Today I watched Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland (2010).
I haven't seen it since I saw it in theaters when it was running back then but....I actually liked it more now. Before I was just like "naah..." but now I got totally in to it.
I haven't seen it since I saw it in theaters when it was running back then but....I actually liked it more now. Before I was just like "naah..." but now I got totally in to it.
BUT...I still have to say it's one my least favourtie of Tim Burton's movies...

Dark Shadows
Yup, as you can probably tell by the title, I've just watched "Dark Shadows".
My verdict: "Mmmmm....okay"
I don't know how else to describe it. It was somewhat entertaining but it still was missing something...I dunno...But, I don't regret watching it, so that's good.
My verdict: "Mmmmm....okay"
I don't know how else to describe it. It was somewhat entertaining but it still was missing something...I dunno...But, I don't regret watching it, so that's good.

In other news...not much. I bought my ticket from Sthlm home to Umeå today. Weho.
After classes ended I sat and studied with the usual people. Just as fun as always.
And I've been hearing that alot of people passed their JLPT exam (those who applied online can see their test results earlier than us applying through the school) and I'm starting to get nervous.....If I fail....I'm gonna be very sad and disappointed...well see how it all turns out.
And I've been hearing that alot of people passed their JLPT exam (those who applied online can see their test results earlier than us applying through the school) and I'm starting to get nervous.....If I fail....I'm gonna be very sad and disappointed...well see how it all turns out.
Dear Friend, Once More.
It's all booked now.
Next friday...

Phoenix Rising
So yesterday I used the "Phoenix Rising" bath bomb from Lush (I think I'm gonna stop writing "from Lush" everytime since you all already know by now that ALL of my bath product come from Lush). It was so beautiful and had a spicy and sour kind of scent. It turned the water dark reddish/purple and since it also had gold shimmer in it, it made the water very shiny!

Weekend with Deanna
Had an awesome weekend together with Deanna!! It's so strange how you can talk so naturally to, laugh so much with and generally get along so well with someone you never acutally met in real life before. We went shopping, having awesome food, eating delicious desserts and went to several of Kyoto's most famous temples and shrines. So here's some (alot of) pics from the weekend:

Dessert after shopping!!

The next day: On our way to Kiyomizudera!!

The famous gate in front of the temple

Me and Deanna :D

The Kiyomizudera temple!

Then we went to the Yasaka Shrine


The we took the bus to Heian Shrine! :D (used "nostalgic" setting for this pic....looks scary..)

Then we went to Ginkakuji!!

It's Friday again. Movie night. DjangoUnchained. Naturally, I needed some sweets. Deliciousness from the bakery across the street from school of course.
Tomorrow I'm gonna meet up with Deanna and show her around Kyoto. Go shopping, visit temples etc and then she'll stay the night at my place. It's gonna be great to finally meet her IRL. I just wish Sofia could be her and we could run the city all 3 of us...ah well. Next time I guess. Good night :D
I can't believe it's already Friday tomorrow...the days just swoooosh by right now. Which is good. But a little bit scary. Today it's the 24/1 and in 2 months this is gonna be my last night in this apartment.
Took some random pics during class yesterday and now when I look at them I realize how much I'm gonna miss this bunch of awesome people.
Took some random pics during class yesterday and now when I look at them I realize how much I'm gonna miss this bunch of awesome people.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm gonna stay at school and study after classes!! I don't know why but that acually my favourite time of the week. The hours spent in the lounge with nice people, some hot beverage and studying in my own pace...with some talking-about-stupid-stuff-wtih-Puppy- Breaks....those are the times when I feel like I never wanna leave.
Warships, drums and....Echi??
So today were the rest of the presenations!! They were very interesting! But I must say that Anton's and Tsai's was best!! They had about the porn industry in Japan. Sooo weird...but so interesting!

For my bath today after working out I use half of my "Christmas Eve bubblebar" from Lush! :D

Not much to say about today. The usual I guess...staying at school studying with friends...painted my nail when I got home for the first time in weeks....watched some Big Bang Theory...and fangirled a little bit with the Thai girl in my class today (appearently she also watch BBC's Sherlock!!!) OH and I applied for the "Högskoleprovet" today...uugh...6th April....I can't wait to fail at the math part.
Last night I FINALLY picked up reading HP 3 again...took me long enough to start working on that New Year's Resolution (read more books) but it went pretty gonna read before I go to bed tonight aswell.

