Hello again.
Today it's been the usual (gym,study etc) and then tonight Maja came over for some Walking Dead. But before that we went on an epic grocery shopping spree. Went to 3 different supermarkets and STILL didn't find everything we needed....damn it. But Maja bought a pumpkin. And it was pretty. And we put it in the baby seat of the cart so it looked like a baby-pumpkin. It was adorable.
Today it's been the usual (gym,study etc) and then tonight Maja came over for some Walking Dead. But before that we went on an epic grocery shopping spree. Went to 3 different supermarkets and STILL didn't find everything we needed....damn it. But Maja bought a pumpkin. And it was pretty. And we put it in the baby seat of the cart so it looked like a baby-pumpkin. It was adorable.
Ah well it'll have to do. Tomorrow's the epic Halloween party with the girls! I'm so psyched!
Beautiful Deformity
(okay so today I worked at a new kindergarden and it was awesome blablabla)
BUT OMG today after work I met up with Sofia and we had dinner together and it was great, Then we went to my place to listen to The Gazette's new album together for the first time. OOOOH MY GOD these boys never fail to deliver. They're so talented and I'm so proud of them GAAAH!!
But seriously, this's insane.

"Show me your beast" XD
Naram nam...
I feel like I've slightly neglected this blog as of late...BUT honestly don't have much to write.
I feel like I've slightly neglected this blog as of late...BUT honestly don't have much to write.
Most of the time I'm studying (or at least trying to study), listening to bollywood music and looking at pic/vids of Indian wedding styling (so beautiful, it's breathtaking) and just....constantly think about Supernatural. Yup. That's my life. And oh spending waaay too much on Tumblr. I feel like I reblogg stuff all of the time xD But I like it. My Tumblr blog really is ultimate sanctuary of things I love, things that makes me laugh and things that just makes me go NKJDFBV. Honestly.
Yeah, I went there

Season 9 baby!!!
Okay I just finished watching Supernatural S8. And I have to admit, the season has been...."meh" mixed with some awesome moments but the main storyline is just stupid.
BUT.....this season finale.....sent fucking shivers down my spine. I mean it, I almost started crying.
BUT.....this season finale.....sent fucking shivers down my spine. I mean it, I almost started crying. People (read: Dena) will kill me for saying this but...Season 9, here I come!!!

Nothing special...
Yeah...the title says it all. Right now, I ain't doing life revolves around:
* Going to the gym
* Watching Supernatural S8 (Which is a mess, let me tell you. Crowley is amazing tho)
* Watching Supernatural S8 (Which is a mess, let me tell you. Crowley is amazing tho)
* Studying
* Trying to figure out my life
So that's basically it.
And oh, the sky was pretty this morning....
And I had lunch with Dad at Sagami today. It was delish.

Woaaah I had a kickass J-Drama-day together with Sofia, the one and only. We watched some "Tumbling" (hoooooooooooooooooooonestly Nippori has the most beautiful face ever!!) and some "My Boss My Hero (just lol). And of course we made delicious dinner. Healthy, delicious dinner. Yay us!! But I ate way too much...I haven't learned to control myself just yet...
I'm gonna think about how awesome today was when I'm sitting inside studying tomorrow...aaah..


Just a really good day =)
So today's been a very long but very nice day.
Started off with a few hours at the gym (yeah I got a membership yesterday, I'm so excited!) and then I met up with Ina in the city for lunch and shopping. We had lunch at Rost and I had the most delicious pumpkin soup ever. It was glorious. Then the shopping began...and money was spent haha. Nah but I got only necessary stuff like work out gear, body lotion etc. And I've been starting to have honest cravings for the new Versace perfume that I've found. I think I need it in my life....But anyway, it has been an AMAZING day with my lovely Ina =)
Started off with a few hours at the gym (yeah I got a membership yesterday, I'm so excited!) and then I met up with Ina in the city for lunch and shopping. We had lunch at Rost and I had the most delicious pumpkin soup ever. It was glorious. Then the shopping began...and money was spent haha. Nah but I got only necessary stuff like work out gear, body lotion etc. And I've been starting to have honest cravings for the new Versace perfume that I've found. I think I need it in my life....But anyway, it has been an AMAZING day with my lovely Ina =)

Then after getting home I started studying with my new book for the "Social Science( Civics?? I dunno how to translate it properly).. A" course I'm taking. It's a nostalgic feeling, studying again. And not just Kanji and Vocabulary but REAL stuff you know....haha. And since it's second-hand book it still has markings in it from the previous owner. You know, notes and stuff....reading them I almost feel like the Harry Potter in the Half Blood Prince (him reading Snapes notes and all in his potions book haha).

