Moments of 2011
2011 var det bästa året någonsin.
Det kommer bli svårt att toppa detta år....
Idag så for jag och Sofia ut och åt lunch tsm. Det var mkt gott.
Sen gick vi och handla mat inför imorrn. Gissa vad för lyxig mat vi ska käka på nyår? TACOS!! Oooh yeah~
Sen råkade jag shoppa lite. Ett par skor som jag suktat efter i typ...2 månader (de var på rea!). Ah well.
Sen gjorde jag mina naglar.... glitter för nyår!
Kan inte fatta att det är sista dagen på 2011 imorrn. Jag är inte redo för 2012 damn it!
sjuuukt slapp dag idag.
Vaknade runt 9:30 även fast det blev ganska sent igår. Men det var mys.
Hur som helst, jag har suttit framför datorn heeeeela dagen idag. And I feel great about it! Det är så sjukt skönt med lov. Bara ägna sig åt det man vill...vilket i mitt fall är manga, anime och gameing! Köpte även ett nytt spel till PSPn igår...även fast jag inte klarat Crisis Core än xD Eller ens börjat på Birth by Sleep än men...whatever.
Dock vet jag att jag måste ta tag i livet (läxor,plugg) snart igen. Såklart fick vi läxor över lovet. Inte trodde ni att vi skulle slippa det inte. Oooh nej. Men orkar inte tänka på det nu, för idag ären DEG som gäller!
Jag snör in en bild på One Piece...för det är det jag lagt ner mest deg-tid på idag (att läsa mangan osv). Oh så braaa~
Kinosaki Onsen
There! Finally home from and awesome stay at Kinosaki Onsen :D Kinosaki is like a little hot spring village with many old Japanese inns and stuff...very pretty =)
Anyway, we left Kyoto on monday morning by train. The ride took about 2 h and 30 min.
The train ride was not that boring. Me and Sofia listen to music and looked out at the beautiful scenery.
When we arrived we were very excited. The little city was adorable with small souvenir shops and cafés and restaurant along the small japanesque streets. And the snow made it even better.
We easily found the ryokan (Japanese inn) that we were gonna stay at and got our room. And the room was... amazing. Typical Japanese with tatami floor and all...and a TV :D YAY!
After settling down a bit we got help with how to wear the yukata (sort of a kimono that you wore to show that you stayed at the ryokan) and then we went to the first onsen (hot spring). In Kinosaki there's 7 different onsens you can visit.
We went first to a Onsen kalled Jizou no Yu. It was very nice but it was almost too hot for us xD The old japanese grannies were tougher than us... Ah well. After that we went back to the ryokan for dinner. We would eat dinner in our room and oh my god....there was so much food! It's crab season so...yeah...guess what was on the menu? Yes, crab. In like 7 shapes and sizes.
After that huge dinner, we went to another Onsen. This one was the smallest but it was very cosy and had a nice atmosphere. After that we returned back to the ryokan and almost immediately went to sleep on our thick, soft futons.
After a good night sleep and a big breakfast the next morning, we walked to the 3rd Onsen. But when we arrived we realized that it was closed for the day (fail) and had to go to another one. But we didn't really mind that, now we just got a chance to see the town a bit more.
After that Onsen....we went to another one xD Haha! Then we bought lunch and snacks back to our room. I bought my favourite snacks: Fanta grape and chocolate mushrooms. Then we had to rest. It's so tiresome to relax so much...
Then we went to 2 more Onsens. After that it was dinner time again. And once again, we got a mountain of food.
Then after dinner we just stayed in the room, chillin' and watched some TV. Then we went to sleep again.
The next morning we had (again) a huge breakfast and after that Dena decided to go to the last Onsen alone while me and Sofia stayed in the room.
We checked out at 10:00 and at 10:30 we sat on the train back to Kyoto.
This was such a great vacation and I HAVE to go back to Kinosaki later in life. It was AWESOME!
Okey jag kom nyss hem från Kinosaki men först innan jag skriver om det... tänker jag tillägna ett inlägg till snön som föll här i måndags. Den gjorde min dag.
Julen I Japan
Igår var det Julafton. Yehoo! Och den blev en riktigt lyckad sådan. Här är våran historia hur vi firade Jul i år =)
Så jag vaknade av att Sofia kom in i gästrummet (där jag sov för att jag hostar så mkt...) sjungandes på "Stilla Natt". Väldigt nice upppvaknande.
