Nicecream and Blondie!
God I'm so tired! Woke up early and went grocery shopping before my appointment at Noir Stockholm. But before that I had a delicious breakfast bowl of raspberry nicecream with kiwi on top! And yes, you can eat the skin of a kiwi! I know it sounds weird, but your should try it! I really liked it!

Then I went to Noir to get my hair done! It was time to do some colouring again! We lifted it all and gave it a little bit cooler tone than before. No cut today but I'll go back next week for that (it still took almost 5 hours!!!!). I just love it!

Before...dry and frizzy with hideous outgrowth.

After! It's difficult to see but it is very light...I love it!
Postat av: Amanda Björnwall
Så fint!!
Jag blev så förvånad när jag först hörde att det går äta skalet! Varför har alla antagit att det måste bort? Det smakar verkligen inte dåligt :)!
Johanna Lundgren
Postat av: ina
Jag skulle precis äta en kiwi!! Fast jag tänker fortfarande inte äta skalet, hatar när jag råkar ta en bit av det xD Hårt vart mega fint!!
Johanna Lundgren