1st Advent, 1 year
Today has been magical.
Been watching "Beauty and the Beast", eating Japanese curry, drinking saffron tea and eating "lussekissar" and listening to Christmas music together with Sofia. Just amazing! We also hung my new Christmas star from Indiska in my window. It's just gorgeous!

Kinda bad lightning but it's gold and turquoise and just plain GORGEOUS!

Candles and pro-lussekisse 2.0!
And what about my essay? Yes, I wrote a little bit today after Sofia left. But tomorrow I'm gonna try write more! Now I'm gonna curl up in my armchair with a cup of tea and read in my book about "Nordic Creatures". Perfect way to spend the evening.
(Btw. Today it's been 1 whole year since I move down to Stockholm! How crazy is that?!)
(Btw. Today it's been 1 whole year since I move down to Stockholm! How crazy is that?!)
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey
No. That's not meant to be a Doctor Who reference.....ok, maybe just a little bit.
Nah but these past 2 days has also been random. Maybe that's the theme of the week? I dunno.
I think it's the essay's fault. It warps and twists time in a weird way...(been spending some time at Uni's library).
But yeah I went and watched Hunger Games Mockingjay pt 1 yesterday and Interstellar tonight (just got home).
Mockingjay was good. Alot of builing up for the next movie mostly....
Interstellar was.....complex. Just, time and space in a big BIG mess. Oh and don't forget a dash of gravity to add to the mix. But it was pretty cool. I liked it.
Tomorrow will hopefully be less random. Will be celebrating 1st Advent together with Sofia and will try not to think too much about the essay during the day. Mjes.
Today has been long and random. I hugged two stranges today. How about that! Nah but the first one was a girl who also attended the Waseda Uni presentation thingy I went to this morning. I will most likely not go there and study abroad but still....wanted tot check it out. And this girl I walked to is going to Japan next month and wanted some tips from me so I gladly told her all about my experiences in Japan. And then we hugged. Because that's how people in Stockholm do appearently.
The second stranger I hugged today was under completely different circumstances. I had just finished my lunch and sat on a bench at Uni trying to read and on the table next to me on the opposite side sat another girl with her laptop. All of the sudden, she yells (not loud, more like a big gasp maybe) and then...starts crying. Like, crazy crying. And the people around us just pretented not to notice (even I in the beginning) but she wouldn't stop crying and when she started hyperventilating I just had to do something. So I went up to her and asked her if she was OK and she just violently shook her head and started crying louder. So I sat down next to her and held her, trying to comfort her as good as I could. I don't know what had happened to her but it was heartbreaking seeing her cry like that. After a while she calmed down and thanked me (with a long hug) and then I had to go to class. I hope everything worked out for her...poor girl.
Then after class I had dinner with a classmate and then I went to the library to star working on my exam. Yup! We have until next Thursday to finish it but I want to get it over with as fast as possible. Going back tomorrow morning to sit there and write some more.
Zombie-mode? No! OVERDRIVE-MODE!
I shall never sleep again. Or at least sleep much less. Appearently this is how my body works best (I've known for years that 5 hours of sleep is perfect for me but....). Last night I only had about 4 hours of sleep which meant that I thought today would be a day in complete zombie-mode. Oh how I was wrong.
Today I have been so productive it's almost scary. And the amount of money I've spent is also scary. But 75% of it all is christmas gifts so it's totally OK. Although when I got home I saw that I've gotten a coupon at Åhléns on 20% that I could've used and saved some money...meh, next time.

I got this GORGEOUS lavender colour nail polish by Essie. You can't really see how beautiful it is but trust me, it's amazing.

Some rings from H&M.

Cacao nibs! Will go perfect with my banana porrige tomorrow!

