Post GoT season 7 finale feels
Yesterday, me and Sofia watched the season finale of GoT. It was wild. We sat here half screaming and about to lose our shit. I am so ready for the final season! I've kinda decided to rewatch the earlier seasons this fall to refresh my memory a bit as well as make free some space on my harddrive haha (I got ALL the episodes, and they take up over 150G...). So yeah.
I had a nice weekend too btw. I spent Saturday evening with Iris. We cooked some mushroom risotto and had dessert and snacks and then watched a movie. It was super nice.

Luxery mazarin with rasbs and whipped cream~
Tonight (Tuesday) I met up with Maja. Finally had some time to catch up for real. And booooi did we have some catching up to do. Always a good time with her.
Besides that....nothing much happening. My french courses started this week...been checking those out online etc. And I am gonna start reading "La Petite Bijou" later...not sure I am looking forward to that. I'd rather keep reading HP3 in Japanese. I only have like 200 pages left!
A luxary Friday
Today I was totally spoiled by my soulmate, Sofia, who I spend the morning and day with. She took me for breakfast at Weiner Caféet which was reaaally nice! The atmosphere there is so luxurious and classic, right there on Biblioteksgatan. We both had eggs benedict (obvi) and then a chocolate croissant and tea. So yummy.

Then we strolled around and looked through some stores there on Biblioteksgatan and swatched are hands full at Sephora. Which is a given, to be honest. Then we walked up through Gallerian to Åhléns and then walked down Drottninggatan. Then we took the subway to St. Eriksplan and had fika at Sophies Canelé. We've had their breakfast before (which was insane) but not actually tasted their canelés...which is what they're known for lol. So we took one each, Sofia took one with lemon (and something) and I took the original one with vanilla and rum. AND I KNOOOW what you're thinking...rum, really?? Well let me tell you, you could barely taste the rum. Trust me. But anyways, the canelés....were like nothing I've ever tasted before! Caramelized and crispy on the outside, and soft, almost pudding-like on the inside, they're were truly special. But I really liked them! So we sat there, chatting about whatnot and then around 15 ish we splitted up after a suuuper nice day together. I really needed a day like this <3

Look at this little cutie!
Game arcade etc
On Friday evening I met up with Dena at Odenplan after her shift had ended, to head to a game arcade! She had been there before with her brother, but it was my first time there! We almost forgot to show ID at the door (lol) but once inside we headed directly to the arcade part of the establishment (there were also a bar and pool tables). The arcade part wasn't all too big, but had many cool machines! We bought some tokens and started off by playing Bishi Bashi! That insane. Then we played some taiko (japanese drums) and Mario Go cart...and then some more taiko haha! I love that game so much (even though I suck at it). We played some anime songs as well as some classics. Super fun.

Btw these are NOT the taiko we played, but cool game nonetheless!
On the next day we stayed in bed half the day and then had lunch at Ni Hao at St. Eriksplan. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I LOVE THAT PLACE. Their food is so good and the staff is super friendly. After lunch we went to Anna to chat and chill. Always a good time. Then later that evening Dena went back to Umeå.... I'm sad to see her leave but we've spent alot of great time together in Sthlm this summer. It's gonna feels weird not being able to see here several times a week....

Dena's face after dropping some yakitori on the floor for the 2nd time.
Totoro in the park
Yesterday I went to the Film Festival's outdoors cinema! I met up with Tove and two of her friends and we sat and chilled for a few hours before the movie started. The movie they were showing yesterday was My Neighbour Totoro! I haven't seen it in like....9 years maybe? It's insane. And then, just when the movie started, Maja joined us as well! She's gonna be here in Sthlm now all until the end of October <3 It was a nice evening~

When I arrived at 18:30, there were already a lot of people there!

More people...

Tove :D

Majaaa :D
All over the place
I had such a nice day yesterday with Dena, and we went all over the place together! We went to a second hand store in Spånga (super cool and BIG), went back to the city for me to FINALLY try the ice cream burger at King Scoopa, then went to Liljeholmen, then back home, then up again to Hornstull to buy some take out dinner and then back home again. Such a random and nice day.

An ice cream burger (true rocky road ice cream with marshmallows and peanuts, salted caramel sauce AND a chocolate chip cookie. All that goodness inside a sugary donut and warmed in a waffle iron. Bless)

So yesterday I had my last day at work. Feels good but at the same time....not good. We'll see what will happen the upcoming weeks...I'll figure it out somewhow.
So today I had a tea time date with Iris in her new apartment. It's close to St. Eriksplan and is ABSOLUTELY dreamy. And with the easy connection between us with the no 4 bus I simply dropped by there around 13:00 and we just sat and TALKED. While sipping about 1 litre of tea of course. It was super nice.
I'm feeling a bit slow due to the storm passing Stockholm and had to take something for the headache but I'm gonna try to be a bit productive before calling it the night...but I'd rather just curl up in my armchair and watch Descendants of the Sun (on ep 8 now! It's really good!).
I have no idea why I haven't blogged at all these past few weeks. It just..didn't happen.
It's not that I haven't been doing stuff (Ina was here visiting which was amaze, I've hanged out with Dena alot which is always epic, I've been working etc) but I just...didn't find the drive to blog. Huh.
It's not that I haven't been doing stuff (Ina was here visiting which was amaze, I've hanged out with Dena alot which is always epic, I've been working etc) but I just...didn't find the drive to blog. Huh.
I think one major part of this is that I haven't been taking any pics with my camera lately. Pictures from my phone is just not the same, you know. So that's another thing...ah well. I should get back to the routine and blog like I usually do. I'll work on that. Now I am gonna see Antman since I haven't seen it before and it's FRIDAAAY.