Another week
First off, shout out to Sunday last week together with Sofia. We went to MOS and just walked around looking through shops, eating goof food, fika and just having fun. It was really nice. And I actually wore 男装(dansou = boy's style) and even though I felt a bit nervous it was hella fun!

Oh hi there.

So another week has passed of my internship. I have moved office (due to...stuff) so now I sit with the other interns at ASO. To be honest, I am kinda living for it. Hahah they're both awesome and we chat inbetween our tasks etc and I really enjoy it. But I think I'll move back to my old office in another week or so...We also had lunch at Rosenbad on Thursday and it was pretty incredible. I was so nervous walking in there but it was soooo pretty and bright and the food was really good! Definitely going back there!

Peasoup and pancakes!

Tonight I'm gonna meet up with Anton and cook (TACOS) and then plaaaaay! "Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime" is not only charming af but super fun! And mom comes here <3 She's actually already here with work but we'll meet up tomorrow and she'll stay until Tuesday. It's gonna be lovely!
First week at UD
My first full week as an intern at UD is over! I had my "actual" first day on Friday last week but...yeah. This week has gone by both quickly and slowly at times. There's a lot of stuff to learn here in the beginning and new words etc. But everyone at my department are super nice and patient with me! And the other interns are awesome as well! I think this will be a VERY interesting semester and that I'll learn tons of things.

But, I didn't just work at UD this week. No, on Wednesday after work I went and met up with my girls and made dinner and chilled. We also wished Emma good luck who's doing her internship in Kenya (she left yesterday!). How cool?! I'm so proud of ALL of my GU girls. They are all so inspiring and strong and I just... <3.

Then on Thursday I met up with Dad who was in town for dinner. We went to Tiflisi (that Georgian place I went to with Anton on my birthday) because I knew Dad would love it. And he did! Then we went to Pizza Hut for dessert lol. Their cookie dough dessert ain't playing.

Cheese filled kebab!!



Blurry picture of my sceptical face, taken by Dad... ^^'

2018 & Umeå
So after a nice New Year's eve together with Sofia in Stockholm, where we ate SO MUCH GOOD FOOD and watched 君の名は (finally), the next day I grabbed a flight back to Umeå. I spent 10 days there hanging out with friends, spending time with my family, relaxing and eating sooo much. I am not joking when I am saying that I have never been this heavy in my entire life. I even passed last years post-christmas weight. Not feeling too stressed about it though. But anyways, I didn't take many photos during my days in Umeå, but here are some at least:

Immediately after dropping of my bags at home I took the car to Dena's to sit down and write our New Year's resolutions. This is our thing, and I love it <3

Went out two times during last week together with Dena to teach her snowboarding. She did an amazing job and I also got the chance to ride a bit. I've missed my board so much.


Knäckepizza 2.0!

Fika with the relatives~

Some poop shaped snacks me and Maja made. We had such a nice and chill evening <3 I've missed her so much...

Having lunch with Mom at Rex.

Went out two times during last week together with Dena to teach her snowboarding. She did an amazing job and I also got the chance to ride a bit. I've missed my board so much.


Knäckepizza 2.0!

Fika with the relatives~

Some poop shaped snacks me and Maja made. We had such a nice and chill evening <3 I've missed her so much...

Tarot reading for 2018!!!
I also met with Ina two times too but I don't seem to have any pics of it... ah well, it was awesome like always! Today I've been cleaning up, doing some grocery shopping, played some Horizon (damn I've missed Aloy) and mentally prepping for tomorrow...holy shit.