Fri, Sat, Sun
On Friday I met up with Alona and Clara after class and together the three of us went back to the Chinese place, close to Uni, with the amazing noodles. It was just as delicious as last time. Then we split and me and Alona took the bus in to the city to go and watch Deadpool! It was crazy. I really liked it though. And guess what? That was the first time I ever went to the cinema outside of Sweden!! How insane is that?!
Also, walking down me and Alona's "favourite" street, we felt a little bit nostalgic about when we just got here and we hung out 24/7 and explored the city together. I can't believe I've been here over one month already...
Also, walking down me and Alona's "favourite" street, we felt a little bit nostalgic about when we just got here and we hung out 24/7 and explored the city together. I can't believe I've been here over one month already...
Yesterday, on Saturday, I didn't do much except I had a Skype call with Dena in the morning, went to the library for a few hours, and then went to a classmate's housewarming party. It was nice meeting a few new people, although I didn't stay for very long.
Then today I also went to the library, to do some reviews and such. I've been there 5 days this week....huh.
Anyways, I just finished watching the Korean drama soo....I'm thinking about jumping right into LEGEND OF KORRA!!!! It's so happening!!!
Fail Day
I've been sitting at the library, studying after class for 4 days straight (I went there on Sunday evening aswell) so since I had no classes as all today, I figured I should go and to some more exploring. But that didn't go nearly as smoothly as I had planned.....
First off, I was too scared to take the tube. I did go down to the platform and all, but when the train arrived, I couldn't get on. So I waited for the next one...but the same thing happened. Uuugh. So I went back up and took the bus to King's Cross. From there, I walked to the British Library. It was quite nice but since I didn't have a reading pass I couldn't really see all the books etc so I left. Then I walked all the way to Warren Street Station to catch another bus. Took me a while to find the bus stop, and then when the bus finally arrived, it took aaaaages to get to Knightsbridge. So much traffic in the city, it's insane. But eventually I got to Knightsbridge and Harrod's but it wasn't that much fun walking around there I decided to go back home. Which also took ages, even though I took a different route.

King's Cross!

And St. Pancras!

Outside of the British Library...

So yeah, since I got back I've just been laying in bed, watching Korean my Drama. Also had a 2 h long phone call with Sofia, which was the best thing that happened today. Ah well. Fail days like these are inevitable I guess...hope tomorrow will be better.
Cure, Saturday-style.
Today has been a very rainy and gray Saturday. A typical Saturday in London I suppose. But it's still been a great day. Exept for the fact that my SIM thingy expired this morning and I can't use the Internet on my phone nor call or anything....I'll have to fix that tomorrow.
Anyways, today I met up with Alona and Clara and went to a Chinese restaurant close to Uni. They had gone there earlier this week and they told me the food was AH-mazin' so of course I had to tag along today! And my god it was sooo good. Definitely the best Chinese food I've ever had. Perfect comfort food, which I reeeeeally needed today. Hah.
Then we had to go for fika, naturally.

Didn't get the chance to snap pics of the starters, but here's our mains: Two huuge bowls of delicious noodles!

It was basically one whole long noodle haha! For real! And alot of chili and raiyu <3

Our view. People welling out of Emirates Stadium after a game.

Fika at Costa <3
Tonight I'm just gonna review my Anki and watch more SG. I was planning on going to the Swedish Church to watch Mello but since my phone isn't working (and I'm not feeling 100%....) I am gonna skip it. It'll just be a quiet Saturday at home. Very Johanna-esque.
Exploring London
Today I had the day off so I met up with a super sweet Turkish girl from my class and together we explored the eastern parts of London! We started off at Leadenhall Market (close to the Bank of London) and walked around there a little bit. To be honest, it was muuuuch smaller than I thought haha. But appearently they shot some Diagon Alley scenes from HP there...Anyways, after that, we walked around the finance distric a bit and saw the Gherkin (lol) and other cool buildnings. We also payed a short visit to London Met. City Campus, just to check it out. It was about 30x smaller than our North Campus haha. Then we walked aaaaaall the way to Angel and then finally ended up having an early dinner at a cute Thai restaurant. I love days like this when I just get to walk around and explore the city. There is so much to see here! Love it!

So pretty~

Entrance to Leadenhall Building...

And the famous Gherkin :D

Found these flowers in Finsbury Circus!

We passed an old but beautful graveyard, going towards Old Street station...

Dinner! :D
Secret Garden
I started re-watching the Korean drama Secret Garden the other night....and I fell in love with it yet again!! Aaaah it's been almost 3 years since I last saw it. And it is so good!! I've been studying a liiiiittle bit more than usual so I think I've earned a few more episodes for tonight! Wohoo!

