Finding my way back
During my first day back in Sweden I first had lunch with my mom, then we went together and bought birthday present for dad and after that I went to "Skatteverket" to let them know I've moved back to Sweden and filled in some papers etc. Also talked to Dena on the phone while waiting for my turn there :D Then I went to my dear friend Ina =) We just chilled, trying to make Pokémon Black & White co-operate with us and just talked. It felt amazing to see her again =) And I also had short talk with Maja on the phone!! Yes!
It was a really good first day.

Feta cheese on top of bread together with lots of other deliciousness <3
- I've been back a few days. I've been trying to unpack everything but it's difficult since it is SO MUCH to unpack and I don't have room for everything. So much clothes, books and just random things which I have no idea where to put. Gah...
And I've been struggling with my jetlag. Alot. But now I feel much better...yesterday I woke up at 4:00 in the morning which...sucked.
But yesterday was awesome!! I met up with Dena and we walked around in the city and then sat down at a café and just talked talked talked!! I've missed her sooooo much!!
And today I'm gonna meet up with my partner in crime, Sofia!! :D
Everything feels great.