NEW HAIR (again!)
I actually did it! I chopped off most of my hair! We also dyed my roots a little bit darker and faded it out....
I just love it. Perfect for summer.

My hair before (it looks waaaay more yellow than it actually was but...yeah)...

....nasty roots....

And after!!!!

And after!!!!

So happyyy~
The JFC gang
Yesterday I met up with my old collegues and together we had such an awesome evening! First we had dinner at a Chinese restaurant here in Hornstull (which I've never been to before) and it was delicious. Then we went to Hemköp and bought some fruit to make a fruitsallad at my place. We had planned to play a boardgame but instead we ended up just chatting, catching up, looking at a few videos on Youtube, play some FFX and just have a great time while eating some fresh fruitsallad.
I was so much fun and we had sooooo much to catch up on! It was ridiculous. Just like us.

These two! Makes me miss the good ol' days at the JFC office...
The end in closing in...
Well didn't that sound omnius or what?
Nah but seriously. Almost only a week left of school. So crazy. Right now we're starting to wrap up our last group assignment and I think it'll turn out pretty ok.
Mah, time for some KH. Lexaeus beat my ass 12 times in a row last will not happen again. I won't sleep until i defeat him.

You're going down!
Party night with Vildvuxen
Last Saturday I met some of the fellow members of my local union, "Vildvuxen" for the first time. We had some (read: ALOT of) snacks and the main event was testing out different drinks! It was such a great night and all of them were so nice. Meeting fellow "Iggisar" is always a pleasure. And guess what! A girl I met at the seminar last Tuesday in Brussels was there!!! HOW CRAZY IS THAT?! This community <3


Some food!


These lemonades.... so delish.

Selfie collage 8D
Proud "VILDVUXEN"!!!
Proud "VILDVUXEN"!!!
Vilken skitdag det blev. Why? För att min datorn bestämde sig för att lägga av. Har ju tons of stuff att göra med grupparbetet men nope...inget blev gjort alls. Usch så oproduktiv dag. Inte ens KH liret kändes bra. Blä.
Brussels with IOGT-NTO
So last evening I got back to Stockholm after three incredible days in Brussels. It felt like it was more than 3 days though, because we had quite a jammed packed schedule and did tons of stuff!
Three of the four of us who were chosen to go to Brussels lives here in Stockholm so me and the other two guys were on the same flight, departing at around 7:00 in the morning on Monday. At Brussels airport we met up with our fourth member of our group and all of us were greeted by one of the IOGT girls who worked at their office in Brussels. All of us took the shuttle bus in to the city and then she guided us to the office. There we met with the other girl working there and they had an introduction about the upcoming days etc. Then we headed out for lunch together at a really nice hamburger restaurant. It was sooo good. After lunch we went back to the office and worked and prepared a little bit for the next days with seminars and meetings. Plus, another girl from UNF joined us! Then we left the office and took the subway to a restaurant close to Le Grand Place and had dinner at a great restaurant. I had to try Moules Frites...I just had to. And it tasted really good! Then they followed us to the hotel where we stayed and even though we were all soooo tired we still stayed up quite late, talking and chillin' in the lobby before going to bed.

Gorgonzola burger!

Dinner menu!

Moules Frites!

On the second day we headed "The house of Norway" to attend a seminar regarding some alcohol policies and other stuff (actually, the details of this is confidential until Friday this week). We met several different parties and other NGO's and it was a really interesting seminar! Also, the IOGT lady from the Sthlm office who was in charge of arranging this trip and the study circle that we had earlier joined us! It was great finally being the complete group! After the seminar, we went and had lunch at a Italian restaurant. I had a big plate of carbonara! Then we headed to the EU parliament quarters of town and first went to a interactive planitarium where the whole idea and full history of the EU was explained to you. It was very interesting and fun! Then we went and visted the parliament! Even though they are in Strasbourg (I think...) this week and the whole parliament was empty of politicians, it was quite powerful to walk around in those halls. I loved it! After that we went to a meeting with a european NGO confederation which also was interesting! The final stop of the day was dinner at a Maroccan restaurant. The place was beautifully decorated and the food was amazing.

During lunch...

Outside of the parliament!

Inside at the planetarium..

This part was quite interesting. You could move those black things across the map and when you stopped at one of those white markers you got the information about that city/region on the screen. Pretty cool.

