

Fika break~

Tomorrow we have another information meeting at Uni and then "Tour of London"....gonna be interesting!
Fully moved in!
Yesterday we started moving my stuff in to my new room and today I moved in the last stuff. So now I can honestly say that I live in London. How insane is that?! Like....this is gonna be such a good experience for me I think. Not just the good and fun stuff but also the scary and bad stuff. It's definitely gonna make me appreciate Sweden and Stockholm even more.
So yesterday we went back to Camden and walked around the market and looked through all the stalls and stuff. When we came to the food corner we had such a hard time deciding on what to eat!! There was just too much! Food from different parts of the world, gathered at one market = Heaven. We decided to share some Thai food and then an Indian veggie Samosa. Then for dessert we bought fried Oreos. That's right. FRIED OREOS!! They we're delicious. And surprisingly filling haha. We also bought some fresh orange juice which tasted divine. Then we went back to the hotel and chilled for the rest of the evening.

So much fried stuff to choose from~

So good!!

Today we checked out of the hotel and moved Alona's stuff to her dorm. After that, we went to IKEA to buy some necessities. Because you always have to go to IKEA when you're moving somewhere. It's tradition. We also had the standard plate of meatballs and mashed potatoes. Then we went back to Alona's dorm and dropped off her stuff and then, for the first time in these past 5 days, we had to go seperate ways. I took the bus back to my room and now I'm sitting here in my bed. I'm kinda tired after today so I'll probably go to bed early...and tomorrow we have the enrollment at Uni! So excited!

So many meatballs xD
First days in London
Hello everyone!
I'm alive and well here in London. The flight and everything went great and we arrived at the hotel that we'll be staying at until Monday without any trouble.
On the first day (Thursday) we got our Oyster cards, went to check out my friends dorm and the area she'll be living in. Then we took the bus back to Holloway and went to our new University, but couldn't really enter since we haven't enrolled yet lol. Then we went back to the hotel and had the chillest evening ever. We hadn't slept much that night so we really needed to recharge our batteries, you know. So the first day went quite well!
I'm alive and well here in London. The flight and everything went great and we arrived at the hotel that we'll be staying at until Monday without any trouble.
On the first day (Thursday) we got our Oyster cards, went to check out my friends dorm and the area she'll be living in. Then we took the bus back to Holloway and went to our new University, but couldn't really enter since we haven't enrolled yet lol. Then we went back to the hotel and had the chillest evening ever. We hadn't slept much that night so we really needed to recharge our batteries, you know. So the first day went quite well!

Literally, the only picture I took on Thursday. Fail.
On the second day, Friday, we first walked to Camden to check out the market. Unfortunately, it was rainy and the mood was so-so, but it was pretty cool. We'll definitely be going back there when the sun is out!
Then we took a bus to Oxford Circus and walked up and down Oxford Street. We had lunch at a Libanese restaurant which was AH-mazin' and then we took a loooong fika break at a Costa to wait out the rain. Then we went and bought some UK SIM-cards for our mobiles. Which means, my Swedish number is now off and you can't reach me if you try to call me on that number. Just so you know.
Then we walked all the way to Trafalgar Square, while enjoying the Friday atmosphere of London. Then we took the bus from Trafalgar Square back to the hotel. REALLY awesome day.
Then we walked all the way to Trafalgar Square, while enjoying the Friday atmosphere of London. Then we took the bus from Trafalgar Square back to the hotel. REALLY awesome day.

Libanese food <3

Fika :D

Trafalgar Square!

Today on Saturday we took the bus to Hyde Park to walk around and just chill. It's such a huge park! Then we went back to Baker Street (fufufu) to have lunch at a food court there. They had SOOOO much food and appearently they had some kind of "Japan special" and sell tons of Japanese foods and products and such. I squealed. Then we walked to M&M's World close to Picadilly Circus. That store was huge! 4 whole floors!! But there was so much people there so we just looked around a little bit and then went and took the bus back to the hotel. So much walking today, but it was great!

There was alot of squirrels in Hyde Park :D

Just a classic telephone box.

Inside M&M's World.

THIS! Mix your own favourite M&M's :D

OK so tomorrow I'm gonna view my room for the first time! Excited and nervous! See ya!
Moving to London
I actually don't know if I've ever written about it here but...yeah, I'm moving to London today. It's been quite intense and stressful getting here, but I'm sure it's gonna be worth it. So please have patience before I get all settled in and such, this blog might be a bit quiet (not that that hasn't happened before hah).
I'll be studying at London Metropolitan University for 4 months, and I'll be back in Stockholm in early June.
So yeah, London here I come!!
So yeah, London here I come!!

Last day in Stockholm
Today I've basically been packing the whole day -__-
But I think I'm done now...probably.
But I think I'm done now...probably.
I also finished playing FFX-2 today. God what a wondeful game that is! And I got 96% complete!? Hahaha that's waaay more than I thought I'd get since I've been skipping a few things here and there...ah well. Honestly, I can't wait to replay it on New Game Plus. It's gonna be awesome.
I'm gonna have to get up super early tomorrow so I hope that I can fall asleep quick tonight...even though it's quite unlikely. Well, I'll schedule a post later tomorrow just...because.
JFC crew
The fika together with Maya and Hampus (JFC crew) was awesome. So much catching up. So much gossip. And delish fika at our usual café. Just lovely.

