Food festival in Skellefteå
Like the title and Sofia's love for food is so big, that we even went to Skellefteå to please our ever yearning bellies that cries for delish food. So, me and my partner in crime car-pooled together with my parents to Lövånger and dropped them off there and then continued onwards just the two of us to Skellefteå. We arrived early (ofc..) so we walked around in a shopping mall to pass the time at first and then went to the festival area. Since we were there when it opened it wasn't that much people around but as time passed more and more people arrived and when we finally had enough the area had gotten very crowded.

Sofia is not sure if gusta...

Soooo good~

Delish vegetarian pizza

The most yum thing of the day: Fried camembert with cloudberry jam.

Well, this donut wasn't that bad either...yummy!!

After getting back to Lövånger at my aunts summer house we met up with the rest (mum and dad, my sister, aunt, cousin etc). They all sat there enjoying the sun and cleaning the mushrooms they've picked earlier. This was nothing for me and Sofia so we took a stroll in to the forest to eat some blue berries. Time just flew by while we walked there talking about J-rockers, the concert next month and other general random stuff. When we walked back on the trail we met my mum, she had appearently gotten worried why we stayed in the forest so long and hadn't come back. She though the bear had taken us. Haha.
Anyway, as you can see, today was a very awesome day =D
On Friday us girls decided to arrange a "syjunta" (sewing circle) but to be fair, it was just another reason to meet and hang out. Although Emma and Fanny did knit and crochet for a while...The only thing I did was painting my nails haha. Anyway, we talked about so many random things and we planned for our upcoming "project". Hehe I really hope it turns out awesome since just talking about it made us all beyond excited. YAY! And Hanna also dropped by if only for a few minutes to say goodbye. Our brave girl is leaving for China! We'll miss her alot but we hope she's gonna have a kick ass time in China and learn the language like a boss ;D
On Friday us girls decided to arrange a "syjunta" (sewing circle) but to be fair, it was just another reason to meet and hang out. Although Emma and Fanny did knit and crochet for a while...The only thing I did was painting my nails haha. Anyway, we talked about so many random things and we planned for our upcoming "project". Hehe I really hope it turns out awesome since just talking about it made us all beyond excited. YAY! And Hanna also dropped by if only for a few minutes to say goodbye. Our brave girl is leaving for China! We'll miss her alot but we hope she's gonna have a kick ass time in China and learn the language like a boss ;D

Uwaaaah I just finished watching WALL-E!! I loved it!! The whole movie was just straight through adorable. I don't know why I haven't watched it until now....meh.

Into Darkness
So after work today Dena and Otto came over and we watched Star Trek: Into Darkness. They've both already watched it, of course. But not me....beccause of unknown reasons. Soo...we started watching it....and I died. OMG this movie!!! I don't know where to begin! Chris Pine's stunning blue eyes?! Zachary Quinto as Spock?! BENEDICT FUCKING CUMBERBATCH IN HIS HOTTEST ROLE EVER?!?!? Gaaaaaah there's too much to take in. Me and Dena squeeled through most parts of the movie. It was such an amazing movie I'm totally blown away.

Aaah this man.....
A really nice Monday
Today was very nice.
I woke up at 8, got dressed and ready and then took the bus in to town to have lunch with Mum. During lunch we started talking about when she and Dad visited me in Japan and how much fun it was. We really had a great time there together.


Then after getting home I only stayed there about 2 hours and then I went and picked Dena up and the two of us went to Otto's guessed it, MORE BOND MOVIES!! We watched the last movie with Roger Moore (thank godness for that) and watched the first movie with Timothy Dalton. He was really good, actually. Even though I didn't like him in the beginning...

While I was driving home from Otto's I remembered, "Oh, Dad's back!". He's been to France for vacation and got back home today. So the first thing I did when I got home was to give him a big hug. And then i got totally excited when I saw what he had brought back for me. MACARONS!! Gaaah they look so delish!! Thank you Dad!

They're so adorable!
Just chillin' and killin' spiders
Yesterday was a really lazy day. I stayed at home the whole day and watched anime, movies (Beautiful Creatures...not too impressed), read a little and just chilled with my laptop. BUT me and mom did go out on a 1h long walk. And while walking I listen to P3 Documentary. It was really good and now I just want to listen more documentaries!
I also found a spider in my bed while lying there watching anime. It was walking right over my right knee. And hear this, I didn't scream. No it's true, I didn't. I just sat up, folded the sheets so that the bastard wouldn't get away, and got the vacuum cleaner och sucked that little idiot right up. HAHA! I'm so fed up with spiders right now so I always keep the vacuum cleaner close. Can't the winter just come already so all of those nasty, eight-legged freaks with freeze to death!?
Party with Dena + LOTR-Marathon
On Friday I hanged out with Dena. We did some shopping in the city, went grocery shopping and then went home and watched some anime. It was awesome. Then we went to Hanny good bye party in the evening.
Yesterday was truly an epic day. We had our traditional Lord of The Rings marathon. HAHAHAAA it's so fucking epic! We had set out to start watching at around 10:00 but I think we started around 10:30....and then (with a few break inbetween) we finished watching The Return of The King at around 23:15. HELL YEAH!

Good bye-Hanna-dinner =)
So yesterday we all headed out to Strängnäs for a good bye Hanna dinner :D She's leaving for China soon! GAH it's insane! She's so brave! Anyway, we had lots of delish food and had a great time talking about the good old times at UIG, WW2 (lol) and weird people xD Hahah! I had a really great time!

My beautiful mini pizzas!

Dinner time!

Absolutely delicious dessert!

Dinner time!

Absolutely delicious dessert!