My favourite room! 360 view!

When we got back outside it was sunny :D

Inside of the parliament building..


The lightning on this pic is ridiculous but hey...still awesome :D

On our way to the Maroccan restaurant..


I had lamb with plum and almonds!

Beautiful streets close to our hotel!
On the last day we started off with a meeting at the "Sveriges Ständiga Representation". Kind of our embassy in Brussels. There we had a meeting which was very interesting! After that we went to the more "tourist friendly" parts of Brussels and did some sightseeing and bought some souvenirs. And of course had some Belgian waffles! Then we went and had lunch at an amaaaaaaaaazing restaurant called "Les Filles". They had a set menu and served organic, locally produced food (so the menu changed every day after what ingredients and goods they had to offer). It was so delicious and the interior was so cute and gave off a very homelike feeling. After a long lunch we went and got our bags (which we had stored at the hotel) and said goodbye to everyone after they showed us to the shuttle bus taking us back to the airport.

At Parc, by the hotel.

The royal palace!

Hella old indoor mall!


At Grand Place.

The famous peeing boy...

More waffles!

So much chocolate...

Tools...also made of chocolate.

A pic from the restaurant where we had lunch.

At the airport, going back home.
These three day were truly amazing! Brussels was an amazing city and I really liked it there. The people I met were all so kind and it's strange thinking that we'd never really met before, because we immediately all hit it off and joked and laughed until we almost couldn't breathe. It's like we've known eachother for years! And personally, hanging out with other IOGT and UNF people has been so uplifting. Not having to worry about being the only one not drinking alcohol during meals, not feeling uncomfortable in other's presence and not having to try to be considerate when talking about drugs with others in my company. We're all on the same page. Drugs are wrong. It's that easy. Even though some of us took different roads to find that answer, we all arrived to the same conclusion. I really want to keep in contact with other IOGT/UNF members. It all just makes so much sense. I will remember this trip forever!
On y va
So tomorrow I'm going to Brussels, Belgium. I've never been there before but I'm really excited about going there. And of course I'm also beyond excited about WHY I'm going there. I'm gonna learn so much. Really looking forward to it!
I'll be back on Wednesday evening, and after that I need to dive directly in to our group assignment and get stuff done. Ah well, first off....BRUSSELS :D

Today I woke up early and headed out to Arlanda to meet up with my parents and aunt. They are going to London (I am so jealous...) and had quite some hours between their flights so we figured it'd be nice if I joined them and had lunch together and all. It was great meeting them if only for a few hours! Also got my Yen for me and Sofia's trip to Japan next month. Woho!
After getting back home I played a little bit, watched some Gintama (only about 40 episodes left omg) and then read some articles for our group assignment. This whole last course is like a big group assignment, when we have to write a 10 page long report together about any kind of subject (as long as it is related to Political science). We are gonna cover environmental politics and urbanization. I'm so thrilled about this subject! Environmental politics is probably my favourite!
Tomorrow I'm gonna take it slow and pack for my trip to Brussels. I can't believe it time to go there already, like what happened?! I'm stoked though. A bit nervous, but stoked as hell.
Unicorn Blood
So the other week I finally recieved my long awaited Velour Liquid Lipstick from Jeffree Star. Jeffree Star is insanely talented and since I saw pics of him for the first time back in 2008 I think (hanging out together with Davey Havok, one of my biggest idols and inspiration ever) I should have known that he would make a come back in my life 7 years later haha.
I've been drooling over his products pretty much since they launched and I've been dying to try one of them out. I chosed the most gooooorgeous ox blood coloured liquid lipstick with the epic name "Unicorn Blood". This baby dries completely matte, has insane pigmentation and stays on foreeeeever. I can't wait to rock it during the summer and in Japan!