Vår lilla julgran med paketen...
Så efter en mumsig frukost så gjorde vi oss i ordning och gick ut på en liten jul-promenad. Det var inte för kallt så det var mycket skönt.
Efter promenaden gick vi hem för att börja laga mat. Köttbullar skulle de bli! Dock så blev de lite rinniga så det blev inte riktiga bollar... men gott smakade de iaf! Och vi tryckte i oss mat som bara den...
Efter att ha tryckt i sig så mkt man bara kunde så tog vi våra täcken och satte oss i gästrummen för att se på "Barbie i Nötknäpparen". Sjukt rolig film. Det var jättemys att sitta där med godis och dricka och bara....mysa xD
Juleskum of course...
Efter Barbie så gjorde vi te och tog fram fika för att samtidigt öppna varandras julklappar :D
Dena, lutandes mot väggen...fråga inte varför..
MYS!! :D
Oh yeah. En rolig grej, denna fick jag av Sofia....jag gav henne en exakt likadan. Känner vi varanda för bra? HAHA!
Dena leker med sitt mini-pussel....
Sofia! :D
Efter julklappsöppningen så satte vi oss i gästrummet igen för att se julspecial avsnittet av Top Gear. Sjukt roligt.
Sedan så blev vi smyg hungriga igen (jaaa....döm oss inte) så vi fikade igen. Jag och Sofia mumsade på gravad lax och bara njöt.
Sen när kl blivit 23 så satt vi återigen i gästrummet, spänt väntade på att Kalle skulle börja. Vi räknade ner...3...2...1...."Pga av upphovsrättsliga skäl kan går det inte att spela upp detta klipp blablablabla" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Vi blev så sura att vi satte oss för att se lite Outsiders ist. Det var oxå mys.
Sedan efter en lång och härlig dag gick vi och la oss. Bra Jul? Ooooja =)
Could you give me a medecin to keep me up forever?
Theeere we go.
Phew. The trip to the hospital went ok.
They found nothing wrong with me and I was allowed to go home.
Feels good. Though it was a pain to get up early in the morning and go there, and then only hear that there's nothing wrong with me. But I guess that's better than being sick...oh I mean even MORE sick. My cold appearantly didn't wanna give in after all.....gosh...
This is how I looked this morning when I went to the hospital:
A bad cough, runny nose, teary eyes...yeah. Not that nice.
After coming home, I've been staying in bed the whole time. Sofia joined me in the end and we started chatting about serious stuff but... in the end we just laid there making fart-noises with our mouths. Yes, we're very mature.
We're soon gonna meet up with Lawler and have dinner. It's gonna be very nice and even though I'm not feeling that good, I'm gonna eat ALOT! YAY!
First day of winter vacation...
...and even though I did nothing of what I planned to do, it was still awesome! :D
I'm slowly starting to feel that my cold is giving in. I don't cough as much and my throat does not hurt that much anymore...but I'm still gonna take it veeery easy these next few days.
So yah the plans for today was to play some Crisis Core and watch some One Piece. But then at breakfast...well,
let's just say the day took a 180° turn. For real. Not in an unpleasant way though. In a very nice way :)
I just...didn't see it cooming XD
Ah well enough of that. I'm going to the hospital tomorrow for my next checkup. And then we're gonna have dinner with Lawler again! Can't wait!
Since we have no snow here, I'll give you an exactly 2 year old picture that I took in Sweden............(gosh I miss the snow...)
Set your goals, bless our souls
Idag är det måndag! Bara en dag kvar i skolan sen är det loooooov! Yeeehoo!
Lite tråkigt på ett sätt för kommer sakna mina klasskamrater...
flera drar ju hem under jul och nyår...
Hur som helst, allmän uppdatering:
* Jag har blivit sjuk. Snor, slem, huvudvärk...everything.
* Nordby (vår nya byrå) sköter sig fint
* Det är kallare än väntat i Kyoto...
* .......hej :3 *blush*
I love Kyoto~
A touch of home
Today we went to IKEA! Again! It was great! :D
We ate meatballs there for lunch and me and Sofia bought a plate with "gravad lax" as side dish and then I bought a cheesecake as dessert. Delicious~
And then we started shopping. We bought some necessary stuff like new towels and dish-brushes....and then at the food market we bought "gravad lax", Daim, gingerbread, "gräddsås" and licorice to take home. Christmas is saved :)
These past 2 days has been aaaaawesome! Thought today's been sort of a failure so far but...ah well.
