Kjempe koselig!
Phuuh!! I came back to Stockholm last night at around 23:00 (with a delay of 1 ½ hour...damn you SJ...never in time).
But what a weekend it has been! It feels like I've been away for one whole week haha!
But yeah, my train to Oslo was also delayed on Friday morning but eventually we got there. A girl from the office of Juvente in Olso met up with us (the 5 Swedes) and brought us back to the office to rest a bit. Then we took the bus (together with all of the others) to the camp, about 1 ½ hours away. The first night was pretty chill and we didn't do much but on the second day we all started having fun with our workshops. The dancing was great! The teacher was awesome and in the evening we performed in front of the whole group. The other groups performed aswell and we all had a great time! And then, on Sunday at 12:00 the bus left to take us back to Oslo.
During this weekend, I have realized that I seriously need to work on my Norwegian skills. I only understand 85% of what they say if they speak without a thick dialect....but if they come from Trondheim I only get 50%. It was so annoying!!!!! But I definitely improved alot in just 3 days and learned alot of new words in Norwegian haha.
If I had to describe my weekend in Norway together with Juvente is would have to be: REFRESHING! Seriously, being able to hang out and have fun with people who are also against alcohol and other drugs. Just amazing! After this weekend, I feel slightly less lonely about my beliefs.Such a fantastic but overdue thing to feel!
Strangely enough, I didn't take any photos with my camera during this weekend! Only with my cellphone....and mostly pictures of signs and other funny Norwegian words. Enjoy!

Morning chaos at Stockholm Centralstation...

Finally in Oslo!

The view!


And my favourite...NISSE LATTE :D