Just some Puripuri pics....and a dragon's egg.
Like the title says....

And then we have the Dragon's Egg...

Honestly one of my favourite bombs from Lush...I don't know if you can see it but it has gold glitter and shimmer in it and smells fantastic!! LOVE IT!
Catching up and encountering the Kishimoto-Death
So yesterday...besides studying and writing my speech for next week I watched and read all of the new Naruto episodes/chapter and the 2 Kuroshitsuji chapters I hadn't read.
Kuroshitsuji was awesome, as always. In one of the chapters I even got to learn the basic rules for about that..

And then I started reading Naruto.....and then it hit me. The Kishimoto-Death. Sofia had already told me that one of the characters had died but I didn't know who....but now I know. SUCH AN UNECESSARY DEATH KISHIMOTO!!! WHYYYYY?! Uhhg.....When I read it, I was just like: "Wait...whuuut?" But then when I realized what had happened I was just mad. I think that it will hit me for real when I watch it in the anime...btw the anime just had a 5 episode filler mini-arc right now and I'm totally pissed since the manga is way ahead of the anime anyways so...I just don't get it.
I'll just post a random pic that has no connection with the character who died (just in case anyone actually cares and don't want spoilers)
I'll just post a random pic that has no connection with the character who died (just in case anyone actually cares and don't want spoilers)

It just dawned on me that all of these guys in the picture is already dead....that's so depressing T__T Damn you Kishimoto!! STOP KILLING OFF YOUR AWESOME CHARACTERS GOD DAMMIT!!
Waking up my Seiyu dreams, studying and just usual Friday fun
Saturday morning...had trouble sleeping last night so I woke up at 11:30 this morning....This weekend is just gonna be about studying and reading manga. Yup.
Yesterday was aaaawesome though. Okay having to say goodbye to Cath in the morning wasn't awesome at all but....we'll try to see each other again soon. And we had such a great time together these past few days soo..I'm very happy =)
During the first class yesterday we had a a "mini"-presentation of our everyday reading excersices (since this term started, every morning we practice reading 4 different quotes from famous movies (last week was anime though) and by friday we had to pick one to fully learn and put some emotion in to it and read it out loud) I read a quote from Alien 3 with was very...manly. Alot of cursing and male-language in it...and absolutely nail it!! 2 ppl had read it before me (I was last) and when I was done everyone clapped there hands and whistled and my teacher told the other 2 students who also read Alien 3: " lost this one"
HAHAH I love voice acting!! IF, I'm just saying IF everything else falls in to place in the future (work, house etc) I'd really like to make some voice acting outside of my regular proffesion. That would be so much fun!
HAHAH I love voice acting!! IF, I'm just saying IF everything else falls in to place in the future (work, house etc) I'd really like to make some voice acting outside of my regular proffesion. That would be so much fun!

Taking some random pic during class..

Me and Mii-chan!!
Then after classes I had lunch with Tsai and Anton in the lounge and then we sat there until closing time studying. Okey...not ALL of the time. Jocke and Kyo came later and we got caught up in a very...interesting conversation. Haha it was so much fun.

Jocke making an ugly face in the lounge

...and Anton aswell

Me and Tsai playing around with the fisheye xD
Then after we all left, me, Anton and Jocke went to Osho for dinner. Delicious as always.

Mabo-dofu!! Sooooo good!
When I got home I died infront of my laptop until after midnight....had such a nice week, but I was quite exhausted..
The weekend continues!!
Yakiniku and Purikura in beautiful Kyoto!


Best Yakiniku place in Kyoto!!

Taking Purikura :D

My weekend started early...
....meeting up with Catherine, shopping, eating great food and making up for lost time together!

