There's no more waiting
Sooooo I have barely written at all this week....sorry about that. It's not that nothing has happened, it's just that (like always) I haven't had time. Here's a few highlights of the week:
* Dad came and visited me on Monday. We did some shopping, had Indian food and ate ice cream. It was awesome. Then he stayed the night and in the morning we had a slow and nice breakfast together and then the both of us took the subway to work. We had to split at T-centralen though..

On Thursday me and Sofia booked our hotel in Vienna. It's gorgeous and fancy and die for. I can't wait!!
* I watched Captain Amercia: The Winter Soldier with Anton on Friday night. First we had dinner at Kungshallen, which was awesome. The movie itself wasn't that bad either. I quite enjoyed it, to be honest.
Yesterday I went in to the city and started my shopping spree at Kungsholmen and ended it at Slussen. I went through the whole city. Didn't buy much, but it was a great day out. When I got home I finished watching Breaking Bad. About the final episode....I have no words.

This morning I power walked all the way in to Slussen and then took the subway home. The rest of the day I have been cleaning, cooking and watching both Supernatural and Hannibal. I just started watching the new season of Hannibal and OH MY's so good. Although I am a bit annoyed with how Mads is talking. Sometimes his Danish shines way through and you can't understad a word that he is saying. I might need subtitles for just him...

And lastly, a dragon fruit. It's almost too pretty to eat!
It's been 1 whole year..
...since I moved back to Sweden. It was actually the 25th but yeah....Still, it's crazy. Feels like so much has happened in one year, but at the same time so little. I still think about Japan every day, listen to the Japanese language everyday (music, anime, irl). Sometimes I just think like "To hell with all of this, I'm moving back!" but...not quite yet. I need to do a few things here in Sweden first. Anyway, Japan, I still love you =)

Took this beautiful picture 2 days before I pretty :3
Chillaxed Sunday
Today have been a complete chill-out-relax-like-a-boss-day. I've been watching TV-series (Breaking Bad, S5), cleaning, listening to music, playing some video games etc. I did have to leave the apartment to to some grocery shopping but besides that I've been sitting in my pyjamas chillin'. So naturally I have no pictures to share of my oh so constructive day but I do have some pics from yesterday when I was hanging out with Maya. We had an epic baking day and made Oreo cheesecake and white chocolate raspberry cupcakes! Bringing them to work next week! YAY!

The amazing cheesecake batter!

Pancakes for lunch!

Such a beauty.

Cupcakes! (I don't have a finished picture of these babies, sadly)
Farewell party
So last night we had our Sayonara-Party for Yamada-San who will move back to Tokyo in two weeks and continue his work there. So naturally, we had throw a huge party for him at one of our customer's restaurants, Sandaime Kato at Mariatorget. We had ordered in tons of delicacies, rarities and just general exquisite Japanese food. I ate waaay too much, everything was so dellicious!! It really felt like we we're sitting in a true Izakaya in Japan! It was a great night!

Me and Maya! :)



Amazing sushi!

Fried soft shell crab!

Meat for the Shabu Shabu!

The nabe!

I never thought I'd say this...but...STUPID SNOW GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!
Honestly, what's going on with the weather outside? It can't make up it's mind appearently...
I did manage to take this picture yesterday while walking back felt like I was back in Norrland:
Honestly, what's going on with the weather outside? It can't make up it's mind appearently...
I did manage to take this picture yesterday while walking back felt like I was back in Norrland:

Anyway, tomorrow's the Farewell-Yamada-San-Party at work. We're going to one of our restaurants for dinner etc. It might be fun. It might be NOT so fun. Either way, if I start feeling uncomfortable Hornstull is just two subway stations away. Fuck ye.
HT 2014
Yesterday the doors opened to begins to start applying for the University for this fall. This year I have several different programs I'm applying for which definitely means I'll be going to school this fall. I'm both excited and stressed about it xD Hahaha but yeah...since we don't get the results back until like...July, I can still chill out a few months more. Phew.
So anyway, the days are just speeding by. Especially when I leave home around 8 in the morning and get back at 8 in the evening....really have no time for my hobbies. Kinda sucks, but guess this is adult life? Hmmm...I'm not sure how to feel about it...
Saturday - Party. Sunday - Grand
Yesterday night I went to yet another birthday party (went to one last week too, remember?). This time it was Vincent's turn to be celebrated and DAMN did we celebrate! We had sooo much food, drinks, was insane. I got home at around 2 at night. Hehe.

So, naturally, I had decided to take it very easy today. And since Otto and his brother were in town, we decided to meet up for lunch together at Grand Hotel where they were staying. AND OH MY GOD it's the first time I've ever been there....and of course, I knew it was fancy, but THAT fancy?! nah nah nah....I was blown away. We got a really good table with a sofa and all and first had lunch and then some afternoon tea. And we just sat there talking about life, work the Japanese language, ambitions and just random stupid stuff. Then we ordered some drinks (okay, alot) and later the boys got some dinner.
How long did we actually stay there you may wonder? I'll tell you....we sat there talking, eating and drinking from 13-21. I'm not joking. 8 full hours at Grand. HAHAHAHHAHAHA I can't even believe it myself!!! But it was great. Just an amazing Sunday.

