Yesterday I finished playing KH 2.5. What a ride it was been. I didn't complete as many missions as my Player 1 did (but that's exactly why she is my Player 1) but I am still happy with the result. I defeated Sephiroth and I cleared one data battle in The Cave of Remembrance. Could to better but I am gonna put this game away for now. Still my favourite game of all time, and alway will be.

Sora & Roxas
In other news, I started watching Kuroko no Basuke 2 last night. Freaking out over Murasakibara as expected. Damn it all.
Anyways, I'm gonna enjoy this weekend as much as possible and refuel for my last full week at work! Even though the days pass quite slow, the week itself passes rather quick. Huh.
Family renuion
These past few days with Cath and Anna has been so much fun. We went to Skansen together, IKEA, walked around Gamla Stan, had lots of great food and munched on tons of snacks while chillin' in my apartment watching Dan & Phil GAMES and just catching up like there's no tomorrow. It's so crazy to think that I met these girls 5 years ago, on the other side of the planet...and now here we are again, together! I've meet Cath 2 times during these past 5 years but Anna only once....but when we met now it was like no time had passed at all. Just love them so much.
It always sucks to have to say goodbye to friends but we always keep on saying "See you soon" instead. Feels alot better that way. I need to visit them in Italy and HK soon!!
It always sucks to have to say goodbye to friends but we always keep on saying "See you soon" instead. Feels alot better that way. I need to visit them in Italy and HK soon!!

Cutest Cath!

All three of us together again <3

Found these pretty cows at Skansen! :D

Having dinner at a traditional Swedish restaurant...

It's hard to see but underneath all of that pork and fried onion is some Black pudding! So good!

Me and sweetest Anna <3
My second family
So tomorrow two members of my "second family" (my class from Osaka 2010, we we're like a big happy family and everyone had different roles. I was the maid haha) will arrive in Stockholm. Catherine and Anna. I am so happy I could cry! I haven't seen Cath in over 2 ½ years! And since I saw Anna...I think it's been 4 years!? OMG!! Even though I'm working next week I still get to have them here until Wednesday. So if my blog seems (more) dead (than usual), then you know why!

These two gals <3 Can't wait to meet them!
Aries & Sagittarius
Not much is going on right now besides work and preparing for my beloved guests who's coming here on Friday until Wednesday next week. I'm sooo excited!
Oh but one awesome thing happened. A three hour long Skype call with Dena. And I feel like I still have 1000 more stuff to talk about with her. Can you tell that I miss her an awful lot? Because I do. I certainly do.

Super old picture but what the hell.
I've had such an amazing weeekend together with my Player 1, Maja. Haven't seen her in a few months so it felt so good to hang out with her again. We've been doing some shopping, eating alot of great food, made delicious desserts at my apartment, watching movies and today we had a really fun photo shoot! We have so much fun together and I'm glad that it won't be too long until next time we see each other! Just 1 month until I go back up north! Can't waaaait!

Pasta dinner at "Därmedpasta". Always a good idea!

This...may not look tasty. But trust me. It tasted like heaven. Japp-mousse. Amazin'.

Lunch in Täby C at Chili & Soy! Delish!

Dinner at Texas Longhorn!

And after our shoot today we met up with lovely Amanda and went out for dinner. What a wonderful evening!

