Freakshake time!
Today I met up with Clara to go to Maxwell's Bar and Grill at Covent Garden, to try out their Freakshakes. We've seen pictures of these babies all around the Internet, and figured we just HAD to try them. Freakshakes originally comes from Australia, I think, but they've finally found their way to the UK! At Maxwell's, they serve different flavours of Freakshakes every other day I think, so we had our finger's crossed that they had some delicious ones for us to choose from! And they suuure did.

Today's menu~
I decided to go with the Salted Caramel Freakshake, and Clara took the Oreo Freakshake (we also got some fries but who cares lol). And my god....they we're huge! Mine fell over almost immediately, since the donut was so heavy haha. The donut was so fresh and warm and gooey and just amazing. The milkshake had some caramel crunch in it too! It was like a caramel BOMB. I ate the whole donut, but only finished half of the milkshake haha. Clara's was also amazing, ofc, you can never go wrong with Oreos. And on top of hers, was a ice oreo sandwhich thingy...just epic.

Like...can we talk about this? Insane.

Afterwards, we felt veeeery full, so we decided to go on a walk towards Battersea Park. It felt really nice to walk off the Freakshakes a bit haha. Then we sat chillin' in Battersea Park until we decided to head home.

Relaxing in the park~
