A visitor and hiking~
This week took an interesting turn when Dena came to Sthlm on Wednesday evening. She had an interview here in the city on Friday and asked if she could crash at my place for a few nights and I was like dude ofc.
So it's been a couple of (super) late nights and fun days with chill, laughter and food together with her. I took her to Älskade Traditioner on Thursday (yup, sue me) and it was even more delicious than ever haha!

The chicken BLT wraffle is to die for!

This little blueberry pie is what dreams are made of <3 They served it warm with vanilla whip!
On Friday I had booked in a day of hiking with my classmates in Nacka which was reeeeally nice. It was a bit cold when we stopped for fika/lunch but when we kept walking you could not even feel the cold! Then when we got back to the city we met up with Dena and the five of us went to Amida, a charcoal grill restaurant at Söder! The food was INSANE! The portions were huge and the quality was top! It reminded me alot of the food we had in Istanbul <3

The plant fam out hiking :D

We had so much fika/lunch with us!


This morning Dena went back to Umeå, and I went to Uni to study a bit. We had out 50% seminar on Thursday, which was nice so now I just gotta keep this going and hopefully I'll be done in time!
Some confusion, food and feels
I have completely lost track of the days. I was sure yesterday was Tuesday...mostly because I spent Sunday on Uni which in not...how I usually spend Sundays. But this friggin BA thesis won't write itself. Sadly.
So yeah. But last Friday was awesome together with Alona and last Saturday was epic together with Sofia. Me and her went to Älskade Traditioner and shared a wraffel and a chocolate freakshake, which were amazing. Then we went to my place to plan for the summer trip to JPN and S.K. The exitement is reeeeeal!

Rich chocolate milkshake topped with a donut, a cocolate cookie, cream and a...chokladrån.

In other news....I've been spamming Monsta X like crazy these past few days. Like, I've been listening to some of their singles since I heard them for the first time in London but...damn they make some awesome music. Aaaaand my god Wonho is testing meeeEE. Ugh.
Korean food with Japanese friends
Yesterday me and Sofia met up with Tomone, Mayu and Erina at Odenplan and then took a (kinda) short stroll to Korea House at Ynglingagatan. Me and Sofia had been meaning to check out that place for a while now and since the Japanese girls likes Korean food too...we decided to go all five of us!
The staff was VERY friendly and me and Mayu got their Dolsot Bibimbap with Bulgogi, Tomone and Erina got their Kimchi Chige and Sofia got their Korea House Fried Chicken. All of the dishes were delicious. The bulgogi meat was super juicy and the rice was just enough crispy around the edges.

My Dolsot Bibimbap.

Sofia's fried chicken...I might have to take this next time we go here!

After finishing our food we sat there a bit chatting about random stuff, like idols, dramas and potato shortages. Yes. Hahah it was an awesome night!
Back to reality
I came back to Sthlm and reality late on Tuesday night. I had such a wonderful time in Umeå. It's like my little bubble of family, friends, food and fun. I had brunch with the girls, dinner with Dena at Pinchos, watched TWD S7 with Maja, played the Sims 4 with Ina, chilled at Otto's with Dena and also hanged out with my family alot. I managed to keep the stress of my BA thesis at a minimum and barely thought about it for almost a full week. I only took some random pics here and there so....here's som random pics from my Easter "break".

On my way home~

SASHA!! She turned 17 years old last Friday <3


Like...how cute is this picture?! <3

At Majas~

A classic.

Visiting relatives and the weather was insane...

Two pizzas in less than a week. Life.

Dad picking up Snax to tell her to stop trying to eat the plants.


This fruit salad <3

Two pizzas in less than a week. Life.

Dad picking up Snax to tell her to stop trying to eat the plants.


This fruit salad <3

Back home to Stockholm with a stunning sunset~
Epic evening + lunchdate with the Plant Fam
Yesterday I went to the study adviser to get some advice for what courses etc I should apply for for this fall...I think it went well (?). Ugh. Then I went and sat with Tove in the Geo buildings at Uni and wasted some time before the two of us were joined by Emy. The three of us then went to Tove's place and had such an epic evening together with games, cheesecake and foood. It was awesome.
Today I went to have lunch with the Plant Fam (aka Tove, Emy and Rebecca) at Ni Hao at St. Eriksplan. We've been there before and their dumplings (or all food in general) are AH-mazing! And the staff is super sweet and even gave us a discount haha <3 I got my standard Yakiniku and pork dumplings and so did Tove, Emy got their tofu red curry and Rebecca got their spring rolls. All of the dishes are A+.
We sat there talking crap for a while and whined about our thesis writing etc. Now we're splitting up for a while over Easter so it was nice to have a lunch like this together :)