Me and my Player 1. The best of the best.
Life feels very slow compared to our time in Japan....
Haven't been taking any pictures since I came back home.
Haven't been taking any pictures since I came back home.
Been writing quite alot at work though. Just some mini stories and such. Quite fun. It's very different writing only in Japanese..but I need to/want to get better at it!
Other than that I've been practicing Kanji, which is good. And much needed.
Other than that I've been practicing Kanji, which is good. And much needed.
There's a crazy thunderstorm outside right now.
The thunder just now was CRAZY loud. Unplugging all my shit just to be sure...
Aaand guess what? My computer is acting up again....*sigh*
This was just a random update. Tomorrow my Player 1 is back in town. Can't wait!
Back to everyday life
So I've almost been back for 2 weeks now. I've mostly been taking it very easy, playing some KH and watching anime (Death Parade (omg that anime) and Kuroko no Basuke(lol)). Then I started working at my summer job on Monday. I'll be working there for the next 4 weeks. I work as a receptionist for a company and since it's summer, it's very quiet there. In fact, it's almost dead quiet sometimes. But it's ok. I try to study some Kanji and write inbetween and all. Kinda nice.
Not much else to say. I went and watched Jurassic World with Anton earlier this week. It was amazing! I loved every second of it.
Japan 2015 - Last day in Tokyo
During our last day in Japan we sounded up our shopping, had a nostalgic lunch at Sukiya in Shibuya, then went to Akihabara and had some fika at Mr Donut and looked around some shops. Before coming back to our hotel to start packing our bags, we had dinner at a local ramen place near where we stayed. The guy working there was hilarious and we had a really nice last dinner in Japan.

Cheap and delicious!

Bye bye Shibuya...

Arriving in Akihabara!

The last ramen!
As you all can see, we've had an amazing time in Japan. I love that country and will definitely come back as soon as I can! It is my second home country after all...
Japan 2015 - Shinjuku
This day we went to Ginza and Shinjuku. We didn't stay that long in Ginza before jumping on the subway to Shinjuku. I wanted to find the Square Enix store and café so we looked and looked and finally found it! It was way smaller than the old one (they moved it and changed it up) but it was still amazing! Next time I'll try something from the café! The whole menu was Square Enix inspired!
Then we walked around some more, looked through some shops and then did some karaoke! Lastly, we went and had an aaaaaamazing four course Sukiyaki dinner at the top floor of Takashimaya. It was...seriously the best meat I've ever had. It was like a dream.
Then we walked around some more, looked through some shops and then did some karaoke! Lastly, we went and had an aaaaaamazing four course Sukiyaki dinner at the top floor of Takashimaya. It was...seriously the best meat I've ever had. It was like a dream.

KH figures!

Ah Cloud...

Quite epic, yes.

This meat....*drools*

And some macha ice cream for dessert!
Japan 2015 - Yokohama
One day we decided to take a full day trip to Tokyo's nearest city Yokohama. They're honestly almost morphed together by now with tons of railways that connect them and many people live in Yokohama but work in Tokyo etc. But we wanted to go there, so we did. And boy am I glad we did! Despite the weather, Yokohama was such a beautiful city. Alot of tall building, lot's of water and bridges (it is a port city after all) and atmosphere was really nice. First we went to Rinko park and then towards Landmark tower. We had lunch at a restaurant close to the tower and then took the subway to Chinatown. But before entering Chinatown we went to Hikawa Maru, an old Japanese ship with lots of history to it. Then we went to Chinatown! I was still full from lunch to I didn't buy anything but it was really nice walking around there. Then we went back to Yokohama station and did some shopping before heading back to Tokyo!

Such a beautiful city!

At Rinko park.

There we have it! Landmark tower!

Having lunch at a restaurant on the 7th floor (or something haha).

Hikawa Maru!

The coolest part! The engine room!

Break at Starbucks...

China town!

Japan 2015 - Tokyo Disney Sea
On our 3rd day in Tokyo we went to Tokyo Disney Sea! We've only been to Tokyo Disney Land before so we were psyched as hell! And oh my was amazing. Truly magical. The rides were much more fun than the ones at Disney Land and it was suuuuuch a beautiful park. I think we walked several "laps" around the entire park that day...and the best thing was that there weren't many people that. Queue time was around 55 min for each attraction which is pretty short in Japanese standards. It was just a perfect day. Definitely one of the best out of the whole 3 weeks trip!! I loved it!

Atlantica :D

On the outside...