Aries & Sagittarius
So both Dena and Anna spent the night here at my place after Sober on Friday night and then on Saturday they had to leave to attend to a Red Cross-meeting-thingy. So I spent half of the Saturday alone reading a bit, gaming a bit more. Then after they came back Anna picked up her things and left to be with her boyfriend, so me and Dena had the rest of the evening and the whole Sunday to rock on together!
On Saturday evening we went and bought take out, had dinner in front of the TV re-watching some Naruto. It was so much fun and nostalgic. We also laid on the floor, just chatting about random stuff.
On Sunday we woke up quiiiiite early but still stayed in bed afterwards for a good 2 hours haha. We discussed questionsmarks in the Naruto-plot, some other Anime-plots which makes an equal amount of sense and finished it off my listening to some soundtracks and dancing in bed. A pretty good morning. After we finally got up and got ready we headed in to town and met up with Sofia. "The Legendary Sannin" was once again gathered! We walked around town and did some shopping and had lunch together. Then we split up and me and Dena headed back to my place where we watched some more Naruto before she had to take the bus back to the airport.
This was a great weekend. I have such amazing friends. I just wished that we lived closer to eachother.
Zodiac compatibilities:
Aries + Sagittarius: Piggy back rides and loud singing in public
Aries + Sagittarius: Piggy back rides and loud singing in public

This has to be what our horoscopes meant!
OK so last night was pretty epic.
Dena and Anna came to my place at around 22:00 and then we got ready together to go out. We arrived at "Skyddsrummet" where Sober was held at around 23:00 I think...and then the partying started. First we got ourselves some drinks at the bar (provided by Naked Juice Bar) which tasted awesome. Then directly after that we got some "mocktails" which tasted even better. Then we hit the dancefloor. And it was so much fun! Since we had bought a free bar pass we alternated between dancing our butts off, and drinking delicous drinks. At around 01:30 we decided that we had had enough and walked back to Slussen and took the subway home.
Dena and Anna came to my place at around 22:00 and then we got ready together to go out. We arrived at "Skyddsrummet" where Sober was held at around 23:00 I think...and then the partying started. First we got ourselves some drinks at the bar (provided by Naked Juice Bar) which tasted awesome. Then directly after that we got some "mocktails" which tasted even better. Then we hit the dancefloor. And it was so much fun! Since we had bought a free bar pass we alternated between dancing our butts off, and drinking delicous drinks. At around 01:30 we decided that we had had enough and walked back to Slussen and took the subway home.
It was such a perfect night. The atmosphere at Sober is unbeatable. No one is drunk, no one is rude, no one is being disrespectful. Everyone is just happy and dancing and going wild, without the use of any drugs. Why can't every club be like this? Is everyone seriously so unhappy and insecure in their sober state that they need drugs to relax and have fun? I don't think so.

Amazing friend and an amazing night!
Living, planning, eating, avenging
I've had a very nice couple of days this week. Alot of KH 2.5, some Gintama, going to the Japanese meet-up (3rd week in a row) and today I hanged out with Sofia. We planned some more for Japan, had dinner together at K25 and then we went and watched Avengers: Age of Ultron. It was pretty epic.

Tonight's dinner!
Tomorrow Dena and Anna will arrive in town which means.......PARTY :D For real tho. The three of us are gonna take over Sober nightclub tomorrow night. It's gonna be a blast.

By day...

....and in the evening.
This weekend :D
Monday again. Which is OK since I had quite the epic weekend.
On Saturday I hanged out with Sofia. Did some shopping, went out and had dinner at a Indian/Bengali restaurant and then spent the evening at my place watching Avengers (preparing for the new movie woop!). Such a perfect Saturday.

Always ends up doing ugly faces when with Sofia :D

This food <3

Then yesterday, on Sunday, I met up with Anton and his brother and went climbing. I have never climbed before and my arms hurt so much but I really enjoyed it. It was very cool being able to scale those walls, but scary at the same time. I'd definitely do it again!
After getting back home I stayed in my armchair the rest of the day, playing KH 2.5. And I had a loooong phone call with Maja, talking about the game, other games, books, movies and life in general. Loved it.
This afternoon I'm starting off my last course of this year, "project work". Whatever that means...
Valborg 2015
I cannot believe it's already's crazy.
Anyways, I spent my Valborg together with Anton and his friends. We made dinner together, played a very intense board game and just had a great time. We considered going out and watch the bonfire but decided Plus we got very caught up in the game (I told you, it was intense) so we had to finish it! I think we started at around 20:00...and we finished playing it at around 01:30 xD hahaha! But it was awesome! Feels like this was kinda one of the best Valborgs ever? Definitely in the top 5.

Just me and Anton being random.

This game...I curse it! I came in last place XD