"I'm a fuckin' Libraaah"
Yoho! Happy Easter or something.
Haven't really had any Easter kind of mood going on here though. Instead, I've been hanging out with Sofia and eaten alooooot of cheese. Myes. Cheese. And watching Ru Paul's Drag Race. It's so awesome.

When we went shopping we also showed the chocolate who's boss. That's right, crumble down beneath us!!!
Other than that, I've been reading, watching Gintama and bought new headphones. And I also played light dress up today since my hair was dirty and I was too lazy to wash it before going out. So, my wig became my solution. That plus a fake septum I bought earlier. Felt kinda cool.

I have also fiiiiiinally started writing again. It's been...maybe 4 years? It's nothing big but still, damn how great it feels. People who've known me for a while know that I've been into writing since I was a child. It's comforting and kinda makes me feel powerful (I mean, I have complete control over the characters hehe). This particular thing I'm working on right now is extra special. Because, for the first time, I'm writing in half English half Japanese. All of the dialogues are in Japanese, the rest is in English. It's difficult sometimes but Goood is it fun! Just love it. Until I can write fully in Japanese, this will have to do!