Solo Exploring
Today I decided to carpe diem and do some exploring in the city! I've found this cool building around Monument which I wanted to see, so got on the bus and headed to Momument station. It was the Minster Court building, and even though I couldn't get a perfect pic of the whole building (since it was freakin' huge), it was sooo cool!


I wanna live here lol

Then I continued walking toward Tower Bridge (probs my favourite landmark in this entire city lol), and crossed it over to the other side of the Thames and continued walking over to London Bridge.

Tower Bridge :D

View of the Shard...

The river Thames~

The Shard on the left, and Sky Garden building on the right!

Strolling by the river side~
Then I crossed back over, and headed to St. Paul's Cathedral. I'd only been outside of it before, but today I walked inside and my god it was so biiig! Like, I almost got dizzy when I was inside because it was so breathtaking. No pics from the inside though, due to no camera rule.

St. Paul's Cathedral :D

So huge..
Then I kept walking on Fleet Street all the way to Trafalgar Square and got on bus 29. A few stops up I got off again and went in to Paperchase to lose myself in all of the epic stationaries they have. Heaven. Then I left and got on the bus again to take me home. Really nice day of solo exploring! This city is amazing!