...and the inside! My jaw dropped when we entered Atlantica. It was so beautiful!

Lunch xD

Ice cream time!


This almost looks like, the west coast or something.

The best picture!! HAHA

A frozen mango on a stick!

So beautiful!!

In the evening they had an aaaaaaaaaaaaamazing light show! I was completely blown away. If you look closely you can see Maleficent's dragon there next to the blue light. YUP! A DRAGON! A fire breathing dragon. Just awesome.
Japan 2015 - Meiji shrine, Shibuya, J-World & Sky tree
So we arrived in Tokyo on Tuesday the 23rd and directly went and checked in at our hotel. Then we took the train to the Meiji shrine and then visted Harajuku and Shibuya. The next day we went to Ikebukuro to go to J-World. A theme "park" (indoors) with attractions and stuff from Shonen Jump. There weren't many people there at all (it actually felt kinda dead...) and since we're not fully into all of the mangas and animes from Shonen Jump, we could only fully enjoy certain parts of the "park". But I enjoyed it! Don't regret going there at all! Then we went to the Sky Tree. 350 m up with an amazing 360° view. Incredible.

Walking to Meiji shrine.

The walkway was line with huuuuuge trees.


Takeshita street in Harajuku.

Bought some crêpes with the thickest custard I've ever tasted!

Back to Shibuya!

Had this nostalgic kiwi drink at Denny's in honor of Maja Salander (she loved this drink!).

Inside J-world...

I was very psyched about finding Kagura and Shinpachi!

Sofia was very happy to find Ichigo xD

YEEEES GINTOKI *fangirl scream*

Oh Katsura xD

Entering Konoha!

OMG Takeuchi Junko was here!


This avo burger was.....divine.

The Sky Tree!

This view...

Omg freshly made Calbee hot potato stick...heaven.
Japan 2015 - Days in Osaka
While in my favourite city of the world, we explored some new parts of town, did some shopping, visited the science museum, ate amazing food and took alot of Purikura. I really need to move back there in the future. We stayed in Osaka until Monday night the 22nd and then me and Sofia continued our trip to Tokyo!


Singing karaoke!

Having my favourite food at my favourite restaurant in my favourite city.

Making stupid faces while waiting for our food.

Delish korean food!

Walking to Nakanoshima, in the middle of Osaka.

At the science museum.

Having a huge lunch at Osho!

Waffles in the evening before Lawler had to catch the Shinkansen back to Hiroshima.

Found this at the waffle place! The thing is, if you manage to eat their biggest ice cream (70 cm tall!) they take your picture and post it in a special book they have by the counter. We found it and looked back to 2012 and there he was. Awesome :D Even though the spelling is very weird haha

Breakfast the last day in Osaka at a nice bakery in Umeda station.

We found a new mall/office tower and walked up to the garden deck and the view was so pretty!

It was quite breezy xD

Japan 2015 - Kobe
We took a half-day trip to Kobe and walked along the shopping streets, went to China Town and visited the harbour. Such a nice day and I tasted alot of yummy stuff from China Town!

China town!

A steamed meat bun! (just one snack out of aaaall we bought)

Because of Gintama, this café's name means alot to me.

Walking down to the port.

Sitting by the water making stupid faces.
Japan 2015 - Back to Kyoto
After Lawler went back to Hiroshima, me and Sofia got on the train to revisit our old hometown; Kyoto. We spent a total of 3 days there (and a half day trip to Uji). It was so nostalgic, walking around our old streets. We ate at our favourite restaurants, did some shopping, went to a few temples and shrines, visited our school and stopped by our old apartment. It was very nice spending some time our dear Kyoto. It truly was a really nice place to live.



We had sushi at our old favourite place.


Break at Starbucks.

Dinner at one of our favourite places at the restaurant floor of Yodobashi.

Love this station <3

The next day, at the Yasaka shrine.

Making our way up to Kiyomizudera.