And finally this book, which I've ben craaaaaving for about 10 months. It serves no real purpose beside just being totally badass and creepy at the same time. YAY!
I started the day off (alarm set at 05:45) with some chia pudding and berries for breakfast, got ready and headed to Uni for a 08:00-10:00 class. On the way home I stopped at Fridhemsplan and bought some things and then went home to have a quick lunch. During my lunch I also talked to my electricity supplier (who's been messing with me), took care of the huge mountain of dishes (very un-Loui like to leave dishes like that I know) and then I headed out back in to the city for some shopping. I was extremely effective and on the way home I bought some groceries for dinner and "baking".
After getting home I made some "Energy Balls", following my dear friend Lares recipe. You can find the recipe on her blog right here! Go check it out! :D I figured since I'll be spending the upcoming days writing on my 3rd exam I needed a boost!

A plate full of energy!
Then I took a shower (using my new hair treatment from Aussie!) and then made dinner: Lentil soup! Cheap and delicious! Then I enjoyed my dinner while watching some Top Gear and I'm pretty sure that when it's time for bed, I'm gonna fall asleep in 3 seconds since this day has been productive as HELL! :D
Monday= Check!
This morning I woke up quite early, got ready and took the subway to Östermalmstorg. I had a manicure appointment in "Mood Gallerian" so after 1 h my nails are now sparkly and just gorgeous! Love it!

Very crappy picture but it'll have to do. Best part is that they fixed my derp-nail (which I slammed my frontdoor on 3 months ago...) so now it looks normal again :D
Then I went back home and had lunch and watched some Top Gear before I headed back out and went to Uni to attend class. We talked about gender quotations,ethnicity and nationalism. Very interesting!
After getting home I cleaned my apartment a bit and had dinner and now I need to catch up on some reading. BUT I'm exhausted and just want to curl up in my armchair and watch AHS ;__; what to do...
Kjempe koselig!
Phuuh!! I came back to Stockholm last night at around 23:00 (with a delay of 1 ½ hour...damn you SJ...never in time).
But what a weekend it has been! It feels like I've been away for one whole week haha!
But yeah, my train to Oslo was also delayed on Friday morning but eventually we got there. A girl from the office of Juvente in Olso met up with us (the 5 Swedes) and brought us back to the office to rest a bit. Then we took the bus (together with all of the others) to the camp, about 1 ½ hours away. The first night was pretty chill and we didn't do much but on the second day we all started having fun with our workshops. The dancing was great! The teacher was awesome and in the evening we performed in front of the whole group. The other groups performed aswell and we all had a great time! And then, on Sunday at 12:00 the bus left to take us back to Oslo.
During this weekend, I have realized that I seriously need to work on my Norwegian skills. I only understand 85% of what they say if they speak without a thick dialect....but if they come from Trondheim I only get 50%. It was so annoying!!!!! But I definitely improved alot in just 3 days and learned alot of new words in Norwegian haha.
If I had to describe my weekend in Norway together with Juvente is would have to be: REFRESHING! Seriously, being able to hang out and have fun with people who are also against alcohol and other drugs. Just amazing! After this weekend, I feel slightly less lonely about my beliefs.Such a fantastic but overdue thing to feel!
Strangely enough, I didn't take any photos with my camera during this weekend! Only with my cellphone....and mostly pictures of signs and other funny Norwegian words. Enjoy!

Morning chaos at Stockholm Centralstation...

Finally in Oslo!

The view!


And my favourite...NISSE LATTE :D
"Oh how I wish, I was Jan Egeland"
Tomorrow is the day! I'll be taking the train in the morning to Oslo and then meet up with some people and together we'll take the bus to the camp where we'll be spending the weekend. I'm a bit nervous, but I think it's gonna be awesome!
I don't remember if I ever wrote WHY I'm going to Norway this weekend....well, it's together with UNF! There's gonna be a workshop there during this weekend and 5 Swedes could tag along, so of course I was up for it! The activity I've chosen is....dancing! Yaaaay!!
But yeah I hope that everything goes smoothly this weekend and that my train won't get stuck halfway or something...wouldn't be surprising though. Ah well. Norway, here I come!

