Terra incognita
FF update: So yesterday I left for Altissia in FFXV. 85h in to the game, and about 50 lvl too high I got aboard the boat to cross the ocean. I think it's pretty obvious where they got the inspiration from, when then designed the city. It is stunning, maze-like and full of interesting things!

I literally gasped when entering the city....can you blame me?
Life update: So I think I finally managed to get sick. But I don't know how...I just started feeling slow on Saturday, then yesterday my throat was suuper swollen. Fun stuff. But I'm already feeling a bit better. Hopefully I can get back to the gym later this week.
Though I barely have no classes at all left, I still have tons of school work. Which means my discipline is being tested...and I feel like I'm failing a bit? Maybe? I dunno, we'll see.
Though I barely have no classes at all left, I still have tons of school work. Which means my discipline is being tested...and I feel like I'm failing a bit? Maybe? I dunno, we'll see.
Aries and Sagittarius week~
So Dena came here early on Tuesday morning, and have been staying here until today. We've had so much fun together this week.
We visited the National Museum of Science and Technology on Wednesday evening with Anna, had lunch with both her and Sofia on Friday and then went home to Anna on Saturday for some homemade "semlor". Between all of this we ate alot of food and snax, watched some series and random youtube vids and just chilled at my place.
And of course, the main reason Dena came down here in the first place, got our first tattoos on Thursday :D I wasn't (surprisingly enough) nervous at all, and I went first since my tattoo was much smaller and more simple than Denas but...omg how it hurt!!! I actually screamed in the beginning xD But somehow I powered through and I am sooo happy with the result! I love it so much <3

Thursday morning, ready for our tattoos!!

Denas turn!

Final result! :D SO COOL!

The big world, on my little foot <3

Friday food at Friday's ;D

Making semlor :D

My little creation <3

Friday food at Friday's ;D

Making semlor :D

My little creation <3

Long weekend with Mom
So my Mom came to visit me here in Stockholm last Thursday, and left this Monday morning. We've been having such a great time together eating sooo much food, watching tons of documentaries and a lil' bit of shopping as well. Here's some snapshots from the past few days~ (And yes, most of the pics are of food. Not even sorry).

Happy Mom :D

Dinner at Därmedpasta~

Lunch at Tamarindo~

Fika break and selfie break :D

Burgers from Vigårda~

And the final dinner at Blue Light Yokohama!
Essay time/ YNWA
Today I started writing my last essay for GU. I just realized that, while writing this, that this'll be my last one. We'' have another group project after this...then...I'll start writing my BA thesis. How the hell....
BUT...BTS released "You Never Walk Alone" yesterday and I think I've listened to both "Spring Day" and "Not Today" about 100 times (each) by now. So proud of them <3
Mom's coming to visit me later this weeks so that's my motivation to write this essay. The light at the end of the tunnel, kinda. Can't wait!!
Dinner + Fika night out~
Yesterday I met up with Sofia, Tomone and Mayu for dinner, fika and bants lol. We had a nice and light dinner at Hawaii Poke (which was delicious, I need to try more of their poke bowls!!) and then we went to a nearby Espresso House and sat there for hoooours chatting. I had such a great time, those girls are hilarious.

日本 & 대한민국
Yesterday me and Sofia booked our tickets for this summers epic trip to Japan and South Korea!
We're gonna stay in Tokyo for 1 week, then go to Seoul and stay there for 2 weeks.
I'm so freakin' excited it's unreal!!!!

Throwback to Disney Sea in Tokyo 2015~
Definitely going back there again!!
Today I met up with Alona for brunch at Broms Karlaplan. I've never been there before but I've read that their brunch is really good! The interior was super nice (no idea why I didn't snap any pictures of it tho...), the staff was super friendly and we got the food very fast after ordering. I got the eggs benedict and Alona got their eggs royale and then we shared! We also ordered in an American pancake to share for dessert. Overall I'd say it was a good brunch place. Not the best, but definitely not bad at all!

The American pancake was topped with maple syrup, berries and yoghurt sherbet~
Food aside, it was really nice to hang out and chill with Alona again. We connect in such a special way (a reason why we had so much fun together in London last year) and mix serious talk and some general fun rubbish haha.