Anyways, the day before yesterday rocked mostly because we exams were over. Me and Dena just chilled in the apartment, Sofia was out eating with her class.
Yesterday we got the results from the exams back. Very fast, huh?! Well I think I did ok. I passed every one and got good grades. YAY!
Then our class had decided to go to a Izakaya (like a bar with food....ah such a lousy description -_- Just, google it).
We were meeting around 17:30 (even our teachers came :D) and then went to the Izakaya together.
And what can I say...? I HAD A BLAST! Even though a few ppl maybe drank too much, it didn't bother me at all. The food was great, the company even better and the night ended with me and Ville (a Swedish guy from my class who feels like the bigbrother I never had ^^) walking home together around midnight. It was great :D Can't wait to go out again!
The guys! Vincent to the left and Ville to the right...
...Ville (again) and Albert
Survived the Exams!
Hiya everyone! Today's Tuesday! Which means....I survived the exams!! YEHOOO!
I had examns yesterday and today but now.... it's over! You have no idea how good that feels! :D
Yesterday was the Kanji (Chinese me, it's as fun as it sounds...) and vocabulary.
Today it was the grammar and reading part.
Kanji and vocabulary went...ok...the grammar part was the easiest. The reading part was veeeery difficult so yeah....that didn't go well at all. But we'll see. I'll get the results back tomorrow so let's hope I pass!!
So yu guys can imagine how fun my last weekend was. Studying, studying and...more studying.
Yesterday after the exam, we went to have lunch together with a girl in my class, Katie Lawler. This girl is freakin' awesome man!! She's just as crazy as us, so we go very well together. After lunch, we went home to our apartment and played song by Pontare and Nordman for her. She really liked it.
Today we went home after the exam and...died a little. So exhausted! Me and Sofia watched "Luciafirandet" on SVTplay. It was very nice <3
Last Sunday, me and Sofia bought ourselves each one a set of fluffy, warm pyjamas. I never want to take it off!! I love it!! That same Sunday we also decorated our little christmastree. Now it's very pretty :D YAY!!
Peacocks :D
Me and Sofia in our new pyjamas :D
My 20th birthday
My 20th birthday was amazing! Let's take it from the start:
The alarm rang at 6:45 and Sofia turned over to me (our futons lie next to eachother) and she said "Happy Birthday" :D YAY! Around 7:00 I went out of bed and walked into the kitchen and saw 3 presents and a card on the table. The girls are just too sweet! A few minutes later Dena zombie-walked out of her bedroom and then joined us at the breakfast table. This is what it looked like:
With candles on the table and all <3
Then after breakfast me and Sofia ate a delicious cake that she'd bought for me! I love eating cake in the morning!!
Sooooo good~
And then after that we got ready for school. At school Sofia and Dena planned to run in to my classroom and start singing Happy Birthday for me during one of the breaks but I found their plan so they didn't xD But yeah they congratulated me and even applauded (?). But yeah the hours at school flew by pretty fast....
The last lesson....
After school, we went home and then took the bus to Kyoto Station and then we jumped on the train to Osaka~ That city is sooo magical! I love it! So first we went and had dinner at probably my favourite restaurant. I ate there 3 times last year and their food it sooo delicious! Here's a pic of my favourite dish:
Took this photo last year but yeah... it looks the same now xD
Here's some random pics from the dinner:
After dinner we went to Hep Five and rode the ferris wheel. When we where boarding the wheel there was this guy who helped us get in the "ferris wheel pod-thingy" and he was like "Okey 3 persons? Oh and gorgeous too". Haha! We had sooo much fun riding the wheel. We played music like Roger Pontare, Jennifer Lopez and Ruslana and dances like maniacs. The people in the pods around us looked at us like we where crazy xD Hahah! When we where disembarking the wheel the guy from before helped us out again. When Sofia and Dena had stepped out he took my hand and helped out and..wouldn't let go xD He said: "本当に美人です。すごいびじんです!" Which means something like: "You're a real beauty. Amazingly beautiful". Haha he was so cute!! ^^
After riding the ferris wheel we went and took purikura! When you do purikura you stand in a cute photobooth and take cute pictures and then you can decorate the picture to make it even MORE cute. Very Japanese....
And then after that we went karaoke. It was sooooo much fun! I love karaoke!! We sang song like Moves like Jagger, Judas, Pour Some Sugar On Me and a lot of other songs! I had a great time!