Weekend with my other half
I've had such an amazing weekend together with my one and only, Sofia. We haven't seen each other in a month, and even though we've been talking on the phone alot and chatting every day, I've still been missing her so much. So when my cousin Mia and Stuart would so kindly lend us their apartment while they were in Sweden, we took the opportunity to be together for a weekend here in London.
So Sofia got here, from Bath, on Friday evening and I met her at the station. Then we dropped her stuff at the apartment and then had dinner at a nearby restaurant. Then we spent the rest of the evening just talking, chilling, laughing etc.
So Sofia got here, from Bath, on Friday evening and I met her at the station. Then we dropped her stuff at the apartment and then had dinner at a nearby restaurant. Then we spent the rest of the evening just talking, chilling, laughing etc.

After dinner....

Eating strawberriess like pros...

On Saturday we had planned on going to the Natural History Museum but the line was horrible so instead we went to Victoria and Albert Museum. We were there back in November, but only for a short time, so it was great having more time to explore! Then we went to a Japanese café and restaurant which served delicious sushi and matcha treats. It was amazing. Then we went to Oxford Street and walked around all the stores, then down to China Town and had dinner at a Korean Restaurant. After that we strolled around a bit more before taking the bus back home and just stayed inside, relaxing the rest of the evening.


In front of the wishing well...

A Sofia for scale...this place is HUGE!

Waiting for our food like:


Bibimbap. Are you even surprised?
We spent the entire Sunday at Westfield as Shepard's Bush. First we had a delicious breakfast at Balans and then we shopped 'til we dropped!! Also managed to have a nice lunch/fika at a French café before we went back home to drop off all the bags and rest a little bit. Then we went back to Wesfield (it's super close) and had dinner at a Brazilian restaurant. It was so cool and the food was great! Then later in the evening Mia and Stuart came back home and we got to hear about everthing going on back home etc. Making me a liiiiittle homesick (but just a little).

We got seated at EXACTLY the same table as in November! Haha

Delicious! With avocado, bacon, lobster, hollandaise...just yum!

Once again, waiting for food like:

Fried cheese balls with garlic butter!

I really didn't want this weekend to end :( Hate living in different cities as Sofia. But we'll get to see each other in one month! Then I'm gonna visit her in Bath! So excited! I'm already counting the days <3
It's been a long week but Sofia is finally here and I feel complete again!

London weekend
I had such a nice weekend. Well, Friday was mostly shit, until the evening...but both Saturday and Sunday was epic. Yesterday I was in China Town (again), together with my friend Clara from Denmark. He had only planned on going there and get some bubble tea but ended up spending the entire day in China Town haha! So first we had a very Westernized but deeelicious bubble tea and then we walked around and looked through a few shops. Then we got hungry and went for dinner at a really nice place that served homemade dumplings. It was so good! We sat there for a pretty long time just chatting and then Clara started craving coffee so we went to a nearby Costa. Then later in the evening I took the bus to Mia's place (I'm borrowing their apartment until next Sunday while they are in Sweden!) and had a nice quiet evening all by myself. It was fantastic.

My bubble tea! Strawberry and Cream was so good!

Clara took Cookies and Cream, also amazing <3

Homemade dumplings <3

Then this morning I took the bus to Angel to meet up with the girls for brunch. Honestly, brunch is like the best thing ever. I just love it. We sat there chatting for a while before we split and I went back home and unpacked and read a little bit. Then I had plans to meet up with someone at Covent Garden for dinner. Also got a private tour of the Google offices around Tottenham Court was such a great evening.

English breakfast!

These pancakes thooo...

Brunch! :D
Tomorrow it's back to business though! Class at 10 am! Yosha!
Free day with solo shopping
Today I had no classes so I decided to go in to town and buy a few things and explore a bit! I started off a Piccadilly and went to the biiiig Waterstone's they have there. It's like 5 floors or something...with just books. Just amazing. I bought two books for Uni and then walked up towards China Town. Yeees I know I'm like in China Town every day but it's so awesome!!! Maybe I'll get sick of it soon but now, nothing and no one will stop me from drooling outside of all of the amazing restaurants and freaking out inside all of the shops there. Then I had a quick lunch at EAT and then walked aaaaall the way up and down Oxford Street. I think I'm slowly getting a feeling for that street now, so next time I'm gonna check out somewhere completely new! But yeah, it was a great day off!

Piccadilly Circus :D

Inside Waterstone's.

China town all dolled up for Chinese New Year :D

Inside Waterstone's.

China town all dolled up for Chinese New Year :D