The Avatar
So yesterday after I got home from Uni I started rewatching Avatar the Last Airbender. It's been 2 years since I saw it and my god is it genius. I love this show so much!
This morning I made some raspberry nicecream for breakfast. 3 frozen bananas blended with frozen raspberries and a splash of almond milk. Super simple and super yummy!
Looks and tastes just like raspberry sorbet!
Then I decided it was time to get my new laptop going. So now, with alot of help from Otto, my new laptop is up and running. Or..right now it's shut down and I'm sitting writing this on my Vaio but...still! It works :D Felt kinda strange using another computer...I mean, I've had this one for over 4 years. I could write on this with my eyes closed, easily.
Anyhow, today has been extremly chill but tomorrow I'm heading out early for the first yoga class this year! Now my cold is gone and I'm completely recovered so there's nothing stopping me from heading to the gym now :D Woop!