Yesterday became quite an unforgettable day. I had gone to Uni quite early and sat in the library writing between 10 ish and 14 ish. Then I moved over to the Geo buildings to sit there and eat lunch and study some Korean. At 15:11 I got a message from Mom asking if I was at Åhléns. I was like "eeh noo?" but I understood that something must've happened so I checked the news. And I remember how I froze when I read the headlines. I continued reading a bit and then decided to gather my stuff and try to get back home.
I immediately saw that the subway had stopped running so I went to the busstop to get on a buss. There were ALOT of people already standing there and in the midst of it all a guy comes up to me and asked me if he could borrow my phone to make a call. He didn't speak Swedish and was going to Värtahamnen to catch a ferry with his friends to Riga, but his phone must've died and he couldn't contact them and since the subway was down he was kinda stressed. I let him borrow my phone and we got on the packed bus together. On the way I helped him look up alternative routes to the harbour and he got off before me at at Roslagsgatan.
I rode a few more stops and got off at Stadsbiblioteket. And then...I started walking. I walked passed Odenplan, St. Eriksplan, over to Kungsholmen and passed Fridhemsplan, through Rålandshovsparken, across Västerbron and then I was home in Hornstull. I have no idea how long it took...probably over one hour.
I've never seen Stockholm like this, it was like everyone was out on the streets, all the roads were completely clogged up going out of the city while the roads to the center of the city were completely empty. People walked fast, with determined and worried faces. Everyone was on their phones, checking the updates. The whole situation was surreal.
After getting home, the first thing I did was to call my Mom. Then I sat in bed watching the news report and reading the news articles for the nights. The guy I had helped on the bus messaged me later on the night and told me that he made it in time for the ferry, and thanked me for helping him out. That made me a little bit happier. Felt a bit uneasy the rest of the night though, but I got some hours of sleep at least.
I am fine. I'm just sad for the victims of this attack and the people directly affected by what happened yesterday.
I gave myself the day off today aswell but tomorrow I'll get back to studying.
I gave myself the day off today aswell but tomorrow I'll get back to studying.

Yesterday, walking across Västerbron.

It doesn't show up very good on photo, but you can kind of see the mass of people walking ahead of me. Insane.
London gang at Ramblas
Yesterday was Clara last evening here in Sthlm, so the three of us decided to meet up for tapas at one of Alona's favourite places, Ramblas. Conveniently enough, it's like 3 min walking distance from where I live.
We had reserved a table there at around 19:40, and we were seated at the best table by the window. We ordered our food and then sat there chatting and munching away. The food was really good and flavourful! We also ordered dessert because...why not. But yeah we sat there talking about EVERYTHING! Alot of heavy stuff like the future, the worlds current state, corruption etc but also some ridiculous stuff that had me screaming with laughter. Standard thing for us.
We sat there for over 4 ½ hours, and then I gave Clara a biiig hug and said that we'll see each other soon again. I have to go and visit her in Denmark! It's not even far, for crying out loud! Anyways, it was such a great evening with great company <3

Aaaaall the potatoes~

Fatty day with the London gang
Yesterday I hanged out with Alona, Clara and Alona's sister Vicky. We went for lunch/fika at Älskade Traditioner (I knooow I was there like 2 weeks ago but whatever) and then we took a short trip to Bromma Blocks for some froyo at Honeycomb. It was my first time trying their froyo and it was delish. I covered mine in Nutella haha. It was a great day of just beeing fat and having fun with friends~

Not many people here on a weekday~

Banana split waffe!

My club sandwhich waffle :D

This freakshake tho...
A reunion
This day just flew by!!
I had did a double workout this morning (my new thing), and then hurried home for a quick shower and a quick lunch before heading out again. I took the subway to Centralen and there she was waiting for me....CLARA!! I haven't seen her since last summer and damn I've missed her so much! We went to Il Caffe on Drottninggatan to catch up and study....but ended up just chatting away for hours. Classic.
Then Alona messaged us (she had been busy doing Högskoleprovet) and picked us up at Sveavägen. Before continuing to Nacka to meet a friend of Alona's, they dropped me off at home.
The three of us will hang out more before Clara leaves next week. I am so happy that we're together all three of us again. The London gaaang <3