I've had such a wonderful day today! I think I managed to squeeze in alot:
* Woke up and made delicious banana porridge + prepared lunch.
* Went to Noir Stockholm to have my long overdue haircut.
* Went to Uni and ran in to Anton so we had lunch together. So awesome!
* Said goodbye to Anton and went to the library to study.
* Went home and answered a few emails about the Norway trip on Friday.
* Left home and took the train to Gallerian to buy a beanie.
* Met up with Dad outside of Gallerian! YAAAY DAD IS IN TOWN!
* We walked to Nam Kang and had a fantastic dinner together. Dad had Bibimbap and I (finally) tried the Kimchichige. It tasted divine.
* Then we walked to Hötorget and Oriental Supermarket to buy some stuff.
* Lastly we went to Starbucks (like always haha) and sat down and had some coffee before Dad had to catch the train to Gävle.
Phuuh!! What a day! I love that my Dad comes down here every now and then and that we can have evenings like this, just him and I. It's amazing!

Dad's Bibimbap.

My fabulous Kimchichige!


Real or Dream?
I've had an amazing weekend together with my partner in crime, Sofia.
On Friday we ordered take out dinner and delivery right to my doorstep (how awesome isn't that?!). We had this fantastic Lebanese mix-plate with lots of goodies! Absolutely delicious! After that we finally got around to rewatch Gackt's Requiem et Reminiscence II Live DVD. We haven't seen it in like 3 years or so. We almost died because of that man's out of this world beauty. Is he even real?


Damn this man and his beautiful face!
Then yesterday evening we headed out to Farsta to hang out with Anton and his friends. We had pizza, talked about ALOT of random stuff and played some TP. It was a great evening!

Today I've been trying to catch up on some reading and done the grocery shopping for next week. Also managed to squeeze in a Skype call with Dena! YAY!
Today seriously flew by in just a few hours. What happened? I don't even know.
In the morning I went and ran an errand in the city and on my way home I bought some breakfast to go. A delicious sourdough sandwhich with turkey and mustard and watched the latest AHS.

So goooood!
Then at around 15:00 I met up with Dennis at Skanstull for some fika. It was wonderful.

And after getting home at around 18:30 it was time to make dinner, do some laundry and read. The last part did not go so well....I will have to catch up on that tomorrow.
Take you outside these four walls
Last night I went to Lidingö to have dinner with my uncle and his family. Also, my aunt and her husband was there! The 7 of us had drinks and a wonderful dinner together followed up by the most amazing French chocolate cake ever. I also had some time catching up with my cousins! Even though I'm way older we still have quite the same hobbies (like Japan, video games, tv-series etc).
I love my family so much! They are so inspiring and really makes me want to work and push harder! And since my uncle and his family travels alot, I love hearing stories about the different cities they've been to and listen to their advice on where to go next. I want to leave Sweden noooooooow! Well, at least I'll go to Norway next week....haha it's something, right?

I just finished reading the last chapters of the 15 year long manga Naruto.
What can I say.....this manga series has effected me more than any manga ever has. It's the one manga I'm the most emotionally attached to. Never has any manga made me cry more than this one has. I just love it so much. I can't believe it's over....I feel empty inside.

No dilly-dally November
I have a feeling that November is gonna feel like the shortest month this year. Even though I've been alternating with alot of productivity and "let's get down to business"-kind of thinking, time just flies!
I even set the alarm 1 ½ hours earlier than usual this morning just so that I would have time to catch up on some anime and watch the latest AHS. It was awesome and I plan on doing it again tomorrow.
Other than that, this week's schedule is jam-packed with different stuff. I like it. I think...
Tomorrow's activity is: Going to the dentist. Again.

