After getting our results back today we played a little game in class. Well, actually two games but I only took pictures of one ^^ Anyway, the latter was like a memory type of game. You know, in the deck there's two card with the same picture on it and you're supposed to find both of them and pair them them up. This was the same but instead of being two pics with the same image on them, it was one pictures cut in half!! And the theme of the cards was..... fish.....yup. Fish and other water creatures (like clam, squid etc) and they were all painted in a beautiful traditional Japanese way. Which made it even more difficult to pair them up. We worked in teams of 2 ppl and guess what....me and my partner WON!! :D hahahaaa!

Tonight we're having our last classparty together!!! Yakiniku~
It's gonna be fun, Tsai's gonna come here and then we'll to together...this time it's at a new place, up north in Takaragaike! YAY :D
It's gonna be fun, Tsai's gonna come here and then we'll to together...this time it's at a new place, up north in Takaragaike! YAY :D