"Come on! Come on! Come on! HURRY!!!"

Yesterday evening I hanged out with Anton for a quality gaming sesh!! We started the night by fueling up with some Chinese food (a classic), bought some snacks and then went back to my place to start up the game of the night: Resident Evil 5. Laugh all you want, I know that game is ancient, but I still love it. 
We started at chapter 1, playing on Veteran Mode, and played all the way to the beginning of the Marshlands chapters. With infinite ammo on Anton's shotgun and my machinegun, we plowed through pretty easily...until the fucking big ogre-zombie boss fight. We died 17 times. No joke. But we never gave up an in the end we finally beat it! What a feeling!
Then Anton showed me some Pkmn Sun/Moon on his Nintento 3DS and made me jealous af. It looked so pretty and the Kanto pkmn were so adorable! So many games, so little time...


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