Dinner with Yuuks + The hell begins
Yesterday Yuuki came over and we cooked dinner together and had some good ol' Frödinge Kladdkaka for dessert (with vaniljvisp <3). We watched some K-pop vids and listened to music while chatting and just having an awesome time. I'm gonna miss her so much while I'm away!! I hope she can visit us....
Today I have to start packing. I hate packing. So much. But I'm gonna take a break and go for some fika later today with the JFC crew. Mjes.
"Pogo-shippo" & "gorby-baguette"
I had such a great time together with Anton yesterday.
First we just sat and chatted and did some catching up, and then we decided to take the car to get some pizza! BUT, ofc, the car wouldn't start. Hahaha it must've been because of the cold...
Anyways, so we decided to go and eat burgers at Bun Meat Bun, close to where he lives. Me, him and Sofia have been there before and my god their burgers taste like heaven!!
When we got back, we watched and oooold promo video that we recorded for KICL back in early 2013...it was hilarous. I can't believe it's public on their home page xD Hahaha oh dear....
First we just sat and chatted and did some catching up, and then we decided to take the car to get some pizza! BUT, ofc, the car wouldn't start. Hahaha it must've been because of the cold...
Anyways, so we decided to go and eat burgers at Bun Meat Bun, close to where he lives. Me, him and Sofia have been there before and my god their burgers taste like heaven!!
When we got back, we watched and oooold promo video that we recorded for KICL back in early 2013...it was hilarous. I can't believe it's public on their home page xD Hahaha oh dear....
Then we just chilled, talking about language, life and stuff. It's was very nice. I'm gonna miss hanging out with him while I'm away.

Only pic from yesterday, taken by Anton xD
Done with Political Science I
Today I had my final exam of Political Science I, International Politics. The exam was difficult, and I couldn't even answer the last question, but since you only need point on 3 out of 4 questions I know I passed! I must have! Hahah oooomg it feels amazing. No more SU for a few months fufufu...if I don't have to go back for something next week but I don't think so haha.
So for the rest of the day I am gonna try to relax a bit...I do have some stuff to prepare for next week but first, BREATHE! Then, later tonight I'm going to Anton's and we're gonna eat pizzaaaaa!! Wohooo!!

Snowy parts of SU.
Oh my god...
Me and Sofia got VIP tickets to see the Gazette in Helsinki in June.
Me and Sofia got VIP tickets to see the Gazette in Helsinki in June.
Literally shaking....I can't believe it!
This will be my 4th Gazette concert! Second time in Helsinki haha!

My biggest idols, thank you for coming back to Europe!
Can't wait to see you again <3
Can't wait to see you again <3
GU gals
Last evening I met up with my friends from Uni and together we had an amazing "Girls night out" at Vapiano. I haven't been there in aaaaages but it was really nice to be back haha. I mean, the food is great, the atmosphere is even better, and together with amazing company on top of that....just perfect!
We shared some starters, and then I got my good ol' favourite pasta dish with ricotta cheese, salami, rocket and garlic etc. It tastes like heaven.
We sat there for several hours, and for a change not only talking about "heavy" stuff like politics and power structures, but more typical "girls talk" topics haha! It was so much fun.

Amazing carpaccio as a starter!

Food! :D
This morning I got up early to do some laundry and then I chilled in bed with a book and a cup of tea. Today is gonna be slow and hopefully productive, since I have my last exam next Saturday. Oh dear....
Girl's chat
Yesterday was so awesome. Me and Sofia met up with Anna who is in town and together the 3 of us went to Max at Torsplan for some delish burgers and some serious catching up! We sat there talking for about 4 hours hahah!! That is a personal record for time spent at Max. So awesome.

Derpy pic. What else?
"That's pure dickery without a flag"
Yesterday Sofia came over and we had a great spontaneous sleep over! Cooking delish food, watching a movie ("Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, epic), listening to music watching some japanese shows etc. It was so much fun. We're both gonna be quite busy these upcoming weeks but it's nice to have some relaxing time with your bestie inbetween all work and such. Lovely!

Old pic of Sofia & me trying to look glam and throwing shade af.
2 weeks of Umeå
I barely took any pictures during my visit in Umeå. Shame on me. But I managed to snap a few at least...so might aswell upload them! :D

Went on a roadtrip to Vindeln together with Yuuki and Sofia to watch the river :D

How cute are these girls?!? <3

Then we went and bought a "Norrlandspizza" with raindeer meat, Västerbotten cheese, lingon berries and chanterelles!! :D

A day later, fika with Dena!

At the movies, about to watch Spectre, together with the 007 gang xD

Blue sugar! Following pics are all from New Year's eve, which I spent together with Dena!

Blueberry drinks!

Had such an amazing New Year's eve with this girl <3

Delish dinner which we made all by ourselves haha :D

And this dessert tho...

Pomegranatemousse on top of the most delish brownie ever.

Back again
Wohooo I'm back in Stockholm now, after 2 whole weeks in Umeå. It's been so much fun hanging with friends and family. I feel like I did so many things that it kinda feels like I've been gone an entire month! But yeah, I'll write a summary post with some pics later about my two weeks in Umeå. Too much to do right now. The upcoming 3 weeks will be cray. Stay tuned!