So today we had our "Kansai Dialect" presentation. We we're first off which last week sounded terrifying but it went by pretty good and fast and not as painful as I thought it would. Afterwards, I felt 298 kg lighter. I really like the Kansai dialect but after all this work with this presentation...I need some time off...
So today we had our "Kansai Dialect" presentation. We we're first off which last week sounded terrifying but it went by pretty good and fast and not as painful as I thought it would. Afterwards, I felt 298 kg lighter. I really like the Kansai dialect but after all this work with this presentation...I need some time off...
So when classes were over I wanted to stay and study with Anton but I had to send my 129 ton package home and clean up my apartment since Catherine is coming tomorrow (YAAAY!!!)...but then Anton, being the nicest guy in the universe, offered to help me carry the package to the post office and then convinced me I didn't need 5 hours to clean my apartment = I could stay and study with him. I took up the offer gladly.
So after posting the heavy package we went back to school and studied. We only had 1 h 45 min until the school closed but I got alot of Kanji out of the way and like always laughed alot together with Anton.
After coming home I cleaned a little bit, did some workout excercises then jumped in the shower and now I'm gonna watch the last 4 episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender! GAAAH!! Watching kid's shows is so underrated!!

"You're so beautiful when you hate the world"
Hooooonestly I've spent the whole day inside today!! And I don't even feel bad about it. I've studied Kanji, written some for my presentation on Tuesday, done some indoor workout and execises, taken a bath, watched some Avatar and skyped with my parents. Not too bad if you ask me. I didn't to any laundry though...but, since I don't have school tomorrow I can do it then.

Had the "Twilight" bathbomb together with me in the tub today and OOOOMG... it was amazing. One of my favorites!! The smell was so enchanting and the deep purple colour was gorgeous. It even had some glitter in it but it didn't stay on the skin, it rather just floated around in the tup making it sparkle.

Anyhow, I just wanna take this moment to say that YES I'm in love with a character from Avatar. Prince Zuko. aka Sasuke for the first episodes since I couldn't remember his name... I'm only a few episodes in in S3 but omg....let's just say he's way hotter with hair on his head xD lol how's that gonna sound to ppl that doesn't know what I'm talking about...ah well. I don't even care that half of his face is covered with a giant burn mark... HE IS HOT!!

His behaviour is very close to Sasuke's...which means his a total asshat. But, he does have some good in him and...he's hot. I rest my case.


His behaviour is very close to Sasuke's...which means his a total asshat. But, he does have some good in him and...he's hot. I rest my case.

Time to get to business
YES! Yesterday I did manage to get some studying done between watching Avatar. AND I was out on a long walk and discovered a new temple by Ginkakuji.
So today I'm gonna study some more, do some laundry, skype with my parents looks like it's raining so maybe I'll just derp around in here the whole day..WHO NEEDS SUNLIGHT?! 8D

Too bad his country is on fire though O__O
I want to learn Earthbending!!!
Today I've been watching ALOT of Avatar: The Last Airbender....
AND I've completely fallen in love with earthbending!!! It so powerful and strong and just AWESOME! When me and my dear Dena talked about bending in Sweden, I told her I would like to learn airbending...just so that I could feel like Pocahontas and have leafs swirl around me and look fabulous. Short after that I realized how powerful it really was and just use it to make leafs dance around me suddenly seemed very... stupid.
Very well, now more than half-way through S2 I've found myself astounded my the mighty power of earthbending. You're pretty much invulnerable. If someone tried to mess with me, I'd just shift the earth and have him lay at the bottom of a 200 ft deep dark pit .
Very well, now more than half-way through S2 I've found myself astounded my the mighty power of earthbending. You're pretty much invulnerable. If someone tried to mess with me, I'd just shift the earth and have him lay at the bottom of a 200 ft deep dark pit .
This power does remind me a little bit of Whitebeard from One Piece. He had eaten the Tremor-Tremor fruit and therefore could create devastating earthquakes. He often used that to make tsunami waves aswell...
Anyhow, right now, my heart leans towards the Earth Kingdom. But, I might change my mind...I still haven't totally given up about airbending those leafs....

Soo...this epicness....

