First day of winter vacation...
...and even though I did nothing of what I planned to do, it was still awesome! :D
I'm slowly starting to feel that my cold is giving in. I don't cough as much and my throat does not hurt that much anymore...but I'm still gonna take it veeery easy these next few days.
So yah the plans for today was to play some Crisis Core and watch some One Piece. But then at breakfast...well,
let's just say the day took a 180° turn. For real. Not in an unpleasant way though. In a very nice way :)
I just...didn't see it cooming XD
Ah well enough of that. I'm going to the hospital tomorrow for my next checkup. And then we're gonna have dinner with Lawler again! Can't wait!
Since we have no snow here, I'll give you an exactly 2 year old picture that I took in Sweden............(gosh I miss the snow...)