Back in town
I arrived back in Stockholm last night. The days I spent up in Umeå was epic. But only one photo was taken. With my cellphone. Hahah I even brought my camera but it stayed in the bottom of the bag the entire time.
But yeah, I had an amazing time. First, on Thursday, I had lunch with Dena and Otto and then I went to hang out with Ina. The next day me and my family and cousins had a Fifa tournament (I won!), on Saturday I hanged out with Maja. We chilled, watched The Walking Dead and ate delicious food. On Sunday I hanged out with Dena, first having a long fika and just talked talked talked and then we went to her place and chilled and watched Naruto. Yes, not Shippuuden but the original Naruto. It was...very emotional haha xD
So, back in the city now. I had a seminar this morning and now I have no school until next Thursday. Bloody insane. But we have a group assignment that we have to work on so...I'm not entirely free. And I have tons of stuff to read, as I always do.
But! Guess who's visiting tomorrow? INA!!! And her boyfriend Niklas :D I hope that my group assignment won't get too much in the way for us to have an awesome week together here in Stockholm.

Postat av: ina
Det kommer bli episkt :D håller på packa och städa som en tok nu xD
Johanna Lundgren