Korean food with Japanese friends
Yesterday me and Sofia met up with Tomone, Mayu and Erina at Odenplan and then took a (kinda) short stroll to Korea House at Ynglingagatan. Me and Sofia had been meaning to check out that place for a while now and since the Japanese girls likes Korean food too...we decided to go all five of us!
The staff was VERY friendly and me and Mayu got their Dolsot Bibimbap with Bulgogi, Tomone and Erina got their Kimchi Chige and Sofia got their Korea House Fried Chicken. All of the dishes were delicious. The bulgogi meat was super juicy and the rice was just enough crispy around the edges.

My Dolsot Bibimbap.

Sofia's fried chicken...I might have to take this next time we go here!

After finishing our food we sat there a bit chatting about random stuff, like idols, dramas and potato shortages. Yes. Hahah it was an awesome night!