Westfield Stratford
So today the girls and I took a trip to Stratford to go to Westfield, the big shopping center they have there. There is a Westfield in Shepard's Bush aswell (where me and Sofia used to hang out lol) which is bigger, but we wanted to go someplace new so, yeah. We took the overground to Stratford, and then Westfield was just next to the station. And it was big. And crowed. We walked around a bit, and then went for an early lunch at Gourmet Burger Kitchen. Since I had a big breakfast I only got the sweet potato fries with baconnaise (!!!). So delicious. Then we walked around a bit more, checking a few stores only to realize it's waaay to many people out...ugh. We went to the top floor of M&S for some fika and sat there talking shit for a while before deciding to call it the day and went back to the station to take the train home. I must say, and I'm probably being bias now, but I prefer Westfield in Shepard's Bush. It just more open and bright...ah well, now I've been to Stratford at least lol.

Waiting for the train~

Inside Westfield!

Lunch break~

Look at those skinny fries!!!

So good~

Just things
Hiya. Still not much going on here...besides wrapping up my last assignments etc, and preparing for my exam in two weeks. The girls and I went to see the new Jungle Book movie earlier this week. I really enjoyed it!!
And yesterday me and Alona decided to go to Costa after her class and we ended up sitting there talking about random things for almost 4 hours....hahaha!
Then today the three of us sat and chilled in a newfound computer room at Uni with an amazing view over Holloway Road. We did most things except studying...like looking at pictures of kittens and Benedict Cumberbatch.
Tomorrow we're planning on going to Westfield in Stratford for some shopping! I haven't been there yet so...I'm excited! We'll see how much shopping I'll do...ehehee.
And yesterday me and Alona decided to go to Costa after her class and we ended up sitting there talking about random things for almost 4 hours....hahaha!
Then today the three of us sat and chilled in a newfound computer room at Uni with an amazing view over Holloway Road. We did most things except studying...like looking at pictures of kittens and Benedict Cumberbatch.
Tomorrow we're planning on going to Westfield in Stratford for some shopping! I haven't been there yet so...I'm excited! We'll see how much shopping I'll do...ehehee.
I need to be better at taking pictures while I'm still here....damn it.
Scandi Kitchen round 2
Today I met up with my cousin Mia to get some fika at Scandinavian Kitchen! She ordered a Norwegian bun, and I got a Danish cake. Sorry Sweden hehe. But yeah, it was great seeing her again! So fun to be able to meet up with her like this, kinda spontaneously, since we usually live in different countries haha!
On the way home, I dropped by H-Mart mini on Tottenham Court Road to get some tteokbokki! Korean spicy rice cakes! I have literally been craving them recently. They're in the freezer waiting for me, but I'm too full to eat them now...I'll save them until the cravings become unbearable! And I just finished watching GoT S05EP10 to warm up for tomorrow....GoT Season 6!!! Shit is gonna go down!
On the way home, I dropped by H-Mart mini on Tottenham Court Road to get some tteokbokki! Korean spicy rice cakes! I have literally been craving them recently. They're in the freezer waiting for me, but I'm too full to eat them now...I'll save them until the cravings become unbearable! And I just finished watching GoT S05EP10 to warm up for tomorrow....GoT Season 6!!! Shit is gonna go down!

Oxford Circus~

The Graham Norton Show
Yesterday, we did a really fun thing! We had priority tickets to go and sit in the audience of The Graham Norton Show! How cool?! We got really nice seats and omg....Graham....was so freaking funny!! Like, even when the cameras weren't rolling, he just kept on making jokes and stuff. My cheeks literally hurt from laughing. The guests were Dame Joan Colling, Paul Hollywood (The Great British Bake Off), Lily James (Cinderella) and Richard Madden (Robb Stark) and Joe Jonas and his new band (lol). Nice line up, and they we're soooo funny all of them.
Such a cool experience! I want to go every week! The episode will air tonight, but I don't think I'm gonna watch it (I mean, I've kinda already seen it lol).
Such a cool experience! I want to go every week! The episode will air tonight, but I don't think I'm gonna watch it (I mean, I've kinda already seen it lol).

Chillin by the Thames before the show~

Waiting for the bus after the show~
Final Rent
I just payed my final rent here in London. Sure feels nice to not have to pay that ridiculous amount anymore...
So, I don't remember if I ever wrote it here, but I booked my tickets home the other week. I will be back in Stockholm on the 1st of June! I actually miss Stockholm...my tiny apartment...my PS3. Ugh.
Not much left of Uni here either...just a few more weeks! I feel moderately stressed. Not too much, not too little. Just enough to procrastinate every other evening...
And I guess spring is here in London...but it still feels too cold for me to wear my long black coat. Damn it.
And I guess spring is here in London...but it still feels too cold for me to wear my long black coat. Damn it.
Dat 雰囲気 tho
Yesterday I went to the library to finish my Middle East essay, and then in the evening I met up with Alona and Clara to head in to the city for dinner! We went to Vapiano, which was delicious as always. The atmosphere at Vapiano is something special. I can't put my finger on it but...it's something. Then we went to Hummingbird Bakery to buy some cupcakes and cake to take home haha! Such a simple but great evening.

