Last weekend in Sthlm
This weekend has been very focused on hanging out with friends. And eating tons of food. And laughing until I can barely breathe. In other words, a really good weekend.
On Friday I hanged out with Sofia and "borrowed" her bathtub to use my bath bomb from Lush, we had a delish dinner together and then made a kladdkaka and watched a Gazette live. Classic <3

On Saturday me and Sofia went out to Anton's and together we went and got some epic burgers for dinner, then we went and shopped some snacks and then sat by the dinner table the entire evening just chilling and having a good time.

So goooood (my burger is still wrapped in this pic tho xD)
Then today, Sunday, I met up with my GU classmates for a "Luciamys". We all brought some snacks and christmas-y stuff and sat in her living room and ate and chatted and just had suuuuch a great time. The hours just flew by!! After more than 6 hours we decided to call it the night haha! It was so much fun!

The first delicious fika....

Round 1...

After everyone arrived and brought more and more things the table became full of goodies!

I seriously ate SO much...the sugar rush was insane.