Weekend with Ina!
I've been having an aaaaaamazing long weekend together with my bestest bestie Ina! :D
We've been doing alot of random stuff that one usually doesn't do when visiting Stockholm, but that made this visit even more special! Of course we've also spend alot of time just taking it easy, InaLoui-style. Plus ALOT of tacos.
It really really really sucks that we don't live in the same city anymore but that makes me cherish our moments that we finally do spend together even more. I can't wait until I go back north during Christmas so we can hang out again! <3

Lunch at IKEA!

I wanted to curl Ina's hair and the result was fabulous!!!

So pretty! :D

Also met up with our old friend Amanda for some Indian food and then fika at my place!

Today we started off the day with some frozen yoghurt!

Too many choices to make...

From Bronze Ombre to Honey Blonde
Yup!! I spent over 5 hours at Noir Sthlm today ONLY colouring my hair! I will come back in about 2 weeks to cut it but ooooooh my god I'M IN LOVE WITH THE COLOUR! I will take better close ups in different lightning later but here's a before and after picture of today's hard work:

Before: Brassy, dry, old bronze ombre. Looking rather nasty after 4 months...

Now: Gorgeous honey blonde colour with light blonde highlights and with caramel tones. I love it! And NO she did not cut it today. Why? Because we had no time haha xD
Chia pudding!
Hello everyone!
This is what I had for breakfast this morning + a big cup of black Yorkshire tea. It was delicious. It was fabulous. It was fantastic. You can't really see that (since my layering skills are not that great) but I layered chia, blueberries and raspberried one after another for ultimate deliciousness!! It was fresh, creamy and sweet at the same time!

This glass wasn't really the ultimate choice for this but until I can get my hands on something better, this will have to do!
Globalization! Realization! Education!
(I was supposed to post this last night....but appearently I didn't. Fail. Read this and pretend it's Tuesday evening, please. Thank you.)
Yohoo! I'm trying to fight back my cold by staying indoors all day and not speaking a word. I think it's working...feeling a little better than I did on Sunday. Also to start this day off I had my first bowl (ever!!) of chia pudding. I made vanilla chia pudding with shredded coconut and raspberries. It was glorious. No pics though....This is gonna be my new favourite breakfast (I'll snap a picture of it tomorrow!).
Yohoo! I'm trying to fight back my cold by staying indoors all day and not speaking a word. I think it's working...feeling a little better than I did on Sunday. Also to start this day off I had my first bowl (ever!!) of chia pudding. I made vanilla chia pudding with shredded coconut and raspberries. It was glorious. No pics though....This is gonna be my new favourite breakfast (I'll snap a picture of it tomorrow!).
So yeah, I've been spending alot of time in my big gray armchair. Been reading, watching Supernatural S3, wasting time online and on my phone. But the course books for this course are quite amazing. We have 2 main books and some articles to read and the names of the books are "Politics in the Developing World" and "Women and Politics in a Global World". Doesn't that sound interesting or what?! To me it does! The past chapter I read in "Politics in the Developing World" was about global economy and get this....I actually enjoyed reading it! I guess the past course in Economic History rubbed off on me...

This book! Very educational!
Anyways, enough about that. Tomorrow I'm going to the hair salon for a make over!! Yup! Cutting and colouring! Although we won't be cutting off that much hair...it's mostly the colouring that will make the difference! So excited!
Seems like I'll get to pay a visit to our sweet neighbour by the end of this month...

The party last night was great! Met alot of cool and interesting people and had really fun! My "costume" was kinda bad though but still, I had a really nice time!

Tomorrow starts my new course, political science! I'm totally excited and I hope I will stop feeling so slow in the head (this week has been too long) and will get by brain working again!
Time for Halloween Party!
I spent last night together with Sofia eating pasta, watching Supernatural and some Slipknot stuff. Perfect for the Halloween weekend!
Tonight I'm going to a Halloween party arranged by UNF. I've never met these people before but I'm convinced that I'm gonna have a good time. Let's do this!
Pics from yesterday! I channelled my inner "Johanna á la 2008".