My Laptop is back!
Today I picked up my Laptop! I think they switched the fan and the (?) of's been over 1 ½ years since it was THIS clean lol.
Besides that, I've started my summer work. It's pretty chill, not much happening at all. Easy money hehe.
And Pokémon Go was just released today!!! I walked around the area but didn't find that I bought myself an ice cream as I walked back home. After Eight ice was so good. But not as good as the saffron ice cream me and Maja had last week. That was magical <3 The entire weekend together with Maja was just epic.

The After Eight ice cream I had today~

My Saffron ice cream and Maja's blueberry sorbet from last week<3
Aaaand last evening, after work, I went home to Sofia to cook some Korean food and pet her new cats! She is a foster mom for one Mama kitty and two small kittens. They we're too adorable to handle, all three of them.


Mama kitty :D

My heart!!

So yeah...that's basically what I've been up to recently. Hope to get this blog up and running as usual now when my laptop is back in action. See ya!