Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
So I've FINALLY started playing Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
I'm only 4 years late....hahaha.
I'm only 4 years late....hahaha.
I don't remember anything from the earlier story so I'm just walking around, jumping off buildings and laughing at Italians. Things will probably get more serious soon....unfortunately I don't have alot of time playing during mon-fri but...yeah I'm looking forward to finally play this game. YAY!

Weekend together with Sofia and Frida
This past weekend I had Sofia and Frida staying at my place. They had tickets to the Michael Bublé concert on Sunday evening so we had akmost 2 whole days having fun together! We did some shopping, had fika, ate delicious food and listened to music and derped around in my apartment. Hahahah oh my god xD I've been missing hanging around with friends...feels like I don't have too much free time at the moment and whenever I'm free, I'm too tired to do anything. Totally sucks.

Pretty girls! :)

Jabche...dear God korean food is the best.



No connection
Still got no Internet in my apartment....I need to call the Internet company and ask them what the hell is going on but since I keep working overtime everyday I don't have time...ugh..
I did have time to meet up with Anton the other day. We hanged out a little bit at my place and then had dinner together. Very nice.
Other than that not much has happened....haven't had any time to make things happen. BUT! Sofia is back in Sweden for the weekend (YAAAHAAY) and she and her friend Frida is staying at my place! It's gonna be great!!!
Just moved in.
So this weekend was completely dedicated to move in to my new apartment. Moving all of my stuff from that room on the 3rd floor in Rågsved, to the small apartment I am sitting in right now in Hornstull, Södermalm. My Mom and Dad are heroes, helping me out so much. And yesterday we went to IKEA to buy the necessary stuff and all. Of course, it's not finished at all at the moment, I still need a few more thing before it feel "complete". But feels good. Like, very good.
I don't have any Internet in the apartment yet (I am leeching from an unknown WiFi at the moment hehe) but after I'll get that, I'll update again with some pictures etc. Until then, bye!

So true.
Hahahha oh my god what a day it has been....puh..
Okay, first off, today I had to take my first real order in Japanese with a customer. Or well, I did take an additional order the other day but that doesn't count. And yeah, I was very nervous but I worked out pretty good. I even managed to throw in some keigo (super polite language) sooo..feels good.
BUT the big thing of today was the Language Exchange Meet up-thingy I went to. There's this website called meetup where different meet ups are being arranged. It can be anything like debate club, after work, language exchange etc. So today I went to the Japanese Intermediate/Advanced meet up. And oh my god was it a great decision. Hahaha wow I had been so nervous about it but after I got there (the meet up was at a café in Gamla Stan) and sat down and introduced myself and all, every feeling of nervousness disappeared. Everything just felt so natural and not awkward at all! And the people there (there were 8 of us and 2 of them was Japanese) were really really nice!
The thing I'd been worrying most about lately is that my Japanese skills are failing me. I've been feeling like I've gone back so many levels due to not have been studying after I got back to Sweden and all. And sure, I'm not as good as I was 1 year ago, but honestly....after tonight I feel like I'm not too far behind after all. It's all still there. It still comes naturally. And when we changed to Swedish (1 h Japanese talk, 1 h Swedish talk) I honestly had to fight back to not begin speaking in Japanese again! Hahaha!! It's just ridiculous when you think about....I always say at work that I've lost my confidence in speaking Japanese but I think that if I keep going to these meet ups (it's every Wednesday), soon I'll get my confidence back. And ambition.
Tonight was really, really great!! I'm so glad I went there!! Can't wait until next Wednesday!
Tonight was really, really great!! I'm so glad I went there!! Can't wait until next Wednesday!
Another weekend
So another weekend has come and gone. Spent yesterday in Hornstull, a short trip to Kungsholmen and then some grocery shopping. Then I spent the night at home watching some series and playing.

Found this in the mail at my new place. "Södermalmsnytt"...bwahaha!! If someone had told me 6 months ago that THIS is the newpaper I'll be getting in my mailbox I'd laugh at them right in the face. This is ridic.
This morning I went to Espresso House at Birger Jarlsgatan and sat there reading for about 1 ½ hours. I love it. But can't keep doing this every Sunday...or maybe I can? I'll try to work that out...Other than that I've just been taking it easy at home. Killing some marks in FFXII, the usual.

This morning's "fika" and my neverending book.

Let it go, let it go!
Yesterday was a kickass day.
Met up with Dad right after work and together we first went to Ladurée (yes, again!!) and bought some macarons. I'm so in love with Ladurée it's honestly dangerous. Then we went to Lush (haha yes...) and after that we had dinner at K25 on Kungsgatan. I ate an amazing hamburger while Dad had sushi.
After that we went to the Central Station to chill at Starbucks. Hahah it's like a tradition now to sit there and have coffee before Dad has to leave. I love spending time with Dad. He's the best.

