Long weekend with my P1, pt 2
On Saturday, me and Maja didn't have any big plans except shopping during the day and visiting the Sky Garden in the evenig. Despite it being a Saturday, Oxford Street wasn't all too crowded...huh. And the Sky Garden was really cool! I've been there during the day, but it was waaay different during the night! It was like a club...kinda..or more like a fancy bar maybe. But it was nice!

Regent Street~

View of The Shard from the Sky Garden~

We started off Sunday with a super sweet afternoon tea at Bea's of Bloomsbury at S.t Paul's Cathedral. It was really nice. Then we walked down to the river and all the way to Westminister Abbey and Big Ben. From there, we jumped on a bus to go and visit Madame Tussauds. I was kinda blown away to be honest. IT WAS SO COOL! Even though you know the wax figures aren't real, they still made me nervous. After that, we walked to Regent's Park and strolled around a bit, before being surprised by a thunder storm and ran to the bus to take us home.


This cutiepie <3

The coolest lamps ever?!



The Millenium Bridge~

Westminister Abbey and Big Ben!

London Eye :D

Inside Madame Tussauds! :D

Colin Firth!

Omg I found Shahrukh Khan!!!!!

So short?!

Nicole Kidman!

The Beckhams~

Maja chillin' with George Cloony.

Gorgeous Benedict Cumberbatch!!

Eeeeh hiiiii there~

Maja with Emma Watson :D

Maja with Katniss Everdeen!

Mr. Bond ;)

Haha 1D xD



"It's taken care of, Mr. President".

Coolest duo!

Found this little dude in Regent's Park!

A wild squrrel appeared!
Then on Monday morning we just stayed inside, watching the season finale of TWD S6. Which was way too intense. Holy crap....
I had such an amazing time with Maja here in London! I wished she could've stayed longer...but really made the most of our time together here and I just wanted to follow her back to Sweden! But I've still got some stuff to get done here. Ugh. Ah well, we'll see each other soon again :) Thank you for coming and visiting me <3
Postat av: ina
Lätt det mäktigaste som hände er på hela helgen.
Nä men seriöst vissa av de där dockorna såg ju lite väl verkliga ut xD
Johanna Lundgren
Postat av: P1
Åååh! Tusen tack för ett par magiska couple of days. Min Londonvistelse kunde inte ha varit bättre min vän! Och det har jag dig att tacka för <3 PUSS
Johanna Lundgren