Later walked to Ginkakuji.

Visited our old shopping mall!

Delish lunch!

Outside of our old apartment.

It's hard to comprehend that we walked here every single day for 1 whole year. We lived at the end, on the corner. It was an OK apartment (if you think about the standard of apartments in Japan) and we had soooooo much fun living together. It was an amazing year.

Walked down to Kamogawa river.

And went to our next door shrine, Shimogamo.

Yakiniku for dinner! Delicious.

At the Uni! Our school, KICL, had moved to the Uni's facilities so we walked around and then finally found it. Reunited with old teachers (and Puppy) and met a current Swedish student. It was very nice.
Japan 2015 - USJ in Osaka
For our second day in Osaka me, Sofia and Lawler went to Universal Studios Japan! I've been there a few times before but now they had some new attractions! Like Shingeki no Kyojin...and... HARRY POTTER! They had built up Hogsmeade and a "miniature" Hogwarts (it was still huge!) and we rode the main ride there. It was terrifying but so awesome. I loved it. After USJ, we went to Umeda Sky Garden in central Osaka. We went up to the sky deck and looked out over the city. My city. Aaah <3


Shingeki no Kyojin. Too epic.

Taking stupid pics while waiting to enter the Harry Potter world.



The castle!

The Sky Building!

Going up...

The view...

I'm in love with this city!

Going down...

Underneath the escalators! What an incredible building.
Japan 2015 - Shukkeien garden in Hiroshima
During our last day in Hiroshima me and Sofia went to Shukkeien. A beautiful garden in the central parts of Hiroshima. Then we walked to Hiroshima castle and looked around in the area before going back to Lawlers apartment and pack our stuff for the trip tooooooo....OSAAAKA!


The garden was full of hydrangeas! Or like we call them in Japanese: Ajisai!

Classical Hiroshima sweets, manju!

Oh...the English...

Such a beautiful garden!

A tiny bamboo forest.

"Check out these ajisai! "

Hiroshima castle.

Thank you for having us Hiroshima! We'll definitely see each other again!
Japan 2015 - Miyajima
For our second day we started off with brunch at Sweets Paradise and then went to an island called Miyajima, a little bit outside of Hiroshima. This day was INSANELY hot but we managed to survive. We saw the red gate in the ocean, ate oysters, hanged out with some deers and just enjoyed ourselves. In the evening we met up with Lawler after work and had Hiroshima Okonomiyaki for dinner. Amazing.

Paradise for us who love sweet stuff!

Lawler and Sofia :D


The gate during low tide!

Low tide all the way up to the temple opposite of the gate.

Oysters! A delicacy of Miyajima!

When we got back, the tide had turned.

Hiroshima style okonomiyaki! Delicious.
Japan 2015 - Hiroshima
Our first stop on our trip was Hiroshima. We stayed at our friend Lawler's place and I must say, this city impressed me alot. I really enjoyed Hiroshima. We visited the Peace Memorial Park and museum during our first day and walked around the main shopping street.

Ruins after the bomb.

This creeped me out the most in the entire museum. This watch stopped at the exact time as the bomb dropped over the city. 8:15 in the morning, August 6, 1945.

"End wars"

I'm back!
After 3 amazing weeks in Japan, I'm back in Sweden!
I have tons of stuff to do and catch up on but I'll try to write about the trip later this week!
I also have sooooo many pics to upload. I don't know how I'll organize it all...maybe one post about each city? Since I went to 7 different cities during these past 3 weeks...I don't know, I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
I have tons of stuff to do and catch up on but I'll try to write about the trip later this week!
I also have sooooo many pics to upload. I don't know how I'll organize it all...maybe one post about each city? Since I went to 7 different cities during these past 3 weeks...I don't know, I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
OK so now I gotta get on with the day (my head feels so heavy right now. Jetlag, I hate you), just wanted to write something really quick to mark that I am back in town! See ya!