Don't tell me not to leave, right before I go
Today has been a really good day.
But before writing about why it's been a good day (I'll write about it tomorrow...), I want to take time and say that today has been sad aswell.
Today I had to say 1 of my 3 goodbyes that I really, really don't want to say.
Today I had to say goodbye to Puppy (and KICL.)
Today I had to say goodbye to Puppy (and KICL.)
I've been thinking about this all, how am I gonna cope with this? My school, KICL, has been in my life for the past 1 ½ years...even though some days were a bit tough, and the homework almost drove me insane some times, I still loved KICL. It's such and amazing school and I've learned so much there. Not just the Japanese language, but so, so much more.
And lovely Puppy. He has been there for me SINCE DAY ONE. I owe so much to him and I'm not even sure he understands how grateful I am towards him. We really got closer during my last semester at KICL and if I felt a little bit down one day, talking to him made every gray and dull day suddenly bright again. We have the same humor and since we both talk with alot of sarcasm we'd stand there "arguing" about something silly and other people would be like "whaaat...?". Like today we started "arguing" about the correct way to draw the world map, since it's different everywhere. Of course I said the Europen version is better while he claimed the Japanese one was better....and there we stood, "arguing" about the world map.
And then we just talked....about the past, my time at KICL....the future etc. It was really nice.
I know that I'll meet him again in the future (just stop by at KICL) so instead of saying goobye to each other, we parted with just saying "See you soon". It made me feelt alot better.
Ughh....I liked Puppy. I liked him alot. And I will miss him very, very much.