Inside at K25.

After saying goodbye to Dad I met up with Anton. We had booked tickets to go watch the new movie "Frozen". I really like it!! It was funny, the scenery gorgeous and it was just....great!
Today I didn't feel that great though. I dunno, I felt tired, sleepy, sick and just generally fed up with everything. During the morning I got to take 15 min off to go and clean a little in our new office (yeah, we're moving to a new office soon. It's, very tiny. I'm not sure how this is gonna work but...yeah..) and while cleaning I sang some Disney song by myself. In French. Because right now, I'm a little sick with Japanese.
And due too my body not feeling all too good today, I had to cancel my work out. Instead I went directly home after work (feels like ages since I did that) and watched an episode of Breaking Bad, took a long shower, had a spicy dinner and am now sitting in bed with a cup of tea and some macarons. Feeling alot better already.
Today after work I went for the first time to Stockholm University.
I was hoping to talk to a study adviser about different programs and courses for this fall. For all I knew, there's still only one program I'm interested in but together with the study adviser we actually found a few others that sounded interesting. Gaaah thinking about what's gonna happen after summer is so stressful!! Let's not think about it. Nope.
I was hoping to talk to a study adviser about different programs and courses for this fall. For all I knew, there's still only one program I'm interested in but together with the study adviser we actually found a few others that sounded interesting. Gaaah thinking about what's gonna happen after summer is so stressful!! Let's not think about it. Nope.
Monday afternoon in Hornstull
Yet another week has arrived. This one is probably gonna pass by very fast since I (actually) have a few plans for the week.
So today's plans were to meet up with my dear Dad after work. Yup, he is in town yet again. I love it that he comes to Stockholm every other week!
So yeah, we met up at Tegnérgatan and then took the subway to Hornstull so that Dad could finally get to see the new apartment. And to be honest, I think he likes it more than me!! Hahaha! Then my uncle and cousin came by and the 4 of us discussed how to furnish the room and all. Then we walked to the station and met up with my uncle's wife and the 5 of us went to have dinner at Beijing 8. God, I'm in love with that place.
So yeah, we met up at Tegnérgatan and then took the subway to Hornstull so that Dad could finally get to see the new apartment. And to be honest, I think he likes it more than me!! Hahaha! Then my uncle and cousin came by and the 4 of us discussed how to furnish the room and all. Then we walked to the station and met up with my uncle's wife and the 5 of us went to have dinner at Beijing 8. God, I'm in love with that place.

Then we walked back to the new apartment to let my uncle's wife take a look at it too.Then my Dad tagged along his brother and his family back home to their place and I walked back to the station and took the train home.
It's been a long day but very fun! Can't wait to meet up with my Dad on Wednesday again! YAY!
Sunday shopping
It's been a nice and long weekend. Had a Bodypump class yesterday and later I went in to the city and explored some Asian food stores. Naturally, I had to buy some stuff.

I found this little baby Sriracha! Isn't it just adorable?!
And even today I spent most of the day in the city. Even though the weather was shit, I quite enjoyed myself walking around, doing some Sunday shopping. Honestly, Sunday shoppings are the best. Nothing beats spending money on Sundays. There's less people in the stores and cafés, there's no pressure of taking on the day in a rush and do alot of things like's just better.
And even today I spent most of the day in the city. Even though the weather was shit, I quite enjoyed myself walking around, doing some Sunday shopping. Honestly, Sunday shoppings are the best. Nothing beats spending money on Sundays. There's less people in the stores and cafés, there's no pressure of taking on the day in a rush and do alot of things like's just better.
So anyway, I started off the morning at the same café as last week. Only this time, my inner klutz appeared and I managed to spill coffee over myself, my bag, the table and the floor the first thing I did. Embarrassed, I talked to the guy at the register and he came to my rescue. As I was trying to explain how I gracefully spilled coffee all over everything he asked me "You're not from around here,are you?". Dumfounded, I answered "How did you know?". And his answer was "They way you pronouced SHIT". Hahahah so appearently, when I get stressed and embarrassed, I start speaking in a strong Northern accent. Good to know.

After that, I started walking around looking in a few stores, did some small shopping etc. Then I took the subway to Hornstull to go to my new appartment. To be honest, I got a little bit chocked after seeing it for the first time on Friday and didn't quite know how to feel but now it feels much better. So I left some stuff there and then went to Hornstull station, where there's alot of shops and restaurants, and had lunch there.

Okay, I know it looks nasty, but this chicken-bacon-tomato-mustard-honey-wrap-thingy was delish!!
So then after coming back to Rågsved I played some FFXII and then had a long Skype call with Dena. It was awesome. As always. It really sucks that 4 of my 3 best friends are abroad at the moment. Like, what the hell?! Not fair at all.