Last day of summer vacation
Today has been quite a get-back-to-"vardagen"-day. My alarm rang at 6:00 this morning and I got up and headed straight to the gym. Felt very nice.
Later during the day I went and did some extremely needed grocery shopping. My fridge was gaping empty after almost 2 weeks in Umeå. Eheh.
Other than that I've spend the day reading, painting my nail (feels so much fresher with clean nails) and watched some more Hannibal. Oh yeah, I started watching S3, the final season, of Hannibal last night. Don't really know how to feel about that tbh. Oh well.
Tomorrow Uni starts again. My second year. Political Science. Here we go!

Me and Sofia, one year ago, on the first day of Uni. So much excitement.
Back South
So I'm back in Stockholm now. I've been having an aaaamazin' time in Umeå. Been hanging out alot with my friends, spent time with my family and just been relaxing. I'm just gonna upload random pics from my stay in Umeå and just let that be it.

Eevee cookies at Ina's :D

Kladdkaka. Need I say more?

Ina :)

Hanged out with Dena like 5 times during my stay in Umeå xD What can I say, we have so much things to do and stuff to talk about and plan etc. We are a pretty epic combo.

This view!


Stayed 2 nights at my sister's apartment and babysat her kitten. Crazy little thing, but oh so cute.

The too much.

Had lunch with Dena, Sofia and Otto at Droskan, our old place back from high school. I haven't been there in 4 nostalgic.

Had an epic evening together with Maja, starting with dinner at Allstar. The garlic bread there is to die for. Then we went back to her place for a movie night with delish snacks. A perfect night.

Met up with the girl gang (not all members, but most of us!) and had a long awaited "girl's night" with just fika and chatting and catching up. It was great!

And this rawfood fika was amazing!!

And what is a blog post about Umeå without a picture of my fluffy cat, Sasha! She's been getting so slow due to age but she is still a very affectionate kitty and laid next to me on the couch all the time purring like mad. My little kitty cat.

And our backyard! See you next time!
Up North
Tomorrow is my last day at work!!
Right after work is over, I'm getting on a plane going back home. Back up North.
Will be back in Stockholm next Saturday! Don't know how much I'll update until then but...yeah :D
Right after work is over, I'm getting on a plane going back home. Back up North.
Will be back in Stockholm next Saturday! Don't know how much I'll update until then but...yeah :D

Because this picture is almost 1 year old. And because I loved this shoot!
Chillin' and gamin'
Really been enjoying my week off.
Met up with my classmate (and his dog!!!) and chilled at my place on Thursday. We played some KH2 and I amazingly beat 3 more of the data battles! Just like that. I was very shocked by my own skills.
Met up with my classmate (and his dog!!!) and chilled at my place on Thursday. We played some KH2 and I amazingly beat 3 more of the data battles! Just like that. I was very shocked by my own skills.
Then yesterday I hanged out with Anton. Always good times with that guy. First we took it easy at my place, had some melon and cinnamonbuns (mjees) and then we started playing some Resident Evil 5. I just....I love that game goddamnit haha. And it really bothers me that I haven't even cleared the first mercenary challenge!!! Me and Maja cleared all of them several years ago on her game!! So we decided to play some story mode, get some coins, upgrade some guns, and then shoot some zombies. We only took a break getting some chinese food but then we continued playing. In the end, we didn't clear any challenges.....but next time!!! NEXT TIIIIME!!

Simple pic of a simple but delicious honeydew melon.
The days
I've had some really lovely few days this week.
On Monday evening my Dad came and visited and we put up a shelf in my apartment and then went out for dinner together.
Then yesterday, on Tuesday, I hanged out with Anna the whole day. We watched some youtube videos, screamed over cosplayers who did a TOO GOOD of a job at cosplaying as the other sex, drank alot of tea and talked about everything random and then we had dinner together at "Därmedpasta" and sat there for almost 4 hours talking even more. It was such a good day.
Then yesterday, on Tuesday, I hanged out with Anna the whole day. We watched some youtube videos, screamed over cosplayers who did a TOO GOOD of a job at cosplaying as the other sex, drank alot of tea and talked about everything random and then we had dinner together at "Därmedpasta" and sat there for almost 4 hours talking even more. It was such a good day.
And then, today, I've barely done anything. I slept in and have mostly been chillin in my bed the entire day with either my book in my hands, or my phone. Or watching Dan and Phil's videos on Youtube. Their friendships makes me so happy.
Less than 1 week until I go back north! Woop!
Fangirl Friday
I'm so happy right now. One of my favourite cosplayers atm (and person aswell, haha) just uploaded a Q&A video on her channel and in that video she featured my question to her!!!!!! She even read my name out loud (my insta name but whatevs)!! I sat on my floor, screaming. I just....can't. She looked amazing <3 Ah.
And with only 2 episodes left of KnB2 things are heating up. Especially Murasakibara. My fave <3 Ah.
And my book is awesome <3 Ah.
And it's finally Friday and I have the whole next week off <3 YEEEES!!!

Waaah I just want this week to be over xD Or, I want Friday now.
Time goes slow and fast and sometimes not at all here (at least that's what it feels like). Ugh.
Missing my friends so much. And my family. I'm so glad that I get to see them in 2 weeks (and might even get to see Dad next week yay!).
But on a happier note, I started re-reading "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss. I just love that book <3
And I'm shoulders deep into the KnB fandom right now. Send help.
What a lovely weekend it has been. I've been hanging out with friends, watched some more Kuroko no Basuke and just kinda cleaned up the apartment. My first weekend alone in two weeks haha.
Yesterday I hanged out with one of my classmates from Uni. He just recently got a puppy (or, he is 10 months old but all doggies are puppies no matter the age) and I just had to meet him! It's a Shiba and oh my God....he was so cute. Very energetic and crazy but sooo cute. I also showed him (my classmate, not the dog) my pictures from Japan, talked about video games, fangirled a bit and chatted random stuff while having some fika.

JUST LOOK AT HIM!!!!! <3 <3 <3
Later in the evening I had an almost 5 h long Skype call with Dena. I don't even know what to say...we just have too much to talk about. Always.
Today has been more of a typical Sunday though with doing laundry, cooking etc. But also had a Skype call with Sofia. Haven't seen her since we got back from Japan! We're busy working women but I can't wait until I go back north and can hang out with her again. It's gonna be awesome.
So, tomorrow starts the last full week at work. LET'S DO THIS!