Everyday climbing repeats again and again
This morning started off great with a phone call with Stockholm University that got my hopes up and inspired and all....so everything went on smoothly and then I got an e-mail that totally ruined that feeling....and I got sorta stuck at that state. Just as I got excited about how things may work out next year my hopes just went crashing down hours later. How nice.
I know it's way to early to tell but still, I can't let go of that anxiety of all of the "but what if not....." scenarios in my head and I end up with Plan G instead of Plan A. Plan G being Plan GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE.
I'm just royally pissed off right now. I'm bored. I'm sick of this place. This is giving me nothing and I'm at a complete standstill in my life. I have so much I want to do but I.Just.Can't.Get.Anywhere.
I know that things could be worse. I have a home, I have wonderful friends and I have an epic trip ahead of me but...give me this moment to whine over my current situation and I'll get over it...soon.