The day has finally come. Today we're going back to Japan. Me and my soulmate Sofia. It's been more than 2 years since I was there and I'm both incredible nervous and excited at the same time about going back. We'll be gone for 3 whole weeks (back in SWE 30th of June) and this blog will take a short vacation during that time aswell. If you're looking for updates, please check out my Instagram (louilundren) where I'll upload pictures of our adventures in Japan.

A small fika
Today I was quite lucky, because my dear Dad is in town and managed to make time for us to enjoy a long nice fika together. I brought my laptop so we looked through some of my old essays together and looked at a few on the toooons of photos I have. It was great. I'm glad I got to meet him before take off tomorrow.

Tear up this world and run through it, one more time
Soooooooooo I finished reading all of the Bleach chapters that's out and.....yeah. It was wild. Chapter 624 broke me. Jaw dropping, silent screaming, semi-loud screaming, clutching my heart, crying and finally head-desk. But I wasn't sad. Quite the opposite. Surprised and just....ah. My ship....my dear ship has refloated.
Besides reading Bleach I've continued packing. And I think I've got this under control. Oh God...we're leaving soon. Just 2 more days!!!!
Summer break!
Yesterday I had my final oral exam. And it went pretty well, I think.
So now, my first year at Stockholm University is over. I can't believe I actually made it. It's insaaaane how much I've learned during this year. It's almost been like a realization of how much I DONT'T KNOW...but now I know a little bit more at least. And next semester I won't be hanging out with my lovely GU classmates, but new ones since I'm starting my "special orientation" year. And then it's time for "Political Science"! It's gonna be amazing.
So now, my first year at Stockholm University is over. I can't believe I actually made it. It's insaaaane how much I've learned during this year. It's almost been like a realization of how much I DONT'T KNOW...but now I know a little bit more at least. And next semester I won't be hanging out with my lovely GU classmates, but new ones since I'm starting my "special orientation" year. And then it's time for "Political Science"! It's gonna be amazing.
But now I'm officially on summer break. Feels fantastic. Started off the summer break with hanging out with Anton and some of his classmates yesterday. The 4 of us met up at Fridhemsplan and played some pool together. It's seriously been over 10 years since I played it, but I think I did quite good haha. Then we split up and me and Anton went back to his place. We ordered some pizza, sat and laughed at Pokemon Fusions and then played some Super Smash Bros. Melee. Just a prefect chill evening.

Anton xD

Beautiful Stockholm <3
And on the way home, Maja accompanied me over the phone basically all of the way home. Talking about KH of course, what else?
Today I'm gonna take it super easy. Read some more Bleach (seriously, this damn manga....), maybe play some KH, watch the last of Gintama perhaps....but most importantly, start packing. My huge orange suitcase is standing in the middle of the room, looking at me. I passionately HATE packing. But it has to be done. Only a few days left now.....
Okay to I catched up on the One Piece manga and the Kuroshitsuji manga yesterday (only 1 chapter of Kuroshitsuji but whatevs) and oh my Gooood. So epic. One piece is damn legendary.
And I've finally...after YEARS of not reading it, finally started reading Bleach again. I had 115 chapters to catch up on but since I barely remember anything of this last arc I decided to start from the beginning of it. So now I have about 150 chapters to read instead...heheee. But since it's shonen jump, it doesn't take too long time to read it. But dear god...Bleach. BLEEEEEACH!! Ugh. I honestly can't handle Tite Kubo's art style. It's too good.

Geheeheee only one week left until we're off to Japaaan! It's so crazy! I feel like I have tons of stuff to wrap up before leaving though. Like:
*Finish watching Gintama (only 4 episodes left of this season *sobs*)
* Catch up on the One Piece manga
*Finish watching Gintama (only 4 episodes left of this season *sobs*)
* Catch up on the One Piece manga
* Maaaaajor catch up on the Bleach manga (*angsty scream*)
* Play as much as possible on KH 2.5 (I reached the last saving point the other day but still have alooot of missions to finish)
Those are the fun things I need to do. Then there are other things that I need to take care of aswell. But today we kinda finished writing our report! YAY! I have my oral exam on Friday and that it's. I'm done with my first year at Univeristy. Insane. Just insane.
Those are the fun things I need to do. Then there are other things that I need to take care of aswell. But today we kinda finished writing our report! YAY! I have my oral exam on Friday and that it's. I'm done with my first year at Univeristy. Insane. Just insane.

Pics from yesterday when we had to evacuate the library at Uni due to the fire alarm setting off. 3rd time this has happened....but of course, no fire was detected.