Life gave me some lemons so I made some lemonade
Okey sorry about that emo post earlier thing morning but I was in a really shitty mood but the moment I stepped out of the apartment, everything was better. We had very nice spring-like weather today. Then I had Murata-Sensei today's impossible to have a boring class with her as the teacher. Then after classes I bought bentos for me and Anton and then we sat in lounge and ate and then studied. We stayed there until the school closed (!). Okay, we didn't study ALL of the time but I got a few things out of the way at least...
We talked some to Puppy (I gave him the Paradis chocolate box btw and he really liked it!) and just...had a really good time =) I laughed so much that I had my eyes full of tears several times. I think I smiled all the way home after we had left and said goodbye....
In other words, today turned out to be a great day. And now it's a long weekend (no school on monday!!) and I'm gonna take it VERY easy and study, watche some anime, read some manga etc. And I'm gonna try to take some walk/ go running. We'll see how it all goes..
Ett riktigt högt: FAN!
Detta är tredje morgonen jag vaknar upp här i min lägenhet i Kyoto. Tredje gången jag vaknar upp och känner den där sugande känslan i magen som inte kan beskrivas med andra ord än: "FAN!"
Nu är det fredag morgon och jag käkar frukost. Ons och tors gick förbi väldigt snabbt dock. Harr varit mest med Anton och Tsai så, allt har egentligen varit awesome. Men jag har så jävla mycket att fixa med skolan nu...uppgifter som ska redovisas, tal som skaånt.
Sen är det faktumet att jag tappat lite motivation. Jag älskar egentligen Japan, men alla relationer har upp och nedgångar, right? Förmodligen är allt tillbaka till det normala nästa vecka (då kommer Catherine hit!!) och jag är åter kär i detta land.
Men just nu, är jag kär i någon annan. Och jag är less...jävligt allmänt LESS.

Back in Japan~ I am again...sitting by my kotatsu in my cold room, surrounded by my thexy Gazette posters. How I've missed Maybe not so much.
Okey a little bit....but not so much...
So I took my first flight from Umeå at around 10:15 and when I got to Arlanda I ate some lunch and talked to Maja on the phone for about 1 ½ hours xD I also talked to Sofia and Mom before take off.

Anywaaay....the trip back was awful....but it ended awesome. Waiting at Arlanda for about 7 hours was pretty ok but the flight between Arlanda and Beijing was...terrible. Why? Because I had to sit next to a disgusting, creepy old man the whole time!!! He was so weird and he told me he lived alone with his cat so....I guess it's sorta explainable....He was going to Bankok (I don't even wanna know what he was gonna do there...) He kept talking about weird shit and tried to flirt with me and sat too close and didn't feel too good, let me tell you that. But, I figured the flight was full so I couldn't change places so I thought I just had to deal with it and try to make the best of it. After landing in Beijing I ran for it and didn't see him again. Phuh...
I had to wait about 6 hours in Beijing between my flights and during that time I went mad with my camera...'cause, what else to do? I did watch some Avatar: The last airbender but then my battery ran out (okey the had charging points EVERYWHERE but my brain couldn't keep up watching Avatar since I was so sleep deprived....)

Sad fish-face : (

This place in frickin' huge!

I did fall asleep 2 times at the airport for like...5 min...My flight to Japan left at 16:05 and I arrived at 19:40. Then, I went through customs and immigration like a boss and managed to catch the 20:10 buss to Kyoto. After that I grabbed a taxi home. After hot bath and a shower, I got dressed and went to Fresco to buy some groceries. Then on the way back I bought take out from Sukiya and went home and watched 1 episode of Avatar. Then at midnight, I fell asleep....
When I woke up this morning I was rather pissed at being where I was. I was like...Fuck this shit I wanna go back home....But I got ready and all and when I got to school things got better. Seeing everyone again was nice. And they really liked my "Pepparkakor" and "Skummtomtar". After classes, I had lunch with Anton and then we stayed at school to study....but we ended up just talking about random stuff. Then I left to go home at around 16:00.
Tonight I really should get some studying done but I wanna watch Avatar and anime and read up on a few mangas and stuff....we'll see how long my brain can keep up before it shuts down for today.
Last days in Sweden
So yeah....2013 has had an amazing beginning. Been meeting up with both Dena,Otto and Anna. Been out for dinner with Anders. Been snowboarding. And today I went to Sofia's and derped and talked to Lawler on skype. Tomorrow I'll meet up with Ina and then on Monday it's time to fly back to Japan....It's been a crazy busy week but lot's of fun. Going back to Japan feels sort of..."meeh" but it'll be good to get back at school and meet my friends'll be ok.

When I had Dena over we just sat and talked for hours and then we started watching Avatar: The Last Airbender together and I totally fell in love with it!!!

At dinner with Anders!

Towards the mountain!!

At Otto's I ate the first "Semla" of the year :D

Dena and Otto :D


Out walking in the cold and snowy Sävar.

Had and amazing New Year's eve together with my lovely Sofia. The food was delicious, the atmosphere magical and we we're fabulous and rocked the night!!