After karaoke, we went back to Hep Five and me and Sofia bought ourselves a crêpe. I took one with strawberries, custard, cream and cookie crumbs. Delicious~
And after that we went home. We took the train back to Kyoto Station and then took a taxi home.
So to sum it up, I had an amazing birthday! It was perfect :)
Skype, Julgran, Paket och Juice på Burk
Igårkväll fick jag skypa med Maja =) Det var såklart amazing och jag kände att vi kunde ha pratat på i minst 3 timmar till men pga att jag skulle ha Kanji-prov dagen efter fick 1 ½ timma räcka. Det var verkligen jättemysigt vännen! Längtar till nästa gång <3
Sommar, Maja, Bilen. Kan det bli bättre?
Som sagt så inköpte vi en liten mini julgran igår. Den står och pryder vårat kylskåp nu och är jättefin. På söndag då det är 3:dje advent ska vi dekorera den med allt julkrimms som vi köpte på Indiska...i januari (tidigt? Tycker inte inte vi, det var rea).
Den lilla blomman framför skickade min käre mor och far. Yay.
Och ja igår fick jag även en skickad låda från mor och far. Innehållande juleskum, tutti frutti ringar, volympulver, mina gazette posters och lite annat smått och gott. Jättesnällt! Tack <3
Åååh så jag har saknat att se dessa vackra män varje gång jag vaknar...
Vi var nyss och betalade räkningar hoss våran landlord. Han pratar ju endast sluddrig japanska så det blev ganska mycket av att "nicka och le" men tillslut så fick vi det gjort. Efteråt så bestämde han sig för att ge oss varsin "juice" som han kallade det (det smakade mer som Redbull). Är det normalt i Japan? Att man blir bjuden på dricka efter man betalat hyra? Ah well....
"Juice" på burk.
Vi har börjat ta tag i matlagningen nu oxå (det var ju på tiden eller hur...? Äh.) Här bju jag på en bild då jag står väldigt glad och väldigt hungrig och håller på att laga Yakisoba (nudlar, kött o grönsaker)
Och just ja. En sista grej.
Något jag saknar....
...det är BILEN!! Jag saknar att åka bil men såklart mest av allt, att köra bil! *bröööl*
Aja ska dra till skolan nu...lång dag idag (slutar 15:10)....bajs..
Just maybe, I'm crazy
I've spent too much time today challenging know the so-called "Web Genious" where you think of a special person and then he askes you a round of questions and tries to figure out who your thinking of. That freaking bastard gets me every time!! I only won over him when I though of Tsukishima from Bleach and that might be because I might've answered a few of his questions wrong...hehe..
We have two song that we play on repeat in our apartment here in Japan. "När Vindarna Viskar Mitt Namn" by Roger Pontare and "Wild Dances" by Ruslana. And now we've started listening to Bollywood music aswell...
I've been having some issues with some health checks at school and stuff...appearantly something was not right during the health exam I had in October...Ah well we'll see...
I tried to Skype with my parents last night but it failed miserably. Hopefully they've fixed everything they have to fix in order for it to work until next time....
We've started putting up some Christmas decorations. We're getting a tree probably this weekend.
And yeah we celebrated "Andra Advent" yesterday with tea, cinnamonbuns and jelly. Vey nice.
So yeaaah what else....? Hmm...We've done nothing special this last weekend. Just enjoying having access to the Internet.
Making temple food
Hiya! Here's some pic from yesterday when me and Dena made temple food with our Kyoto Culture class!!
Our group!
Sesame seeds! We grinded them in that bowl and it smelled soooooo good.
"Flowers" :)
The master who tought us how to cook! Respect!
Äntligen helg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wuaaah idag är det ÄNTLIGEN fredag igen! Så jag har längtat! Har inga planer för helgen alls (förutom plugg då...) och det känns jätteskönt.
Sen i tisdags har jag garvat hårt, failat stort och ätit gott.
Jag och Sofia mitt i det sjukaste skrattanfallet på lääänge. Anledningen bakom detta var att jag "försvenskade" en Japansk mening så sjukt mkt och resultatet blev helt...sjukt.
Såhär ser trasslet med internetkablar ut just nu...
Igårkvällens mums <3
Idag så var jag och Dena och lagade japansk tempelmat med våran Kyoto Culture class. Det var skitkul och mkt gott! Bilder kommer sen!!
Och aaa... pallar inte lägga upp nå bilder på nya håret nu... göre sen...HARE!