Something like this, yeah?
And then, to round it all off, I started watching Supernatural Season 8. I'm so gonna regret this decision. I know it already....
Mumbai Delivery + The Walking Dead Season 4!!!
Yay I got my halloween costume today! Both the jewelry and the actual costume. Even though my costume is not a secret...I don't want to show it just yet haha. But here's a picture of the jewelry, maybe you can figure out the theme of my costume at least ^^

Absolutely STUNNING! I'm in love.
And tonight me and Maja started watching "The Walking Dead Season 4". Can you believe it?! SEASON 4!!!! It's insane. This series really is a Maja&Loui series. It's like our thing by now. I wouldn't wanna watch it together with any other person than her. We've been following it since the spring of 2011...every Sunday..aah good times. Now it might be every Tuesday instead...anyway, I'm just so excited it has started airing again. But nervous aswell...what if they kill off my fave character, Daryl Dixon?! WHAT IF?! *sob*
Fika with the girls + Ina's birthday <3
Yay what and awesome day it's been! Got to see all of my lovely friends!!
First I met up with the girls in the city for fika. We planned our annual Halloween party, discussed what games to play during it, food etc. I can't wait!!

Then later in the evening I went to Ina's to celebrate her birthday!! YAY! Maja also came and stayed for a few hours and together with Ina's boyfriend, her brother and his girlfriend, we played an epic parlour game. It's hard to explain it but your mission is to build a railway throughout Europe. Hahah it sounds weird but it was awesome! Me and Maja teamed up for the first round (ended up at second place...) and during the second one I was all alone...and failed xD But it was a great evening and I had lots of fun but more importantly, I think Ina had a great birthday ;)

Happy Birthday my dear friend <3

This epic.
uuugh....I'm feeling sick. Runny nose, coughing, sore throat, light headache....not funny.
But, I've been staying at home doing nothing the whole day and tomorrow's gonna be no different. I've been watching the "Back to the Future" movies (have watched the first two am gonna watch the third tomorrow) and totally loved them. And I played some Okami today...and got shit done. I feel like I'm closing in on the real ending now....finally.
That's pretty much what's been going on...
yup, that's it.
Oh and I decided to take the "Prövning" at Komvux in Social Studies A.....shouldn't be too difficult....eeh..
Girl's Night, Gaze-day, chill evening
Last night us girls met up to celebrate Fanny's baby-new and the fact that we're gonna become "Random Aunts". YAY! We ate tacos and made "Marängsviss" for dessert. So delicious. Then we just took it easy and talked about random stuff becuase that's what we do xD

Haha Sofia's face xD

Oooooh soooo gooooood~

Sofia spent the night here and today we watched DIM SCENE, one of our favorite Gazette lives (pfft all of their lives are our favorites lol), It was amazing. And then we watched one episode of Tumbling and cried a little haha.
Then I met up with Maja this evening just to hang out and chill. We tried to tie a tie on each other but that didn't work that well...damn it, we'll have to practice. Then we kept talking about how we're gonna do our epic FFXII lan....we have to do it soon because I need it in my life!!
Tomorrow it's time for work again!
Attack on Titan
So I (finally) started watching "Attack on Titan" (Shingeki no Kyojin) the same day we came home from our Finland-trip....and watched 14 episodes that day xD
I just finished watching it just now....and I'm speechless. This has probably been the most epic, brutal and mindblowing anime I've ever watched. I'm stunned.

Finland, Helsinki 28-30/9 + The Gazette concert
Wow....where to begin?
Okay so me and Sofia took the nightbus (on the 27th arriving at Arlanda airport in the morning on the 28th). It was fun, we listened to music and derped around and at the same time managed to get some hours of sleep.

So when we arrived at Arlanda we had some breakfast, checked in our bags and all that stuff and then went to our gate.

