Going north
It's been a nice week so far. Monday was a long day but then I took it quite easy the next couple of days.
And yesterday I met up with my old collegue Hampus for some chill fika time and catching up. Very nice.
And yesterday I met up with my old collegue Hampus for some chill fika time and catching up. Very nice.
Today I'm catching a flight at around 15:00 to go back north to spend Christmas and New Year's in Umeå with my family and friends. It's gonna be so nice to see them all again!
Dunno know how much I will update during my visit, but I'll be back in Sthlm on the 1st of January! See ya!
Last weekend in Sthlm
This weekend has been very focused on hanging out with friends. And eating tons of food. And laughing until I can barely breathe. In other words, a really good weekend.
On Friday I hanged out with Sofia and "borrowed" her bathtub to use my bath bomb from Lush, we had a delish dinner together and then made a kladdkaka and watched a Gazette live. Classic <3

On Saturday me and Sofia went out to Anton's and together we went and got some epic burgers for dinner, then we went and shopped some snacks and then sat by the dinner table the entire evening just chilling and having a good time.

So goooood (my burger is still wrapped in this pic tho xD)
Then today, Sunday, I met up with my GU classmates for a "Luciamys". We all brought some snacks and christmas-y stuff and sat in her living room and ate and chatted and just had suuuuch a great time. The hours just flew by!! After more than 6 hours we decided to call it the night haha! It was so much fun!

The first delicious fika....

Round 1...

After everyone arrived and brought more and more things the table became full of goodies!

I seriously ate SO much...the sugar rush was insane.
I had such a fantastic birthday yesterday. It was a long day, but I enjoyed every moment of it.
My parents woke me up by calling at 6:30 in the morning and sang "Happy Birthday" to me. Hahaha! So sweet of them. Then I laid in bed and ate some of my chocolate frog (from HP WB studios) and some "Bertie Bott's every flavour beans" (I got Green Apple, Earwax and Candyfloss) while watching "adventskalendern". Then I got ready and headed to Uni. But when I was around Mariatorget I got a message that the class had been cancelled! At first I was kinda irritated with the late notification but then I was like "yeeeee awesome" and got of the train and went back home! On the way back, I picked up a package that my family had sent me from Umeå. It contained some small birthday gifts and such. So sweet <3

A part of my breakfast yesterday xD

Aaaaah <3
Then I relaxed a bit with some FFX-2 before Sofia came over. She gaved me my birthday gift (and I lost my shit haha) and then we bought a pizza to share for lunch. Afterwards we watched "Barbie in the Nutcracker"....hahahah aaaah we watched it together in Japan 4 years ago and my god that movie is hilarious. Then we got ready for dinner, took ALOT of stupid pictures, and headed out!

A "normal" picture...

A normal picture xD
We met up with Yuuki at Murasaki at Medborgarplatsen at around 18:00 and together the three of us enjoyed a delicious Yakiniku dinner. It felt so nostalgic! Eating yakiniku while speaking Japanese and just messing around. Loved it.

An excited Sofia and cutest Yuuki!!


Then the three of us went back to my place for some tea and chill. We watched some crazy gyaru make up videos on youtube and looked through some of my Japanese magazines and just sat on the floor and talked for hours. Close to midnight, the girls left me, and I could go to bed after an amazing birthday, feeling incredibly happy and lucky.
Färger i en vind
Jahapp. Imorgon är det den 9e december. Igen. Det blir den 24e gången jag är med om den 9e december. Och det blir 5e gången jag firar den hemifrån Umeå (2011- Japan, 2012- Japan, 2013- Sthlm, 2014- Sthlm, 2015- Sthlm). Spännande.
Har föreläsning på morgonen imorgon men sen ska jag träffa Sofia och sen ska vi + Yuuki ut och äta go middag tillsammans. Kommer bli supertrevligt! Att fylla 24a år känns inte så speciellt alls, är väl mest en ursäkt att träffa vänner och ha kul!
Har föreläsning på morgonen imorgon men sen ska jag träffa Sofia och sen ska vi + Yuuki ut och äta go middag tillsammans. Kommer bli supertrevligt! Att fylla 24a år känns inte så speciellt alls, är väl mest en ursäkt att träffa vänner och ha kul!
Ikv så firade jag i förskott och åt en god middag och såg på Pocahontas på Bluray. Jag grät typ 8 gånger, no joke. Den är så himla vacker! De flesta gånger fällde jag en tår bara för att Pocahontas är så fin. Åh <3

I've had SUCH an amazing Saturday.
First, I went to Drottningholms Christmas Market together with Sofia, Yuuki and Ayaka. The four of us walked around, looking at the different stalls, trying tons of delicious food and candy and walking around the castle grounds. Despite the cold, it was really fun and it felt very Christmas-y being there.

Then Ayaka had to go to badminton practice so me, Sofia and Yuuki went to have lunch at a crêperie at Slussen called "4 knop". We each orderd a delicious "galette" and my god....it tasted so good. We really need to go there again, and we also need to try their dessert crêpes aswell!

As usual, Sofia's face is priceless xD
After lunch we met up with another friend of Yuuki, (also called Ayaka haha), and the four of us went to a nearby Espresso house for fika. We sat there for a couple of hours and just talked talked talked! Hahah aaaaw it was so much fun!

After coming back home I talked to Dena on Skype for a while and now I'm debating on whether or not I should play some FFX-2, read my book, or study....I think I'm gonna read my book hehe.
Ps. If you notice and weird spelling or something in this post, please ignore it. I've practically been speaking Japanese the whole day and then suddenly sitting down and writing in English feel....extremely strange. When I skyped with Dena I had to throw in a few Japanese words aswell because my brain just...couldn't. Sry.
Ps. If you notice and weird spelling or something in this post, please ignore it. I've practically been speaking Japanese the whole day and then suddenly sitting down and writing in English feel....extremely strange. When I skyped with Dena I had to throw in a few Japanese words aswell because my brain just...couldn't. Sry.
IP course start
So yesterday my last course, International Politics, started. So far....it seems interesting. This course was the one that I've been looking forward to the most so I hope I won't get disappointed!
So yeah....that's what's up at the moment. That + alot of stress, as usual. I am usually quite OK with the perpetual stress that is Uni-life but when I can't sleep, that's going too far. I mean, I've always had trouble sleeping through my whole life but...one good night sleep can weigh up some bad nights, you know. But when that good night never comes and it's just bad night after bad night....that's when it get kinda annoying. Meh, it'll get better soon probably.
Yesterday I took it veeeeery easy and just enjoyed...life.
I went in to city to buy some stuff and then went back home and played some FFX-2 and read my book. No stress to study or anything weighing me down. Lovely.
I went in to city to buy some stuff and then went back home and played some FFX-2 and read my book. No stress to study or anything weighing me down. Lovely.
Today I went out to Solna to meet up with Sofia at Mall of Scandinavia. We had booked tickets for Mockingjay pt 2 at the IMAX theatre at 11:30 so before that we walked and looked around in the huuuge new mall. I must say, I really liked it. Super clean, super bright and tons of restaurants (and shops aswell ofc but hey food is more important). Very nice.
The movie was....really good! I mean, I read the books years ago so I knew how it would end but, it was still kinda sad. And the IMAX was insaaaane! The sound was incredible (like....I can't even describe the feeling. It was almost scary) and the "screen" was gigantic. It was worth the extra money. And it was awesome to go watch a movie in the middle of the day! The salon was pretty much empty!

