Just things
Today I had my first French exam. In like 7 years. And it was on French grammar. And not the fun kind. It was about word-classes, all the different conjugations etc. It was horrible. But somehow I managed to pass. Amazing.
I feel like I should write more here, but since I don't have anything interesting to write atm I just...don't. I wanna get better at writing here because I know how fun it is to look back in like a year or so and be like "Huh...nice" kinda...you know what I mean. Soooo...what should I write then...? Oh I started watching Bungou Stray Dogs today. I am already hooked and I scream when I heard Miyano Mamoru's voice.
Due to my French studies, I haven't been able to study any Korean at all for like the past...3-4 weeks? Uugh I'd so much rather study that but since I have a grade to think about when it comes to French, I feel like I much focus on that. For now.
Weekend with Mom~
Satsuki left on Thursday morning, and then my Mom arrived later in the evening. We had planned a long weekend full of food, shopping and just chilling at home. We managed to check two of those things. Not much shopping were done at all. The fashion at Zara and H&M, for example, were just horrible haha. We mostly tried to find the most ugly garment and then laughed together at it. But yeah we've been having a great time together. But now it's Monday and back to....something, I guess. Here some pics from the past weekend.

Mammis <3
A day in Uppsala
Yesterday, me, Satsuki and Sofia went to Uppsala! Satsuki have been wanting to go there and we haven't been there in a minute, (it's been 3 years since I was there last time!) so why not! We got ready and got on the train to Uppsala and arrived at around 10:00. The first thing we did was visiting the cathedral. Because it's boss af.

Then we went to Gustavianum just opposite of the cathedral and looked around a bit. Quite cool...I liked the stuff about astronomy the most I think hehe.

After that, we were feeling a bit peckish and went to have lunch and fika at a café. We had found a café on foursquare which was highly recommended called "Güntherska Hovkonditori & Schweizeri", and yes.....it was lit!

We sat there and enjoyed some good sandwhiches and pastries for a while, before heading to the botanical garden. It was actually pretty big....definitely not the biggest I've been to but still...very nice!

We walked around and looked at flowers and stuff until it was time to head back to the station. We spent around 5 h there in total and had such a great time! Satsuki was really happy and glad that we went there, which makes the travelling time and fee (84 kr one way ticket.....) worth it!
Fall and falafel
I feel like the fall is here for now. It's always bittersweet in a way...but I am so down for fall clothes and such! Bring me ALL THE BURGUNDY COLORED STUFF!
Since Wednesday, I've been having Satsuki staying here at my place. She is gonna stay here until Thursday next week, and even though she is busy doing interviews etc for Uni, we still get to spend alot of time together. It's just awesome. And I get to practice my Japanese which OH my god I am in a desperate need of.
Yesterday we met for lunch, after one of her interviews, at Falloumi on Ringvägen by Skanstull station. I've been hearing alot of good stuff about that place and yes....it was the bomb! Super good falafel and even better halloumi in a tasty pita with hummus and vegetables. Dreamy.
Yesterday we met for lunch, after one of her interviews, at Falloumi on Ringvägen by Skanstull station. I've been hearing alot of good stuff about that place and yes....it was the bomb! Super good falafel and even better halloumi in a tasty pita with hummus and vegetables. Dreamy.

Satsuki <3

And how's the French going then, you might ask? Well, the first part of my grammar course is just awful... like, grammar terminology etc. It just won't stick, you know. I get the conjucations etc but the TERMS ITSELF...nope. But on a positive note, I can feel my French understanding getting better each day. It's almost scary. I hope it won't push out my Japanese or the little Korean I've managed to pick up lately...that would suck.
Pizza & Video games
Yesterday I went to Anton's place to see him AFTER HIM BEING AWAY FOR ALMOST 3 months! How insane?! We catched up, played some video games (a crazy Shonen Jump fighting game and LEGO Marvel" and shared a pizza. It was so chill and fun, like it always is with Anton. I am so happy he is back in town!

Anton's new TV is huge...a bit jealous haha.


A taste of the North
Today I had lunch together with Sofia, Satsuki (who's back in Sweden, if only for a short time) and a new friend, Keichiro. We went to "Knut" a restaurant that serves Northern Swedish food! We went there together with Satsuki and her little brother back in January and so we decided to go back there now and introduce THE NORTH (lol) to Keichiro. It was very difficult to decide on what to eat, but in the end I went with "viltbiffar" and mushroom sauce. It was suuuuper good. We sat there for a few hours and chatted and talked about Sweden and Japan etc. It felt so effortless to just hang out with Satsuki again...not like it's been almost 3 months since we last saw her. And it was really nice to meet Keichiro too!

After getting back home....what did I even do?? I read a bit, worked on my CV...ugh. I feel so restless. I wanna play video games but I finished The Last of Us yesterday...hmmm.