Pretty sunrise at Arlanda

And then (after a slight delay) we finally got to board the plane!! It only took like...45 min from Stockholm to Helsinki, the shortest flight ever xD but we had fun ^^

Helsinki!! YAY! After picking up our bags we took the shuttle in to the city to catch the metro to our hotel. Stuff went surprisingly smooth since pretty much EVERYTHING in Finland is in both Finnish and Swedish. Signs, information...everything.

So after getting checked in at our hotel we freshened up a little bit and then hit the town!!

We wandered about, looking in a few stores, trying to figure out the town etc. Then we had a fabulous lunch at Vapiano's.

Ofc, lot's of people...

They had two floors! Epic.
Then we set out to find the concert venue. We figured we'd like to know where it is so that we wouldn't have to get lost and stressed out trying to find it the next day. This little quest lead to complete failure and us getting fucked over by Helsinki yet again BUT in the end we found our way to the venue.

This (stupid) place... *facepalm*
Then we went home and fell asleep early. We had a BIG day ahead of us ;D
So, waking up at 5:30 the next morning was fairly easy. We did our make up, got dressed and headed down to the breakfast buffet. And since it was so early it was only me and Sofia there....and some Asians xD haha
So, waking up at 5:30 the next morning was fairly easy. We did our make up, got dressed and headed down to the breakfast buffet. And since it was so early it was only me and Sofia there....and some Asians xD haha

Then it was time to head to the concert venue!! We got there a little bit before 8:00 and took a place in a long queue. About 30-40 min later we got to pick a number from a hat telling us our real queue number. We got 347. I know, it sounds like it's at the far back of the queue, but let me tell you're wrong. Haha okay we had at least 346 people before us + the VIP people but not all people went and started queuing at 8:00 in the morning, oh no, most people showed up just before the concert at like 16:00...but no, we stood there (okay sat there) from 8:00 until 18:30 when they opened the doors. I'm not joking. It was insane. And cold a fuck. We took 2 breaks (one 1 hour brake and another break for about 40 min) to eat, go the toilet etc. But that's it. Haha!

The queue at 8:00 in the morning...

This is like at 9:00 and this isn't even the whole queue...

During one break :D

Yeah we took lots of pictures ^^

Another pic of the queue (here at around 18:00). It went up and down up and down like a snake with I don't know how many hundreds of people...
And then....the concert.
I don't think I can describe it in a flowing was just:
I don't think I can describe it in a flowing was just:
Sweat, tears, crazy fangirls, sharp elbows, me and Sofia at the 3rd row (we were SO CLOSE), gazemen....they were so many unforgettable moments (like Reita's crazy sexy stare, Ruki's epic dance, dork Uruha, CUTIE KAI, Aoi's beautiful face....and the music. Of course, the music. They never dissappoint you. And the funny thing is that the one that blew me away the most was Reita! Not any of my faves (ok they're all faves but Ruki, Kai and Uru are my top gazemen) but honestly....Reita was amazing. I just caught myself staring at him during several songs just because of....him. I can't even describe it.

Nasty and sweaty after the live...
The next morning we both felt a little bit battered, bodies hurting a just a tiny bit (but not as earlier concerts since we didn't get the space to headbang like you normally would do) but we still were very happy. We could have random outbursts like "OMG CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW CLOSE WE GOT TO THEM" and "OMG DID YOU SEE WHEN [insert gazeman] DID [insert something epic,sexy or cute]?!?
So, we had breakfast and got ready to head out for some shopping!!

Kamppi shopping mall!

Lunch again at Vapiano's...

Soo...the weirdest thing happened just after we finished eating....Sofia spotted the Gazette's staff (3 of them, we recognized them from the concert) )outside on the street what did we do? We ran after them ofc!! But we lost them...damn it. I'm still pissed.

Fika at Fazer Café!
Then we went back to the airport at around 17:30...feeling sad to leave. Not necessarily Helsinki but just the fact of having to leave this bubble of "happy gazeboys times" you know...having to go back to reality and all...

Sour faces at Helsinki airport...

But yeah, we got home in one piece. Took the night train back to Umeå and arrived early this morning. This has been a magical, epic and almost unreal trip. The concert was hands down the best I've ever been to. Easily. I can't wait to see them again!! They mean so much to me. It's more than just music. They changed my life. I wish I can tell them one day, face to face, how much of an impact they've had in my life. Someday =)

This. They. Us!