Found these beautiful flowers in the ladies bathroom.

Gooood this day has been so stressful! One of my collegues is now on vacation which means much more work for the rest of us....and then we also had an cooking event going on somewhere in the city so there was almost no one at the office today...AND ON TOP OF THAT we have stocktaking-day tomorrow. It's actually gonna feel nice getting out of the office for once...
Anyway, after I finally was able to leave the office, I went to have my long overdue haircut. I went to a salon called "Noir Stockholm" which I've heard alot of great things about. And yes...the service was amazing. And I got this really nice girl working with my mane and she just....saved my life. Hahah she transformed my messy hair in to flowing, healthy looking hair. While cutting my hair we talked about life etc and she was so easy to talk to and friendly and funny and just kjdbvldkjbjf.....I'm definitely going back to her!

Shorter, healthier and much more flowy hair!
AAAAND finally, let me announce that I have now booked tickets to Vienna. Between 5th-9th of June you will find me walking alongside my partner in crime, Sofia, on the streets of Austria's capital. I'm too excited about this trip I can't even begin to explain hahah!
Oh, la mer!
I just had an amazing night out with my uncle's wife. She is so inspiring and just....amazing. First we met up outside of my work and then went back to my place. She hasn't seen my apartment after we got the furnishing done and all so....then we went back to Hötorget and went to this cozy little Thai restaurant. There we ordered a whole fried fish and a green side dish. Hahaha ooooh my god it was soooo good!! It was really spicy though! At first I thought I was gonna die but after a few bites it was ok! So yum.

Just another weekend
So has yet another weekend come and gone. Yesterday I went to Söderhallarna and bought a fruit bowl and checked out all of the food they had there. Oh my god I could've bought so much but no....I mustn't. Instead I bought home some sushi. Which tasted like heaven.

Best sushi I've ever eaten in Sweden? Possibly.
Then in the evening I went to a friend's birthday party. It was like a surprise birthday party and all of us guests hided in the livingroom and when she opened the door we yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". Hahah it was a great evening.

Such a beautiful cake! Handmade by my friend!
Then this morning I took a power walk in to Slussen along Södermälarstrand. It took me less than 30 min and I was smiling the whole way there only because I still can't believe the location I'm living in. It like, sure, my apartment is as small as a shoe box, but the location is insane. I'm sorry that I keep repeating it over and over but.....I'm still processing it. Anyway, it was a great walk and then I took the subway back home.

Beautiful Stockholm.
And tonight I skyped with Sofia and then later made a huge batch of broccoli soup. Yum! Now I'm gonna play some more AC Brotherhood! YAY!
After been drooling after this jewel since September. And now it's finally mine.

Today a new girl started working at the office. She's gonna work with the same stuff as me which feels great! And she was awesome. We had lunch together and talked about Pokémon, Visual Kei, video games, Japanese culture etc. The whole day just flew by =)
And then after work I FINALLY DRAGGED MY ASS BACK TO THE GYM!!! I went to the one here in Hornstull and although it was nice and all....there was just too many people. It was crazy. It's been a while since I was at the gym, you know, using the machines and all and not going to a class or anything so I was kinda shocked at how many people there were there......I don't like it. So tomorrow I'm going to a Body Combat class. Yay!
By the way....on Sunday I went crazy at Indiska and bought a few pillows. The bag I got to carry them in was insane. I could've easily fit inside it. No joke.

You see the door behind the bag? Yeah, it was wider than the door. I looked ridiculous carrying it home...
Sum up of the week + Today's adventures!
Wow it's been a few days since last time, hasn't it?
Sooo....what has been going on here then?
Well, not much. Work, hanging out with Anton, got Internet going (not WiFi though), played some Assassin's Creed, got a visit from my lovely friend Anna last night and we sat and talked for hours and had tea and cake....definitely the best hours spent this week.
Well, not much. Work, hanging out with Anton, got Internet going (not WiFi though), played some Assassin's Creed, got a visit from my lovely friend Anna last night and we sat and talked for hours and had tea and cake....definitely the best hours spent this week.
And then today I met up with Vincent at the East-Asian Museum and had some delicious matcha cheesecake. Then we went to IKEA together!! Hahaha it was so much fun! And I finally bought my arm chair I've been wanting to buy. But taking it back home to the apartment from IKEA was the scariest minutes of my life. It didn't quite fit in the boot of the car so we drove all of the way from Kungens Kurva to Hornstull WITH AN OPEN BOOT AND NO ROPE SECURING IT TO THE CAR I THOUGHT IT WAS GONNA FALL OUT AND HIT THE CARS BEHIND US AT EVERY BUMP OH MY GOOOOOD!!! But we made it. Hahaha gosh. I'm so happy I finally got it!
It's just fabulous.

Omg can you imagine that lump of cardboard sticking out from the boot of the car?!?! I was terrified the whole ride back home...

CLASSY!!! (ignore the mess around it please)