Woaaaah I've had tons of fun with Sofia these past 2 days. We've been watching alot of J-Drama (My Boss My Hero and Tumbling) , listening to music, eating good food and ofc alot of general derping. And naturally, we've been taking some random pictures aswell. Enjoy!

Lunch at Vezzo

Derping around in my backyard...


Making dinner....

....which turned out delicious!! Sooo good!

The Hunt
Okay first off, I just wanna say that I've been mildly productive today. First I went to work and...worked lol. Then after getting home I started translating my CV and looking up several volunteer jobs + applying for a snowboard instructor job. Still have alot to do tomorrow but...yeah got a little bit done today at least.
AND THEN I decided to finally watch Jagten. Honestly....that movie....I started crying. It was really good but...damn it was painful to watch it. Honestly, it's a really good movie but it's doesn't leave you all happy and cheerful or anything....*sob*

Chillin with Ina + BBQ party!
YEAH today was AWESOME!
First I hanged out with Ina. I did her make up (because I wanted to xD) and we had fika and chatted and stuff. It was awesome =)
Then I dropped her off in the city and went to Dena's to meet up with the rest of the random gang. When all had arrived we walked to a nearby hill and set up our little camp and got a fire going. Then we had a bbq! We had chicken, mushrooms, bell peppers etc. It was delish.
And then...the rain arrived aswell. It came and went several times but we didn't give up and re-lit the fire several times.
But after a while we had to give in to the rain and we packed our things and went back to Dena to have the bbq after party. Such an awesome day even though I spend most of it soaking wet xD

The nice view from the hill

There's no reason
I had an amazing evening together with Maja tonight. First, we played some RE6 and kicked some ass and then we tog the car in to the city and went to Allstar. There was fairly nobody there (thank god) and I really liked it in there. We stayed for a couple of hours talking about life and such. Even though I mostly complained about what I always complain about (stupid people, life, legal drugs, stupid people) Maja did bear out with me, luckily xD Thank you for that sweetie! Anyhow, tonight was really nice and I can't wait to go there again =)

I could marry this garlic bread...

Catched on
Right. Now I'm up to pace with both the Naruto manga AND the anime. I'm so pleased and totally excited. Since I've been breathing nothing but Naruto these past few days I've gotten the urge to replay Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2. Such and amazing game. BUT rather than replaying that I should play the new one, Ultimate Ninja Storm 3, right? BUT, the ones they sell here don't have Japanese audio. So I might have to order from play-asia....such a hassle...but I really want to play with Uchiha Madara =/

Look at all the characters you can choose from!!!
Uwaaah these past days I've been reading Naruto (I was like 25 chapters behind..) and oooooh my god that manga never fails to wreck me by an overloads of massive feels! GAH it's just insane! Naruto is the manga/anime series that I'm the most emotionally attached to. There's so much angst I can't even...

Other than that I've been working...and tomorrow I'm gonna fill in in the kitchen for the first time in 2 years...and it seems that the dishwasher's broken aswell..huh, tomorrow's gonna be and interesting day.
Rage on, mabushii hikari~
These past 2 days I've been derping around with Sofia. We've been watching anime, concert live dvd, drama, documentaries, Top Gear and been eating healthy all along...almost ;D A great warm up for next week! And we had "Japanese time" and spoke japanese for 35 min straight! For practice ofc. And had Taiwanese peanutbutter cookies as a reward for being able to talk that long. It was awesome =)
We're so gorgeous~

The 12th Doctor

Monsters University
Today me, Maja, Ina, Niklas and Ida went and watched Monsters University. HAHAHAAA it was great!! It really lived up to all of my expectations! Only bad thing was that they'd changed Mike's voice actor but other than that it was perfect. So many references to the first movie and just packed with pure entertainment. I loved it =)

Eating at Max before the movie...

Reunion in Stockholm
Today I got back home from Stockholm (I might have forgotten to mention that in earlier posts, that I was going there...haha le fail) and I've had an aaaamazing time together with Sofia, Tsai and Anton (+ Anton's mom is worth mentioning. She was so nice I really really liked her). We did some shopping, ate delish food, went to Gröna Lund, bought souvenirs (for our Puppy haha) and just enjoyed Stockholm. Gosh I want to live there *sob*
Anyways, here's a picture bomb from the past few days =)
Anyways, here's a picture bomb from the past few days =)

So what happened on Tuesday evening was that I missed my bus to Sthlm...because I suck. But I was lucky and managed to catch a train instead. So it all worked out!!
Day 1

Meeting up with Sofia early at Wednesday morning! Haven't seen mah gurl for weeks since she's been in America the past weeks. So we derped even more than usual...

Getting photobombed by a random man..

Shopping time!!

Lunch at Vapiano

Our room at the hostel


Amazing view while heading to a restaurant to have dinner together

All vegan buffet! It was so yummie!

Getting photobombed by a random man..

Shopping time!!

Lunch at Vapiano

Our room at the hostel


Amazing view while heading to a restaurant to have dinner together

All vegan buffet! It was so yummie!

Beautiful sunset
Day 2

Getting worked up before going to Gröna Lund

Just got in to Gröna Lund....

....after about 8 hours of roller coaster crazyness....

Langos for lunch

Then more people joined the party ;D

Never. Ever.


This picture xD and the kid in the background looking scary as fuck

Went home to Anton's to make a late dinner

Just got in to Gröna Lund....

....after about 8 hours of roller coaster crazyness....

Langos for lunch

Then more people joined the party ;D

Never. Ever.


This picture xD and the kid in the background looking scary as fuck

Went home to Anton's to make a late dinner

Day 3

Walking around in Gamla Stan in the beautiful weather

Lunch at Friday's! A classic!

Found Sofia's bus.

Card to Puppy!

Lunch at Friday's! A classic!

Found Sofia's bus.

Card to Puppy!

Fika at Espresso House.