On the bus, on the way to the city centre~

Tried a new pasta, Alona's favourite, with scampi. Quite (read:very) heavy but oh so good~

Today I went to the library again, but didn't get that much done (except for my flash cards...chapter 7 now!!). On the way home I did some grocery shopping and then cooked some late lunch/early dinner when I got home. Now I'm just trying to practice for my Chinese presentation tomorrow. It's not actually in Chinese (well duh) but I still refer to it as my Chinese presentation lol. Hopefully it'll go well...
OP etc
Seriously not alot happening here. I've finally figured out when all of my essays, exams, article etc are due now at least. So now I just need to get stuff done....hehe.
Been watching alot of OP recently...a classic. The whole Law & Corazon arc was so saaad!! Ugh. Currently at ep 715. Only about 20 ep left until I am all caught up with the new episodes!
Sat & Sun
Yesterday I had such a nice evening out in the city with Alona. We had some Bao Buns or whatever they're called in China Town, then walked all the way up to ODEON on Tottenham Court Rd to catch the new Huntsman movie! It was alright, didn't blow me away or anything, but I enjoyed it!
This morning I took the bus to King's Cross to meet up with...SOFIA! She was in town with her parents and after they took off to the airport Sofia had a few hours until her bus back to Bath...so we decided to meet up!! We walked from Kingsan (asså lol. Inte Kungsan här inte, utan Kingsan) to Warren Street Station and then had some fika at a Starbucks, and then lunch at a nearby Itsu. It was so wonderful to see Sofia again. Next time we meet will be when we go to Helsinki in June!!!

We can't take serious pictures anymore...
Catching up
Not much going on here. Trying to catch up on some studying etc. Decided to read some chapters of Bleach and was not disappointed by all of the epicness. Lord...it's just cray. Think I'm gonna read some Kuroshitsuji before bed aswell...why not, you know.
Oh and btw...

...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAREST DENA!! Super old, random pic, taken on top of Arashiyama. This was one of the best days during my time in Japan. Everything was so perfect and I was so happy <3
Long weekend with my P1, pt 2
On Saturday, me and Maja didn't have any big plans except shopping during the day and visiting the Sky Garden in the evenig. Despite it being a Saturday, Oxford Street wasn't all too crowded...huh. And the Sky Garden was really cool! I've been there during the day, but it was waaay different during the night! It was like a club...kinda..or more like a fancy bar maybe. But it was nice!

Regent Street~

View of The Shard from the Sky Garden~

We started off Sunday with a super sweet afternoon tea at Bea's of Bloomsbury at S.t Paul's Cathedral. It was really nice. Then we walked down to the river and all the way to Westminister Abbey and Big Ben. From there, we jumped on a bus to go and visit Madame Tussauds. I was kinda blown away to be honest. IT WAS SO COOL! Even though you know the wax figures aren't real, they still made me nervous. After that, we walked to Regent's Park and strolled around a bit, before being surprised by a thunder storm and ran to the bus to take us home.


This cutiepie <3

The coolest lamps ever?!



The Millenium Bridge~

Westminister Abbey and Big Ben!

London Eye :D

Inside Madame Tussauds! :D

Colin Firth!

Omg I found Shahrukh Khan!!!!!

So short?!

Nicole Kidman!

The Beckhams~

Maja chillin' with George Cloony.

Gorgeous Benedict Cumberbatch!!

Eeeeh hiiiii there~

Maja with Emma Watson :D

Maja with Katniss Everdeen!

Mr. Bond ;)

Haha 1D xD



"It's taken care of, Mr. President".

Coolest duo!

Found this little dude in Regent's Park!

A wild squrrel appeared!
Then on Monday morning we just stayed inside, watching the season finale of TWD S6. Which was way too intense. Holy crap....
I had such an amazing time with Maja here in London! I wished she could've stayed longer...but really made the most of our time together here and I just wanted to follow her back to Sweden! But I've still got some stuff to get done here. Ugh. Ah well, we'll see each other soon again :) Thank you for coming and visiting me <3
Long weekend with my P1, pt 1
So Maja, my P1, arrived to London on Thursday afternoon. I picked her up at Heathrow and then we went in to the city together. We got off at Picadilly Circus and then walked to China Town to get some dinner! Then we strolled to Trafalgar Square and got on the bus home.

On our first full day together, we headed to Camden to visit the market and look at all of the stalls etc. We shared some sweet potato fries and then got on the but to Oxford Circus to do some shopping! After spending some moneyyy, we went to Euston Station to catch a train to Watford Junction to get to Warner Bros. Studios Harry Potter tour! Even though I've been there once, it was still epic. When we got back, we walked to King's Cross and had dinner at a nearby restaurant before we took the tube back home.

Ps. This post has both mine and Maja's pictures, but mostly hers ^^